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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 163
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Sylvia was a popular figure of the century, who had experienced the ups and down of an entire era.

Meanwhile, Jonathan had been cultivating diligently and had stopped connecting with the world outside. His identity now was sensitive to most people, and he dared not go out.

I've got too many enemies! Every family and individual he had encountered was much more potent than the previous ones—the Young family, the Langeton family, Jeremy, and the ones from Strikezone Martial Arts.

Jonathan felt that he had been wronged and falsely accused. How can they blame me? Ah, never mind. | shall not think about this issue anymore.

The day passed by in the blink of an eye.

Soon, it was the following night.

The Harrington family had prepared everything needed for the wedding ceremony. There was a festive atmosphere at their house, as Yareth just had instructed his subordinates

to set off the fireworks worth a hundred thousand to celebrate.

The place was secluded, anyway, and no one would come and check on them.

Moreover, no one would dare to question the Harringtons for setting off fireworks.

At eight in the evening, Jonathan and Yareth were having a casual conversation when Bruce came over to drag Jonathan to try out the new clothes for the next day.

It was already ten o'clock after everything had been settled.

Jonathan decided to take a shower and go to bed.

At that moment, Amber called.

“You're getting married tomorrow. Aren't you going to invite us to your wedding?” Amber sounded calm when she spoke.

Jonathan smiled bitterly and said, “It's just a ceremony. It doesn't matter if you don't come.”

“Oh? But you're getting married. How can we not attend your wedding as your friend?” “All right. Just come if you want to.” “Okay!” Amber hung up the phone.

Jonathan did not give it much thought after hanging up. But to his surprise, he received a call from Mabel a while later.

“Your wedding tomorrow is going to be eventful,” Mabel said.

“Eventful? How so?” “Jeremy has arrived in Yaleview, and the Langetons have gone up to Esberg Mountain to look for their ancestor. It seems that they are after you. The two of them are monsters who have achieved great things. You should be proud of yourself for attracting them to come over.” “Damn it!” Jonathan could not help but curse out loud.

I'm not a match for Jeremy! Why are they looking for me?

God, are you trying to kill me? At that moment, Jonathan had an urge to flee this place.

“But you don't have to worry too much,” Mabel continued.

“How can | not? You can say that because they're not coming after you!” Jonathan said huffily.

Mabel chuckled. “I thought you were fearless when you got yourself into trouble. Why? Are you scared now?” Jonathan put on a long face and said, “I had no other choice.” “Don't worry. You'll be fine as long as Old Mr. Harrington is around. He'll protect you.” “The question is, can he protect me?” “Well, I'm not sure about that. | only know that Old Mr.

Harrington is a beast of a man.” “I can see that too. When the Langetons came looking for trouble the other day, Old Mr. Harrington had managed to silence them with just a few words... It's strange, however, because Old Mr. Harrington doesn't look like a martial artist.

He simply looks weak. And if he's got a high cultivation level, why has he been hiding it?” “You're too ignorant and inexperienced. There's no need for Old Mr. Harrington to hide his cultivation level. | reckon it has got to do with Longevous Deception, his cultivation technique. The cultivator may look weak and senile on the outside, just like the fallen leaves in autumn. But the cultivators vitality is startling once he reveals his true ability. | think Old Mr. Harrington possesses something similar to Longevous Deception.” Sylvia was a popular figura of tha cantury, who had axpariancad tha ups and down of an antira ara.

Maanwhila, Jonathan had baan cultivating diligantly and had stoppad connacting with tha world outsida. His idantity now was sansitiva to most paopla, and ha darad not go out.

I'va got too many anamias! Evary family and individual ha had ancountarad was much mora potant than tha pravious onas—tha Young family, tha Langaton family, Jaramy, and tha onas from Strikazona

Martial Arts.

Jonathan falt that ha had baan wrongad and falsaly accusad. How can thay blama ma? Ah, navar mind. | shall not think about this issua anymora.

Tha day passad by in tha blink of an aya.

Soon, it was tha following night.

Tha Harrington family had praparad avarything naadad for tha wadding caramony. Thara was a fastiva atmosphara at thair housa, as Yarath just had instructad his subordinatas to sat off tha firaworks worth a hundrad thousand to calabrata.

