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His Nanny Mate By Eve Above Story

Chapter 193
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I wanted to beg Edrick not to fight and to just let the police take Ethan away, but it seemed as though

Edrick had his sights set on a fist fight with Ethan. As I watched them roll up their sleeves and prepare

to fight, I just hoped that Edrick was a good fighter and that Ethan wouldn’t pull any dirty tricks.

One of the cops took Ella, who was thankfully still asleep. He took her to one of the police cars and

asked if I wanted to come to safety, but I couldn’t rip my eyes away from Edrick.

I felt so stupid for not trusting Edrick. Of course the conversations with Olivia were all fake, completely

fabricated to make me lose trust in him. They wanted to separate me from the one person who would

do whatever it would take to keep me safe.

Ethan and Edrick stood on opposite sides of the open room and got into fighting stances. I watched

with bated breath as Edrick put his fists up, prepared to fight. Everything felt still and silent, like the

calm in the air right before a huge thunderstorm. The air felt static, like there was electricity floating

through it.

And then Edrick charged at Ethan. The two brothers flew into a flurry of punches and kicks. Ethan got

one punch in on Edrick’s cheek, causing him to hesitate for a moment as he shook the pain out of his

head, but Edrick managed to dodge the next punch. Edrick then swiped his leg under Ethan’s feet.

Ethan tumbled to the ground, but he was incredibly agile thanks to his werewolf blood and bounced

right back up a moment later with his fists still raised. He made a hook at Edrick’s head, which Edrick

ducked to dodge again. Edrick’s fist jabbed into Ethan’s stomach, causing Ethan to stagger backwards

against the wall to catch his breath.

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While Ethan was up against the wall, Edrick flew at him and punched at him furiously. They moved so

fast that they were almost a blur because of their werewolf abilities; Edrick’s fists flew over and over

again, and Ethan repeatedly dodged until he managed to uppercut Edrick in the jaw and send Edrick

flying backwards.

I gasped loudly as Edrick skidded across the floor. His shirt tore from scraping against the cement.

“Edrick!” I called, but he wasn’t listening. With a growl, Edrick climbed back to his feet. I could see bits

of blood beginning to bead up on his skin where his shirt had torn, but the cuts didn’t seem to bother

him in the slightest. Ethan charged at him again and feinted to the right, but Edrick was on his toes and

caught Ethan. He picked Ethan up by the neck with one hand, then slammed Ethan into the ground. He

was going to kill Ethan.

I didn’t want anyone to die, but Edrick was too furious to be stopped despite the fact that both I and the

police were begging him not to take it too far. Edrick wasn’t listening, though, and instead punched

Ethan in the face repeatedly until Ethan’s face was covered in blood. Edrick paused then, his chest

heaving as he straddled Ethan and stared down at him. Edrick’s eyes were wide and glowing brighter

than I had ever seen them before.

Ethan spit out a bloody tooth on the ground and laughed.

“You never played nice, Edrick,” he growled, his voice muddled by the blood. “Every time we

roughhoused as kids, you always left me bleeding… But this time, you’ll be the one who bleeds.”

Suddenly, Ethan grabbed Edrick with an unexpected amount of force for someone whose face had

practically just been beaten to a pulp. He grabbed him around the neck and yanked him closer,

growling as he did, and then head butted Edrick hard. Edrick reeled at this, and I cried out with fear. I

tried to rush out to him, but one of the cops stopped me and held me back, shaking his head.

“It’s best you stay out of it, miss,” he said quietly. “Once two Alphas start fighting, no one can break

them up.”

I could only watch in abject horror as Ethan then threw Edrick’s body to the ground, causing Edrick to

slide across the floor once more. Groaning, Ethan slowly climbed to his feet and limped over to Edrick.

He put his foot on Edrick’s head, turning it this way and that as though inspecting it, before grabbing a

fistful of Edrick’s shirt and pulling him up a bit. He punched Edrick square in the face. Edrick’s head

snapped back and his eyes rolled into the back of his head for a moment.

“Let me go,” I begged, wrenching myself free from the cop. “He’s going to die!”

Ethan, hearing my struggle, turned to face me. He shot me a bloody, menacing grin and then stepped

out of the way, gesturing to Edrick.

“Go ahead,” he said. “Say your goodbyes. He’ll die soon.”

The cops flew into action then, scrambling to pick up their guns while Ethan just laughed and stood

there. I shoved my way through them and ran over to Edrick’s side; his forehead was cracked open

from Ethan head butting him and he was losing a lot of blood. When I ran up to him and fell to my

knees, cupping his face in my hands, his glazed over eyes flickered open.

“Edrick,” I whispered, blinking back the tears that were in my eyes, “it’s okay. I’m here.”

Edrick slowly shook his head. “I’m not gonna make it,” he replied. “I’m losing too much blood. I can’t

heal like this.”

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Behind me, I could hear Ethan fighting the police. Somehow, he was managing to take all of them

down. He was too fast and agile, and his strength was unparalleled. There was chaos behind me, but I

only cared about Edrick.

“I can heal him,” Mina said suddenly. “If you mark him, then I’ll be able to heal his wounds, no matter

how bad they are.”

My eyes widened. Mina was a genius; it was bound to work. I didn’t know much about werewolves, but

I knew that mates had superior abilities when they were together. If I could just mark Edrick, then he

would heal faster. He’d be stronger, too.

“Let me mark you,” I whispered. “I can do it.”

Edrick shook his head again, but more adamantly this time. “You can’t,” he said. “I won’t let you.”

“Why?” I asked. “It’ll save your life—”

“You’re the Golden Wolf,” Edrick replied. “If you mark me, your wolf will emerge, and you might shift. It’ll

be dangerous for both you and the baby. Besides, I…” He paused for a moment, coughing. A bit of

blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth.

“Besides what?” I whimpered, cupping his face. “What is it?”

“Besides,” Edrick continued, his voice barely a croak as the puddle of blood on the floor grew in size,

“I’ve been… Putting a serum in your coffee to keep your wolf from emerging. I didn’t want you to be in


I felt a new wave of tears burst forth where the others had dried. I shook my head, clamping Edrick’s

hand tightly in mine. “No,” I whispered, ignoring the chaos of gunfire and snarling behind me as Ethan

fought the police. I glanced over my shoulder to discover that several Rogues had joined the fight, no

doubt hired by Ethan. If I didn’t save Edrick, then the Rogues were going to kill all of us anyway.

“I won’t let you die,” I said firmly.