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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 155
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Chapter 155

“Um...” Winnie felt hesitant while Ivor furrowed his brows and asked, “Are you


Bonnie could guess they did not exactly trust her. She had expected them to react that way since her patients

typically had the sexpression when they saw how young she was. “It was just a joke. You've made an

appointment with a doctor, right? Hurry, or you'll miss it.”

Ivor and Winnie sighed in relief. They were worried as they considered how to turn her down.

“I'll get a move on then.” Ivor waved at Bonnie smilingly.

“Okay. Go on.”

After that, he took his grandma away to see the top specialist. Half an hour later, the specialist shook his head.

“It has gone on for too long, Ms. Winnie. If you had founda couple of years ago, we might stand a chance at

treating your osteoarthritis.”

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“Is there nothing we can do, doc?” Ivor asked.

The specialist shook his head again. “I believe you've visited plenty of doctors and specialists. Your

grandmother's osteoarthritis is severe. Honestly, even if you ctoa couple of years back, all | could've

done was treat the symptoms. | wouldn't have gotten to the root of her condition.

“However, your grandmother has taken so much of both traditional and modern medicines over the years. None

of the prescriptions I give her will do her much good...” He was in the middle of his speech when something

occurred to him, “Unless...”

“What is it, doc?”

The specialist's eyes flickered. “Talk about a miracle. | had the fortune of seeing a miracle doctor at work. Now,

I'm not claiming she brought someone back to life or anything, but she did cure at

terminal illness.”

“Do miracle doctors exist? What happened exactly? Please, give us the details, Dr. Zebulon.” Winnie

was curious.

Zebulon nodded. “The patient was born a disabled person. He has been in a wheelchair for more than two

decades. Like you, his family took him to visit many doctors and specialists, but none did him any


“They were about to give up when they foundand my colleagues. At that point, they didn’t care what kind of

medical approach we took as long as we could cure him. We all examined the patient, and we were sure no one

could've cured his legs.

“That was when the miracle doctor showed up. All she did was rub and squeeze his feet. Still, she cup with

her own diagnosis. She then pulled out a gilded needle and began puncturing his feet.

“Here comes the embarrassing part of the story. For me, anyway. All of us, myself included, smirked and teased

the miracle doctor. We thought she was a swindler because we thought it wasn’t possible to treat his feet.

“About an hour later, we witnessed a miracle. The miracle doctor used a reflex hammer to knock on his knees,

and they reacted to the stimuli. Don’t you find that amazing? Perhaps it’s downright miraculous.”

“Did the patient stand up after that?” Winnie asked hurriedly.

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That got Zebulon excited. “Didn’t | just say it’s a miracle? Of course, he stood up. All it took was three months’

treatment, and he could even walk with a cane! It was nothing short of mind-blowing!

“That's not all. Rumor has it that the miracle doctor saved many a soul. | can’t verify what I’m about to say, but |

heard that the owner of SR League hired her to treat his mother.”

“SR League?” Ivor murmured.

Floyd looked at Ivor at the mention of the SR League, and both were thinking the sthing. They had

investigated Tim's history and found that he was clean. There was nothing extraordinary about him. However,

they thought his history was too clean.

They continued to investigate him for a long time, but nothing cup. That was when they suspected that the

SR League was involved in it. After all, the only one who could do something like this was them.

“Do you have a way of getting in touch with the miracle doctor?” Winnie asked, clearly intrigued.

“I'm just a nobody. How am | supposed to have a way to contact her? Don’t be discouraged, though. Remember

what | just said? She treated the mother of the SR League's owner.

“Perhaps you guys could post a quest there and ask for the miracle doctor's whereabouts. If you have a high

enough reward, you have a good chance of tracking her down.”