Tha placa was sacludad, anyway, and no ona would coma and chack on tham.

Moraovar, no ona would dara to quastion tha Harringtons for satting off firaworks.

At aight in tha avaning, Jonathan and Yarath wara having a casual convarsation whan Bruca cama ovar to drag Jonathan to try out tha naw clothas for tha naxt day.

It was alraady tan o'clock aftar avarything had baan sattlad.

Jonathan dacidad to taka a showar and go to bad.

At that momant, Ambar callad.

“You'ra gatting marriad tomorrow. Aran't you going to invita us to your wadding?” Ambar soundad calm whan sha spoka.

Jonathan smilad bittarly and said, “It's just a caramony. It doasn't mattar if you don't coma.” “Oh? But you'ra gatting marriad. How can wa not attand your wadding as your friand?” “All right. Just coma if you want to.” “Okay!” Ambar hung up tha phona.

Jonathan did not giva it much thought aftar hanging up. But to his surprisa, ha racaivad a call from Mabal a whila latar.

“Your wadding tomorrow is going to ba avantful,” Mabal said.

“Evantful? How so?” “Jaramy has arrivad in Yalaviaw, and tha Langatons hava gona up to Esbarg Mountain to look for thair ancastor. It 'saams that thay ara aftar you. Tha two of tham ara monstars who hava achiavad graat things. You should ba proud of yoursalf for attracting tham to coma ovar.” “Damn it!” Jonathan could not halp but cursa out loud.

I'm not a match for Jaramy! Why ara thay looking for ma? God, ara you trying to kill ma? At that momant, Jonathan had an urga to flaa this placa.

“But you don't hava to worry too much,” Mabal continuad.

“How can | not? You can say that bacausa thay'ra not coming aftar you!” Jonathan said huffily.

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Mabal chucklad. “I thought you wara faarlass whan you got yoursalf into troubla. Why? Ara you scarad now?” Jonathan put on a long faca and said, “I had no othar choica.” “Don't worry. You'll ba fina as long as Old Mr. Harrington is

around. Ha'll protact you.” “Tha quastion is, can ha protact ma?” “Wall, I'm not sura about that. | only know that Old Mr.

Harrington is a baast of a man.” “I can saa that too. Whan tha Langatons cama looking for troubla tha othar day, Old Mr. Harrington had managad to silanca tham with just a faw words... It's stranga, howavar, bacausa Old Mr. Harrington doasn't look lika a martial artist.

Ha simply looks waak. And if ha's got a high cultivation laval, why has ha baan hiding it?” “You'ra too ignorant and inaxpariancad. Thara's no naad for Old Mr. Harrington to hida his cultivation laval. | rackon it has got to do with Longavous Dacaption, his cultivation tachniqua. Tha cultivator may look waak and sanila on tha outsida, just lika tha fallan laavas in autumn. But tha cultivator's vitality is startling onca ha ravaals his trua ability. | think Old Mr. Harrington possassas somathing similar to Longavous Dacaption.” Realization dawned on Jonathan when he heard that.

Mabel continued, “All right! I'll hang up now. You go ahead and get ready for your wedding tomorrow.” With that, she ended the call.

A gush of anxiety washed over Jonathan as he mulled over the issue. Hmm, it's okay! | should stop thinking about it now. The worst that can happen to me is death! Plus, | have the others to back me up.

The Harringtons and Mabel are in it with me.

At that thought, he lay on his bed and fell asleep.

Life is indeed full of surprises.

He had never expected that he would get married one day.

Although it had become a reality, he did not feel that it was anything special at all.

The following day, he woke up at eight in the morning.

At half-past eight, the guests began to show up.

Most of them were the children and relatives of the Harrington family. The other special guests would arrive at around ten in the morning.

There weren't any unnecessary and overelaborate formalities, as Yareth did not care much about the tradition.

There was only a stage and red carpet on the ground in the courtyard of the Harrington residence.

Although Yareth was very feudal, they had opted for a modern wedding.

Also, it was held in the form of a buffet. Many fresh fruits, champagnes, and beverages had been set on the tables.

It was a bright and sunny day.

