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His Versatile Gorgeous Wife

Chapter 1775
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Chapter 1775 In The Jaws Of Danger

When the guards cin and saw Anna’s attire, they abruptly didn’t quite know where to look anymore. Sof them even

started burning up with a single glance.

I've long since known that Ms. Anna is a beauty, yet | never thought that not only is she stunning, but she also has a great figure. If

| even get to bed her once...

At that line of thought, the guard hastily clamped his legs together, afraid that someone would notice his awkward condition.

“Why are you all standing around? Hurry up and do as | instructed!”

Hearing her orders, the guards snapped back to their senses at once. They marched over to the bathroom and broke the door.

Vinson pinned a sharp gaze on the guards who appeared without warning.

As the guards studied the man who had just taken a cold shower and cast their minds back to Anna’s attire, it suddenly dawned

upon them that Anna wanted to seduce Vinson but failed.

Anna, on the other hand, saw red at the sight of Vinson all aloof. She pointed a finger at him. “Take him away and have him do all

the dirty and tiring chores henceforth!”

After saying that, she stared at him fixedly. Her eyes inexorably turned red-rimmed when he continued turning a blind eye to her

and ignoring her completely. Biting her lip, she added resentfully, “B-Begnow. As long as you do so, | won't have you lift a

single finger!”

Vinson didn’t reply to that. Instead, he turned to the guards and urged, “Aren’t you to taketo the slave camp? Make it quick!”

He didn’t want to stay there at all, for it was practically impossible to keep his guard up at all times. He was really fearful that she

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would drug him at every turn, and he wasn’t immortal to remain alive without eating and drinking.

His words had Anna going off the deep end. I've already taken a step back, yet he’s still unwilling to yield! She roared at the

guards, “Take him away! Send him to the slave camp immediately! Have him do all the dirty and tiring chores! | want him to do the

filthiest and most exhausting chores!”

The guards looked at Vinson as though he was an idiot.

It'd be great to be with Ms. Anna, having abundant food and living in a mansion. On top of that, he'd even have such a beauty like

her to keep him company. How wonderful! Verily, he’s a fool!

As they criticized him inwardly, they took him out of the mansion. Anna stood at the door, trembling in fury as she watched them

escort Vinson away.

Am | really that unappealing to him that he’d rather go and stay at the slave camp instead of beggingand submitting to me?

Snorting, she spun on her heel and went back to her room. | shall see how long he can persevere!

Meanwhile, Arielle couldn’t hold out when she went to bed at night due to her physical condition. She slumbered deeply despite

her increased vigilance since she had just awakened from a coma that day.

Several days passed without Sophia making a move against her. Clyde cover to keep her company daily, listening to her

narration of “Peter and Wendy.” Even the meals delivered by the housekeeper were ones that facilitated her recovery.

Consequently, her condition improved. In the past two days, she got out of bed and went on strolls in the courtyard every day to

stretch her muscles.

In fact, Arielle felt that she would be back to normal in another two days. At that time, she would be able to talk with Sophia.

In the past few days, she learned from Clyde that one must have a visa issued by the general if one wanted to leave the island.

She felt that she could negotiate with Sophia to send her out of the island. In return, she would do her best to fulfill whatever the

latter demanded.

Alas, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. She was already in the jaws of danger before she could execute her plan.











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