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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 503
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Chapter 503

In the blink of an eye, the day of the press conference arrived.

At five o’clock sharp, media from all corners gathered in the grandest ballroom of the hotel, setting up cameras, adjusting angles, and whipping out laptops in anticipation of Bertha’s appearance.

“Man, I thought Jeff or Matthew would be the face of this mess, not Bertha. This lady’s got some real nerve–her husband’s behind bars, and she’s still got the energy to host a press conference? Can she even sleep at night?”

“Those Chambers men are sharp cookies. They’re using Bertha as a human shield, making her the target!”

“Tsk, tsk, there’s no love lost in that family, poor Bertha.”

“Poor? Gardner’s backdoor dealings raked in millions, enough to keep him in an orange jumpsuit for life. You really think she didn’t get a cut of that dirty money? As if! It’s every man for himself now that trouble’s hit!”

Soon, seven o’clock struck.

Bertha walked up to the stage with the look of a widow at a funeral, her face bare of any makeup. Dressed in a solemn black suit, she stood before the thorny forest of microphones.

The blinding fiashes swallowed her weary features as she bowed deeply to the multitude of lenses, her eyes rimmed red with tears.

The reporters launched their sharp questions.

“Bertha! The nation is shocked by Edgar’s sudden arrest, especially since he was a favorite for Elmsworth’s mayoral race. Did you know about his actions?”

“I didn’t know.”

Tears brimmed in Bertha’s eyes as she portrayed the image of an innocent wife, “I’m just a housewife, devoted to my husband and children. I never pried into his work affairs. As for who he met with privately, the bribes he accepted, I knew nothing about it! Besides, I come from the Chambers family, one of the big four families. I have no need for such petty cash at the cost of my conscience and reputation!”

“Do you truly claim ignorance to Mr. Gardner’s deeds?”

A male reporter suddenly emerged, his voice loud and clear, drawing all eyes to him, “Everyone knows how Mr. Gardner rose from an unremarkable prosecutor to a prime mayoral candidate with an extraordinary career trajectory. Surely, the Chambers family hasn’t held back in supporting him! Moreover, I’ve interviewed several employees who worked closely with both you and your husband, and they all say you are the real strategist behind Mr. Gardner, the mastermind planning every move. To elevate Mr. Gardner, you pulled strings, leveraging the Chambers family’s infiuence to exert pressure in all directions. Are you truly blameless?”

Bertha glared at the reporter, her eyes fiooding with tears, as she shook her head in denial, “That’s not true. I don’t know which outlet you represent; but you’re attacking me and my family with baseless rumors. As I said, I was unaware of my husband’s actions! However, as his wife, I admit I have failed in my duties to supervise. That’s why I’ve called this press conference–to apologize to the nation for my husband’s mistakes.”

Before she could finish, the reporter played a recording.

It was a confession from one of Edgar’s employees, matching the reporter’s claims!

Spectators looked askance at Bertha, waiting for her explanation.

“He’s lying! That’s a back–stabber taking advantage of the situation!”

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Bertha’s legs shook uncontrollably behind the table, her face draining of color. Under immense pressure, she was on the verge of collapse, “He’s trying to smear my name!

When my husband fell, he was bought off by the opposition. That’s why he’s spouting this nonsense! Who is this person? If he dares to speak, he should dare to admit it! Tell me who said this? I’ll sue-”

Before she could finish, a piercing shriek cut across the room!

And then, a clear recording played for all to hear-

–“Clairvoyant, the girls you’ve been sending my way lately are exquisite, and our clients are more than pleased. Plus, their fortunes seem to match well with the clients‘, boosting their luck. You know how these powerful men are. They put a lot of stock in superstition. Otherwise, how could your business


–“My thriving business owes much to your patronage, Mrs. Gardner! You’ve introduced plenty of generous clients to me.”

–“Mutual benefits right? Remember to send any suitable girls my way. The price is always negotiable.”

The audio blasted through the speakers, each word striking the audience’s core beliefs like a hammer!

The crowd erupted, their gazes at Bertha filled with anger, piercing her like a thousand needles:

Who would have thought that the seemingly noble and elegant society lady was involved in such shady dealings?

The Chambers family had nurtured a nest of festering maggots!

“No. That’s not me!”

Bertha’s face blazed red hot, as if all her blood had rushed there, almost screaming hysterically, “The recording is fake! It’s all fake! I don’t know any Clairvoyant. The voice in the recording isn’t mine! Someone is framing me!”

“Framing you? Then, Bertha, how do you explain this?” The reporter held up his phone high..

At that moment, every journalist’s phone started ringing and vibrating!

fi. i.

They all looked down at their screens in unison, and the news alert was a video of Bertha meeting with the so–called Clairvoyant, handing over money.

Though clearly a secret recording, her misdeeds were now laid bare for all to see!

“Miss Chambers!”

A security guard rushed to the stage, grabbing the stiff Bertha and pulling her offstage, “I’ve been sent by Mr. Chambers himself, the situation’s dire, we need to go now!”

But before he could finish, the ballroom doors burst open!

Aaron, fianked by a few plainclothes officers, stormed in with the force of a thunderbolt, his expression stern and commanding, silencing the crowd.