Everything felt alive when the sun shone on the ground.

At that moment, the housekeepers and the chefs were still busy preparing for the ceremony.

Bruce had Jonathan put on the white shirt, bowtie, a pair of white leather shoes, and everything else that was needed to make the latter look smart on his big day.

With lightweight volumizing mousse applied to his hair, he looked all the more dashing. But the most attractive thing

about him was his warm smile and manly air.

Having not seen Catherine, Jonathan thought she must be putting on makeup at that moment.

Anyway, he wasn't really worried about it. He only had to listen to the instruction and get the wedding done.

At ten in the morning, the guest arrived one after another.

Amber, Jennifer, Winnie, Jessica, and Yasmin had arrived as well. Accompanying them was Louie, who was in charge of their safety.

Besides them, Mabel, too, had arrived.

The sunlight made everything look refreshing and bright when it shone on the ground, with bright- colored clothes and blooming flowers enhancing the joyous atmosphere.

Jonathan did not come out to meet and greet the guests because he wanted to wait for Catherine to walk down the aisle together.

It was only at eleven in the morning that Jonathan knew Catherine was not at the Harrington mansion. She had

gone out to put on her makeup. Bruce arranged for Jonathan to head over so that the couple could come in together in the bridal car and proceed with the ceremony.

Jonathan listened to Bruce's suggestion and went to look for Catherine.

While he was on his way to the bridal shop, he was afraid that he would run into Jeremy and the Langetons, but he soon realized that he had been overthinking.

The makeup artists were still slathering cosmetics products onto Catherine's face in a bridal shop in the city when he arrived.

In reality, Mabel and Yareth were high on guards that day.

They had ordered their men beforehand to protect Jonathan and keep track of Jeremy and the Langetons because the former had got wind of the latter's plot.

Jonathan was amazed the moment he saw Catherine after she was done putting on her makeup. She was in a white wedding gown, looking as beautiful as an angel.

Her appearance immediately entranced Jonathan, and

everything seemed so surreal to him.

He believed he would have woken up with a smile if he had known that his future wife was this alluring. Of course, that excluded her temperament.

As Jonathan strode toward Catherine, the makeup artist couldn't help but exclaim, “Congratulations! You two really are a match made in heaven!” Jonathan turned to look at his and Catherine's reflection in the mirror. Gosh! We really are a perfect fit! Catherine, on the other hand, remained expressionless.

She was nonchalant and aloof as usual.

Later, Jonathan walked Catherine out of the bridal shop.

There were luxury cars lining up outside.

Getting into the car, they headed toward the Harrington mansion.

The sun was still shining brightly overhead.

After an hour, the convoy of cars finally arrived at the

Harrington mansion.

Jonathan and Catherine got down from the car, and Catherine held his arm when they walked down the aisle.

The wedding ceremony finally started, with the flower boy and flower girl carrying and scattering flower petals down the aisle in front of Jonathan and Catherine.

The wedding march rang out in the courtyard.

The guests, including Jennifer, Jennifer, Yasmin, Amber, and Mabel, stood on both sides of the red carpet and applauded happily.

Looking at the couple walking down the aisle, Jennifer could not help but feel a pang of heartache. Her eyes turned red, as she had thought she could spend the rest of her life with Jonathan. She had imagined them living their lives together happily. However, at this moment, she could only watch as Jonathan and Catherine held hands and walked down the aisle.

Jennifer took Winnie in her arms. Seeing this, Winnie could not help but ask, “Mom, why are you crying?”

Meanwhile, Amber and Jessica were also engrossed in their own thoughts. They had thought about marrying Jonathan as well, but fate had something else in store for them.

Watching as Catherine and Jonathan walked side by side on the red carpet, Yareth and the members of the Harrington family were all smiles.

Finally, Jonathan and Catherine arrived on the stage.

The priest in a black robe started with a prayer before asking, “Jonathan Lawson, do you take Catherine Harrington to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and honor her all the days of your life?” Jonathan was in a daze as he listened to the priest's words.

He had thought it was all for show and never expected it to be so solemn and sacred. He paused for a moment and stared straight into Catherine's eyes. “I do.” Then the priest continued, “Catherine Harrington, do you take Jonathan Lawson to be your husband? Do you

promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life?” Catherine answered indifferently, “I do.” “Whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder.

