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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 42
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Chapter 42

“Elijah, just take a deep breath, buddy... calm down, Tarquin’s voice was soothing, almost a whisper.

But Elijah wasn’t having it. He stood by the window, glowering with a stormy expression that could scare away

any braver soul.

The pediatric specialists from the hospital had all scrambled to the scene, huddling by the door, none daring to

approach the fuming child.

Benjamin leaned in and asked the young nurse in a hushed tone, “What's going on here?”

Tears streaked down the nurse's face as she replied, “I don’t know, | was right here the whole time. When he

woke up, | just asked if he needed anything to drink, and he... he just looked atand suddenly got all worked


Elijah’s voice cut through the tension, icy and sharp, “I said | only want my mommy.”

“Elijah, listen to me, she’s just a nurse that your Uncle Benjamin and | found for you,

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“I told you, | don’t want anyone but Mommy! | don’t need another woman; | just want mommy! | need my

mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Ahhh!”

Elijah’s cries escalated into a frenzy, his voice crescendoing as he lunged towards the window.

Tarquin leaped forward with athletic grace, grabbing and holding onto Elijah with a grip. strong enough to save

him from any fall.

Benjamin and the other doctors and nurses rushed forward, quickly administering a sedative to calm the

agitated child.

Within half a minute, Elijah’s cries had subsided into silence.

As the pediatrician bandaged Elijah’s wounds, Benjamin stood by, addressing Tarquin, *Elijah’s condition’s

getting worse by the day. You should call Ms. Thorne to have a look at him. You see how he is, and then there's


Tarquin, still catching his breath from the scare, swallowed hard several times before he could steady himself. He

glanced at Elijah, then pulled out his phone and dialed, “Bring Elysia to Elijah’s room.”

Elysia was in the middle of her own chaos when suddenly Tarquin had her confined, perplexed, and anxious.

As the door burst open, Lowell, in a flurry of urgency, announced he was taking her to see Elijah.

“Elijah? Who's that?” Elysia inquired.


Our young master. His condition’s not much different from Corbin’s. He's got ssort of bipolar disorder, too:

Elysia’s brow furrowed. His child?

You better cquick. Elijah nearly jumped from a window today.”

Her heart skipped a beat at those words, and she hurried after Lowell.

Tarquin remained vigilant by the bedside as Elysia glanced at him before her gaze fell on Elijah.

But the moment she saw Elijah, her heart began to race uncontrollably.

Elijah was wrapped in bandages, his eyes tightly shut. She couldn't make out his face, but there was an uncanny

familiarity that gripped her.

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Seeing his battered form, a sharp pang of empathy clutched at her heart.

Approaching the bedside, Elysia began to take his pulse, but as her hand touched Elijah’s small one, a wave of

sorrow surged through her, bringing tears to her eyes. She touched the corners of her eyes in surprise, puzzled

by her own reaction. She hadn't felt this way when treating Corbin.

“Beep, beep, beep!”

The monitor on the nightstand suddenly blared an alarm; Elijah’s heartbeat was accelerating wildly.

Elysia’s pulse matched the rhythm, thumping loudly in her chest.

Quickly wiping her tears, she fought to control her emotions and focused on diagnosing Elijah.

After a while, she said, “His condition is critical. He's entered a sleep state, yet his heart is racing; it’s like he’s

fighting to wake up.”

Benjamin spoke up, “We had to use a sedative earlier because things got too intense. It hasn't been long, so the

full effect probably hasn't kicked in yet.”

Elysia frowned and reached for her acupuncture needles.

Tarquin’s hand snapped out, gripping her wrist with a wary gaze, “What are you doing?”