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His Versatile Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1783
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Chapter 1783 Confidence

Rayson looked grim. The share prices keep tumbling, and many minority shareholders are selling off their shares because they

can’t hold out any longer. Initially, they agreed that if they were going to sell their shares, they'd sell them to my minority


But now, they're selling them to Oswald at a high price. Their prices are way higher than | expected, and even if | wanted to buy

their shares, | wouldn't be able to buy much. Nonetheless, I'm determined to get my hands on as many of those shares as possible.

He relayed all the information to Susanne, who narrowed her eyes after learning that Oswald had purchased many shares at a high

price. | have a rough figure in my mind of the assets he has on hand, so where is he getting the money to buy these stocks at such

steep prices?

While Susanne was puzzling over the matter, elsewhere, Oswald was dialing a number excitedly. “Mr. Rhaylie, I've bought the

shares as you instructed. There's only a little more to go before my shares equal Vinson’s.”

Excitement bubbled within him as he spoke. Mr. Rhaylie said before that if he’s satisfied with how | handle this matter, the position

of Nightshire Group's chairman will be mine. For the sake of getting that position, | have to go all out to do as he instructed.

“Not bad. Continue to acquire more shares. Once you hold slightly more shares than Vinson, | can make Nightshire Group change

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its owner.” There was a hint of an ominous tone in the man’s voice.

Oswald was so excited that his heartbeat raced, and he nodded and agreed at once. | have to figure out a way to purchase

Dayver’s shares. If | acquire what he owns, I'll have fifteen percent more than Vinson. Then, even if Susanne gives Vinson all the

shares she holds, he'll still have five percent less than me. Five percent may appear insignificant, but it's worth quite a lot.

After hanging up, Oswald told his chauffeur to get the car ready. I'm going to pay Dayver a visit and see if | can persuade him to

sellhis shares.

“Are you truly confident that you'll be able to cureso that | can conceive again?” After hearing what Arielle told her, Abigail did

not believe it right off the bat. After all, due to the damage to my body after giving birth to Lena, many doctors said the chances I'd

get pregnant again were very slim. In order to try and conceive again, I've gone to many countries and consulted with many

doctors over the years. Alas, | always went with high hopes but returned bitterly disappointed.

Hence, she dared not believe what Arielle said.

Noticing the distrust in Abigail's eyes, Arielle narrowed her eyes, then answered confidently, “I wouldn't have said so if | wasn't. If |

can’t cure you, you'll never meet another person who can.”

Abigail had been skeptical of Arielle at first. But after hearing the latter's response, she gazed at her intently for stime.

“What is it that you want?” Abigail asked, fixing her gaze on Arielle. | may be naive, but | know she must have an ulterior motive.

It's just that | don’t know whether I'll be able to give her what she wants.

Arielle’s lips curved into a smile. She liked negotiating with smart people. Walking forward until she stood next to Abigail, she

whispered in the latter's ear, “l want...”

However, when Abigail heard her request, she looked troubled.







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