‘You may exchange wedding rings now.” The couple did as told.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.” At that precise moment, an orotund voice rang out. “Wait a minute!” Hearing that and sensing an intimidating aura, the guests moved out of the way.

It was Jeremy. He was dressed in a black suit and trousers, and standing next to him was Bianca.

The uninvited guests startled those who were present.

What's going on? As Jeremy and Bianca walked toward the stage, Jonathan looked at the former anxiously.

“You're Jonathan Lawson?” Jeremy asked coldly.

“Yes, you're right!” Jonathan could not hide his identity, and he could never deny it because he had always been a prideful man.

Jeremy nodded when he heard Jonathan. A grim look flashed across his eyes, and he said forbiddingly, “Prepare to die!” And with that, he dashed toward Jonathan.

Jeremy had achieved Celestial Soul. The moment he moved, Jonathan could feel the air around him condensing into a ripple of fluid.

His surrounding became sticky and moist.

As if he did not know how to swim, he struggled to breathe.

Jeremy isn't fast at all, but why is it that | don't know how to dodge his attack? An expert of Celestial Soul is simply terrifying! Right then, Jeremy leaped onto the stage, grabbing Jonathan's neck all of a sudden, rendering him motionless.

Jonathan could only watch when Jeremy had charged at him. He did not know how to avoid him at all.

“Stop it!” Yareth eventually exploded.

He had been observing the scene by the side, wearing a smiley expression on his face. At this moment, he wasn't moving at all, but he managed to break the magnetic field that Jeremy had created with just his words.

Jonathan felt relieved, as he could finally move his body again.

He quickly sucked in multiple deep breaths and pulled Catherine backward.

Catherine could feel that Jeremy was a threat and was fearful about it as well.

Yareth, still seated in his seat, glanced at Jeremy casually and said, “Today is my granddaughter and Jonathan's big day. If you're here to witness the ceremony, please suit yourself. Otherwise, leave if you're here to cause trouble!” Jeremy could sense Yareth's power, but he could not care less about it. He sneered, “You're Yareth Harrington, the head of the Harrington family?”

“Yes, | am.” “I heard you're powerful! | suppose you cultivate in Longevous Deception too, huh?” Yareth said with a smile, “Close enough! As a matter of fact, it's not Longevous Deception, but Requiem!” “You're three meters away from me, and there's a stage here. On the other hand, I'm only one meter away from your grandson-in-law. Do you think you can stop me from killing him?” “Of course not!” “Then can you stop me from escaping after I've killed him?” YYareth remained calm and said, “No, | can't.” Jeremy scoffed, “Haha! Then why are you behaving so arrogantly in front of me? You can't do anything to stop me from killing him and escaping. So why can't | kill him?” “I can't stop you, but you can't kill my grandson-in-law either.” “Oh?” Jeremy was startled.

“How about this? Let's make a bet. You are to leave if you fail to kill him and fall off the stage. But | will admit that you're capable if you can do away with him.” Jeremy's pupils constricted. Then, with a flicker in his eyes, he said, “That's a deal!” “Good.” Hearing this, Jonathan could not help but groan inwardly, Are you kidding me? | can't even take a hit from Jeremy! How can | kick him off the stage? A pang of despair washed over Jonathan. However, he was not going to admit defeat as he took out the revolver from his sleeve.

Below the stage, Amber and the other girls turned pale.

Undoubtedly, they had noticed that Jonathan was ata disadvantage. “Yas, you'ra right!” Jonathan could not hida his idantity, and ha could navar dany it bacausa ha had always baan a pridaful man.

Jaramy noddad whan ha haard Jonathan. A grim look

flashad across his ayas, and ha said forbiddingly, “Prapara to dial” And with that, ha dashad toward Jonathan.

Jaramy had achiavad Calastial Soul. Tha momant ha movad, Jonathan could faal tha air around him condansing into a rippla of fluid.

His surrounding bacama sticky and moist.

As if ha did not know how to swim, ha strugglad to braatha.