Aaron, with the piercing stare of a hawk, fiashed his badge in full view of all, “Bertha, you are hereby arrested on charges of bribery, coercing women into prostitution, and illegal detention! You have the right to remain silent, but anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. Take her away!”

Two officers stepped forward, clamping the icy handcuffs on the shaking Bertha. Flanking her on each side, they escorted the petrified woman toward the exit.

The media circus had gone live, streaming to an audience that had just hit the ten– million mark! The frenzy was palpable!

[Oh, my God! Is high society really this cutthroat? A heiress caught running an escort service to pad the family fortune? This is straight–up surreal!]

[Are the Chambers posing as high rollers? Puffing themselves up to rub elbows with the Ashbournes. Talk about putting on airs!]

[LOL! Karma’s a beast! Check out Bertha, fiopping around like a seal, just like her hubby did when he got collared! Match made in infamy!], [Despicable! How could

someone stoop so low? Here’s hoping the authorities keep digging into the Chamber Group Bet there’s a whole can of worms yet to spill!]

[Hey, did anyone notice that young cop who led the charge? Wow… he’s a real looker! Like something out of a fashion magazine, am I right?]

Aaron didn’t bother with a hood or to hide Bertha’s cuffed wrists from the public gaze as he put her in the patrol car letting everyone bear witness:

Wealth offers no immunity.

When the elite break the law, they face the music just like anyb*dy else!

While Bertha faced her reckoning, the drama was far from over.

The reporter who’d been hounding Bertha on the scene ducked into a secluded corner, stripping off glasses, a wig, and a fake beard.

As his disguise fell away, Gordon’s earnest face was revealed.

Dumping his props in a trash can, he eagerly dialed Thaddeus, barely containing his excitement..

“Mr. Abernathy! Did you and Mrs. Abernathy catch the live coverage of the press conference? How’d I do?”

“Mrs. Abernathy says your acting was top–notch. Tonight, you’ve earned yourself an extra drumstick.”


Gordon’s cheeks reddened at the sound of a k*ss through the phone. “Th–thanks for the drumstick, Mrs. Abernathy! So, Mr. Abernathy, what’s my reward?”

“A reward? Isn’t this part of the job for a secretary?” Thaddeus’s voice was lazy and sated, like a lion lounging after a feast.

Gordon was fiustered, his face burning. “But Mrs. Abernathy rewarded me. You wouldn’t want her to think you’re stingy, would you?”

“Who are you threatening?”

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“No, no! I wouldn’t dare!” Gordon straightened up, sweating bullets.

“You’ve been working hard. I’ll add ten days to your annual leave. Take a break, go somewhere fun.”

“Uh. Mr. Abernathy, I’m a bachelor to the bone. Even if you gave me maternity leave, I’d have nothing to do!”

Gordon joked, “How about this, maybe just bump up my bonus a little? I’ll skip my holidays. I’ll be at your beck and call all year round, loyal as a dog to you and Mrs. Abernathy!”

“Making a million a year, and you’re still not satisfied? Look around the Abernathy Group–aside from shareholders, who makes more than you?”

Thaddeus scoffed, “What breed’s your dog, with skin so thick?”

“Mr. Abernathy, I may not have a wife now, but I gotta save up for a wedding. I run around for you day and night, I’m doing FBI–level work here! No time for love, my youth’s all given to the Abernathy Group. Have a heart for this lonely bachelor, will you?”

Gordon knew Thaddeus and Mrs. Abernathy had rekindled their romance, their happiness emitting a paternal glow. Perfect time to talk salary bump!

Before Thaddeus could answer, Evadne’s sweet voice came through, close enough to capture every breath, “Mr. Abernathy, don’t be so tight–fisted. Gordon hardly asks for

anything. Just say yes!”

Gordon thought, ‘Oh, my. Was Mrs. Abernathy cooing at Mr. Abernathy? That soft sound could melt bones. Who could resist that?”

Sure enough, Thaddeus’s breathing grew heavier, his voice huskier. “Alright, alright, whatever my honey wants.”

Then the call dropped.

Staring at the dark screen, Gordon scratched his head in confusion. “So, are you raising my bonus or what?”

Back in the police car with Bertha, Aaron sat shotgun as they sped toward the station.

By now, Bertha had dropped all pretenses and was unleashing her fury, shrieking like a banshee.

“How dare you arrest me? Do you know who I am? I’m the Chambers heiress! My father is Jeff Chambers! Do you have any idea how much we contribute to Elmsworth each year? You ants think you can lay hands on me? I’ll have you stripped of your badges!”

Aaron snorted, tilting his head to fiick away her nonsense as if it were nothing more than earwax.

The officer holding Bertha warned with a steely grip, “Keep it down, or I’ll slap you with assaulting an officer on top of everything else!”

“Hah! Think I’m scared of you?”

Unable to fiail her arms, Bertha kicked wildly at the back of Aaron’s seat with the fury of a cornered beast. “Which precinct are you from? State your name! If you dare arrest me, our Chambers family will make sure you regret it!”

“Can’t wait,” Aaron replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. “Tell your dad and brother to hurry up. I’m looking forward to it.”

Aaron turned around leisurely, his well–shaped l*ps curving into a sly smirk. “My name’s Aaron Ashbourne.”

In the next instant, Bertha’s eyes went wide with shock, a shiver running down her spine as if she had just walked into an unexpected cold snap.