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His Versatile Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 82
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Chapter 82

Anelle’s brows clumped together in a frown. ‘What nonsense are you spewing now?”

Beside her. Rayson shot a sharp gaze at Yvette as well. He warned, “Do mind your language, Miss.”

Rayson assumed that Yvette would shrink away like some frightened rodent and apologize to Arielle,

but that wasn’t the case. Yvette raised a leering brow at him while rebuking, “Mr. Beet, is your boss

aware of your gallivant ways out here?

I suggest you be careful while playing with fire because Mr. Nightshire is not a lenient man. He won’t

tolerate a sloppy assistant.”

Then she yanked Sharon’s wrist and sashayed off without waiting for Rayson or Arielle’s response.

Sharon walked with shaky knees as she asked,

Yvette… Is it wise to speak so rudely to Mr.


Yvette huffed, “Why does it matter? That pathetic assistant will be relieved from his position and left to

roam the streets soon. Once he becomes useless I doubt Arielle will stick to him as she’s doing now!”

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She scowled inwardly. Arielle is just like her scheming father, Henrick-power-hungry monsters. Flanng

with imitation, Yvette dialed her butler’s number. “Edmund, find out Mr. Nightshire’s current location at


Edmund paused nervously on the other end of the call. He eventually stuttered, “A-are you referring to

Mr. Nightshire of Nightshire Group, Ms. Yvette?”

Who else, captain obvious?” “Um… I’m afraid it’s impossible to track the current whereabouts of a big

shot like Mr. Nightshire.”

Within seconds, Yvette’s expression darkened as cried, “I don’t care! You’ll do as I say and track him

now. Otherwise, you can kiss your job goodbye!” Edmund hung up shortly after. His blinking gray eyes

stared gravely into the space. How on earth will track him…

Coincidentally, one of the Actonwards’ housekeepers had just returned from delivering gifts to Jordan.

They mentioned that Jordan was visiting Vinson at the Jupiters’ residence

That housekeeper was quite the babble mouth.

He rambled on, “I don’t get why these men gather so frequently. What a waste of leisure time! I

personally think that Mr. Baker should be using this opportunity to spend more time with Ms. Yvette.”

Nevertheless, Edmund’s eyes lit up gratefully for this newfound information. He instantly dialed Yvette’s


“Ms. Yvette, I found it. Mr. Nightshire is currently at the Jupiters’.”

The Jupiters?* Yvette casually checked on her nails. Her lips curled with delight as a plan hatched in

her mind. “That’s even better. Rayson and Anielle were frolicking about in the Jupiters’ territory. What a

perfect opportunity to rat them out to Mr. Nightshire.”

Once their call ended, Yvette turned to look at

Sharon Tm going to visit Mr. Nightshire. You should head home if you’re too much of a chicken. Also,

inform the others that I’m off to see Mr. Nightshire Tell them that I won’t be joining them for tea.”

Sharon had initially crossed her arms tightly in panic. However, this changed at the mention of Vinson’s

name; an eager gleam flitted across Sharon’s eyes

Yevette’s family, the Actonwards, were close with the Bakers because of the marriage contract between

her and Jordan. Hence, this gave Yvette frequent access to meeting men from Jadeborough. Sharon

had always envied Yvette for this, because her chances of encountering those handsome men from

Jadeborough were zero.

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The more Sharon thought about this, the more a steadfast determination surged through her veins. She

stated, “How could I let you face that

alone? I’m coming with you!”

Yvettes eyes roamed over Sharon, studying her in approval. “I’m impressed. You’ve always seemed

like an opportunistic minion, but I guess youre pretty loyal to me, huh? Alright then, let’s go together

and make sure those two get kicked out of Jadeborough for good!”

*Absobloodylutely! Sharon nodded with passion.

Perfect! I’m finally meeting Mr. NightshirelMy looks are comparable to Yvette’s, so maybe Mr.

Nightshire might fall in love with me at first sight. I don’t care if I’m not worthy of marrying into the

Nightshire family. Just spending a passionate night with Vinson Nightshire is more than enough for me

i’ll be living out every girl’s dream!

The two had different plans, but both merrily went their way to the Jupiters’ residence.

Meanwhile, Anielle hadnt paid any mind to Yvette’s ultimaturn.

Ariele had dismissed Rayson, instructing him not to follow her around, to which he complied. Then she

spent the rest of her day shopping with Fanny While they browsed through some clothing racks, Arielle

explained her current situation and expressed her wish to keep her identity a