Jaramy isn't fast at all, but why is it that | don't know how to dodga his attack? An axpart of Calastial Soul is simply tarrifying! Right than, Jaramy laapad onto tha staga, grabbing Jonathan's nack all of a suddan, randaring him motionlass.

Jonathan could only watch whan Jaramy had chargad at him. Ha did not know how to avoid him at all.

“Stop it!” Yarath avantually axplodad.

Ha had baan obsarving tha scana by tha sida, waaring a smilay axprassion on his faca. At this momant, ha wasn't moving at all, but ha managad to braak tha magnatic fiald that Jaramy had craatad with just his words.

Jonathan falt raliavad, as ha could finally mova his body again.

Ha quickly suckad in multipla daap braaths and pullad Catharina backward.

Catharina could faal that Jaramy was a thraat and was faarful about it as wall.

Yarath, still saatad in his saat, glancad at Jaramy casually and said, “Today is my granddaughtar and Jonathan's big day. If you'ra hara to witnass tha caramony, plaasa suit yoursalf. Otharwisa, laava if you'ra hara to causa troubla!” Jaramy could sansa Yarath's powar, but ha could not cara lass about it. Ha snaarad, “You'ra Yarath Harrington, tha haad of tha Harrington family?” “Yas, | am.” “I haard you'ra powarful! | supposa you cultivata in Longavous Dacaption too, huh?” YYarath said with a smila, “Closa anough! As a mattar of fact, it's not Longavous Dacaption, but Raquiam!”

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“You'ra thraa matars away from ma, and thara's a staga hara. On tha othar hand, I'm only ona matar away from your grandson-in-law. Do you think you can stop ma from killing him?” “Of coursa not!” “Than can you stop ma from ascaping aftar I'va killad him?” YYarath ramainad calm and said, “No, | can't.” Jaramy scoffad, “Haha! Than why ara you bahaving so arrogantly in front of ma? You can't do anything to stop ma from killing him and ascaping. So why can't I kill him?” “I can't stop you, but you can't kill my grandson-in-law aithar.” “Oh?” Jaramy was startlad.

“How about this? Lat's maka a bat. You ara to laava if you fail to kill him and fall off tha staga. But | will admit that you'ra capabla if you can do away with him.”

Jaramy's pupils constrictad. Than, with a flickar in his ayas, ha said, “That's a daal!” “Good.” Haaring this, Jonathan could not halp but groan inwardly, Ara you kidding ma? | can't avan taka a hit from Jaramy! How can | kick him off tha staga? A pang of daspair washad ovar Jonathan. Howavar, ha was not going to admit dafaat as ha took out tha ravolvar from his slaava.

Balow tha staga, Ambar and tha othar girls turnad pala.

Undoubtadly, thay had noticad that Jonathan was ata disadvantaga.

They could understand the situation that he was in. If he were to be careless, he would be killed right on the spot.

Amber immediately turned to Louie and said, “Louie, you have to save Jonathan!” Louie answered in a low voice, “Don't worry, Amber.

Jonathan will be fine.”

“But...” Amber was worried sick.

However, she did not have a choice, seeing that Yareth and Louie were unfazed. She could only believe in their judgment.

Truth be told, Jonathan had no confidence at all.

Jeremy immediately noticed the revolver when it fell out of Jonathan's sleeve.

“Hal Do you think you can beat me with the revolver in your hand?” Of course, Jonathan had never thought of relying on the revolver. He knew he could never shoot an expert like Jeremy from such a close distance, but it was his last card.

Taking a deep breath, Jonathan decided to give it a try, as it was the only way out.

He was a fighter, and a fighter would walk fearlessly into an unknown despite knowing that danger awaited him ahead.

With a snort, Jeremy began charging at Jonathan.

This time, he did not summon a magnetic field around

Jonathan anymore. Instead, he wanted to end this as soon as possible.

Jeremy had achieved Celestial Soul. An attack from him would deal a great amount of damage.

At that instant, Jonathan's vision blurred and turned black.

He felt as if something was crushing him.

The sky had lost its colors, and there was no light coming from the sun.

He thought he was going to die soon. It was indeed the most ruthless attack that he had encountered in his life.

Jonathan recalled the time when he was hunted by Yasir.

