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How My Ex Became My Next

Chapter 155
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Chapter 155


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Sherry reached out to hit back but was yanked by Dillan by the arm, who threatened, “Til make you regret if you

do that!

Sherry struggled but couldn't get out of Dillan’s grip. She shouted exasperatedly, “Gilda, tell him to let go of


Gilda didn’t move and watched Sherry coldly.

Seeing this, the girls looked at each other suggestively. To be honest, they never liked Sherry since they knew

her, who desperately wanted to join them, and now, they just detested her even more.

One of them began, “Ms. Harrington, how dare you treat my idol like that? You'd better never appear in front of

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Another said, “How dare you defmy idol? You stupid girl!”

Someone echoed, “I've heard about all the stupid things you've done but | thought those were just rumors! It

seems you are indeed what they say you are.”

The girls started to accuse Sherry.

Sherry was so angry that her face turned green. She called out, “Bullshit! Did you guys forget that you took my

gifts? So you guys are going to betrayfor this bitch?”

They're just worthless trinkets. You know what? | gave them to my maid.”

“Con, we both know they're not expensive. Do you really think we'll be impressed with them?”

“Tellhow much your garbage is worth and I'll pay you. I'm not going to get involved with you for these so-

called gifts.”

Without doing anything. Gilda sat there in a good mood as she listened to the girls. It was the funniest thing in

the world that Sherry was isolated by her so-called besties.

“Goddess, why don’t we eat somewhere else? She's really disgusting, Dillan said in a cold voice as he let go of

Sherry and wiped his hand with a wet wipe as if Sherry were dirty.

Gilda agreed, “Okay. She madesick.”

As Gilda said that, she got up and was about to leave, but the girls stopped her, “Ms. Lynch, would you. mind

signing an autograph for me??

“Ms. Lynch, can | take a picture with you?”

Sherry was pissed off to see Gilda surrounded by the girls, but she couldn't do anything but watch as Gilda took

pictures with the girls and signed autographs for them.


Chapter 155

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Gilda took pictures with all the girls, and they watched Gilda leave with admiring looks on their faces. After Gilda

walked out the door, one girl exclaimed, “Did you notice it? Ms. Lynch's skin is so smooth and perfect!”

“I've noticed it too! | can’t even see her pores. I'm so envious!”

“If only | could be friends with Ms. Lynch! Would she agree to be friends with me?”

The girls talked about Gilda and completely ignored Sherry, who was still standing next to them.

Sherry snorted coldly, took out her phone, and looked at the photos she took as a trace of calculation flashed in

her eyes. After the girls left, she made a call.

Sherry snapped, “Fashion Weekly? I've got an exclusive scoop. Are you interested?”

Hearing this, the paparazzi asked excitedly, “About who? The price is up to you as long as the news is attractive


But Sherry said coldly, “I don’t want money. | just wanna destroy her.”