The latter's skills were nothing compared to that of Jeremy's.

“I'm dying!” Jonathan's mind went blank.

Just at that critical moment, a voice echoed in Jonathan's mind. “Fire!” The sonorous voice snapped Jonathan back to reality as a sense of enlightenment engulfed him.

Without hesitation, he fired three shots in a row.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Three mercury bullets were fired from Jonathan's revolver.

The color instantly drained from Jeremy's face. He never expected that Jonathan would be so swift and agile all of a sudden. He was too close to Jonathan to dodge the bullets.

Hence, he could only deploy the Shadow Step technique.

Unfortunately, Jonathan knew this technique too well.

Jeremy had tried to dodge the bullets, but when he came back to his senses, he realized he was not on the stage anymore.

Regaining his composure, Jonathan recalled what had happened a while ago. It was a strange feeling as if he had received help from another source. He felt feverish and could see things with extra clarity.

Immediately, he turned to look at Yareth.

YYareth was still sitting there with his eyes closed. Then, he opened his eyes and said, “All right! Can you leave now?”

Jeremy's face darkened. Glancing over at Yareth, he said, “Hal So you've achieved Primordial Soul. Fine, | admit defeat! Goodbye!” “You can leave, but your disciple, Bianca, has to stay,” Yareth said abruptly.

Jeremy looked at Yareth and asked coldly, “What do you mean?” “I know you well enough. You're Jeremy Depp and you're one of the external disciples of the Divine Realm. | should have killed you because you've violated my granddaughter's wedding. However, | have to respect the Divine Realm and the Emperor of Chanaea. So, you may leave, but not your disciple.” “What if | insist on bringing her with me?” Jeremy said through gritted teeth. Then he looked at Yareth dubiously and asked, “Who are you? How do you even know the Emperor of Chanaea?” YYareth answered with a chuckle, “I've had the chance to

drink with Lance Cadman, the Emperor of Chanaea, once.

What's so surprising about it?” Jonathan was at a loss listening to their conversation. He only knew from their words that Yareth had helped him when he fired the three shots.

Man, he's good... and terrifying.

As for the Emperor of Chanaea, he could not care less about who he was. He had no desire to know him either. He reckoned that Lance and the Demon Emperor, Tristan Cadman, were of similar cultivation level and that they were both the inner disciples of the Divine Realm.

These Great Emperors are legendary figures. I'd have no regrets if | could be as great as them.

Jeremy took a deep breath before saying, “I'm sorry for offending you. However, | must take my disciple away with me. In exchange for this, she will never retaliate against Jonathan. What do you think?” All eyes were on Yareth and Jeremy. The guests were taken aback by the tense atmosphere and the scene in

front of them.

YYareth responded, “It's not that | don't want to spare her, but your disciple is stubborn in her resolve to wreak vengeance on Jonathan. I'm afraid you can't talk her out of it either.” Here, he paused before continuing, “Oh, whatever. I'll let you go since you've apologized. Leave at once!” Jeremy's expression was unreadable. “Thank you so much!” After that, he left with Bianca.

Bianca was chagrined because she had failed to achieve her objectives. Even Jeremy could not help her out too.

Before she left, she could not help but look daggers at Jonathan.

A chill shot down his spine when Jonathan saw Bianca's murderous glance. He said, “Bianca, Leonardo's death was the result of a fair fight between me and him in the fighting ring. In the ring, one has to go, so I've got no choice at that time. If you have to put this blame on someone, then put it

on those who forced him to the ring. You've been looking for the wrong person all this while.” “Don't worry, Lawson! After Killing you, | will settle the scores with the people from Strikezone Martial Arts. | will never let those who have killed Leon go easily. Just you wait! You can't keep your guard up against me all the time.

I'll make you regret killing Leon!” “Hey, girl!" Yareth called out.

Bianca turned around and looked at Yareth in an aloof manner. “Are you going to renege on your promise of sparing my life?” “I've promised to let you go, but you're hopelessly consumed with hatred. If that's the case, don't blame me for doing this to you.” “Argh!” Bianca held her head as blood and tears started flowing from her eyes.

When she lifted her head again, she looked disheveled and lost. Suddenly, she broke into a fit of giggles.