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Her Twin Pregnancy Turned The CEO Into A Wife Aholic

Chapter 36
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Chapter 36 Never Treated Her Well Emily was digesting this disgusting news. No wonder William wanted her to come no matter what. It

turned out that it was to sell her to the Smith family! Anyway, tonight, she had been made a fool of

enough already. She no longer cared. There wasn’t anything that would make it worse.

Stroking her hair, Emily laughed. “How ridiculous! Six years ago, you chased me out of the Armstrong

family. Now, you tell me that you have arranged a marriage for me? May I ask, who is Mr. Armstrong to

me and what right does he have to make such a decision on my behalf?” Without waiting for him to

respond, she turned her head and raised her eyebrows at Mr. Smith.

“And this Mr. Smith, don’t you know that I am no longer a member of the Armstrong family? Don’t you

know that six years ago, I was already kicked out in dishonor? You really must be crazy to want to have

me marry your son!”

Her eyes became steely. She wasn’t going to let anybody else mess with her today.

Mr. Smith swallowed. He was oppressed by her aura and retreated.

He did not speak, not knowing how to answer her question.

As the president of the Smith Group, who had been in business for a lifetime, he was actually

intimidated by a little girl today?

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William was so angry that he only reacted after a long time. She was insulting him in public? Emily

really had no manners! Enraged, he pointed at her nose and cursed, “You still have the face to say

that? It was your good fortune that the Smith family was willing to take you despite what you did back

then! What status do you have? Even if you were driven out by me, the blood that flows through your

veins is still my blood!” William glared at Emily, his chest heaving up and down. Seeing this, Emma

stroked his back and comforted him, “William, the child is not in her right mind. Don’t argue with her.”

Glancing at Emily, she took the opportunity to say, “Yes, Emily. Your father is so worried about your

marriage prospects!”

Her tone was earnest, and she sighed.

Again, they were acting like Emily was the one being unreasonable.

When the others heard this, they started discussing. A girl asked curiously, “I don’t think the elder miss

of the Armstrong family knew about her supposed engagement, why is that?” The woman with the loud

voice said again, “Yes, it seems that she didn’t agree to anything!” A middle-aged man tutted and rolled

his eyes. “She just doesn’t know what’s good for her. If she married Young Master Smith, she would be

the one reaping the benefits!” The girl looked at Mr. Smith suspiciously. She could not understand. “The

Smith family is so rich. Why would Mr. Smith let his son marry such a person?” The middle-aged man

responded, “Although I don’t know who the Smith family is, Mr. Smith’s son is a young master of a rich

family. It is her good fortune that he would want such a woman!”

The rest of the people agreed. In their eyes, it was a blessing for Emily to have someone to marry at

all. If she did not agree to marry into the Smith family it was surely because she was greedy and

wanted somebody even richer. Charles’ mother, Beth Osmond, cleared her throat. This time, she also

said, “Emily, the Armstrong family and the Johnson family have always been good friends. Back then,

you betrayed Charles, but we’ll let bygones be bygones. Now that things have come to this, you really

should not disobey your father. The Smith family is not bad. You have also reached marriable age. The

Smith family does not dislike you. You should be grateful.”

In the eyes of the Johnson family, Emily was worthless. However, for the sake of the Armstrong family,

Beth had to come out and say something. Emily had enough of these people and their hypocritical

faces. She smiled widely, bright and beautiful like a blooming flower under the sun. “You think that I’m

going to marry just any random trash that comes along? Who do you people think you are, making

decisions about my life!” Emily released all her pent up anger, and she emanated a powerful fury.

Everyone was shocked. Someone exclaimed, “This woman is really wild!” William was even more

furious. He took a step forward and said, “Emily, how dare you! You have no choice in today’s

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engagement. You’re going to marry into the Smith family, whether you agree or not!” If he couldn’t even

handle his own daughter, how could he, President Armstrong, continue in the business world in the


How could he allow her to disobey him time and time again?

Emily was already used to the Armstrong family’s shamelessness.

She looked at him and sneered, “What? Are you going to tie me up and sell me like some kind of

slave? How much money did the Smith family give you to make you so desperate to trick me? It must

be a big sum, right?” Emily was not surprised at all. The Smith family was menacing. The Armstrong

family would definitely force her into the Smith family. She snorted coldly. Her gaze was like a knife,

and her words pierced through his heart. “You make it sound so nice like you’re providing for my future.

If there wasn’t anything in it for your benefit, why would you care at all?” The Smith family was a rich

family, so there must be something fishy about them wanting Emily specifically. There was probably a

nightmare waiting for her. William was embarrassed. He had indeed agreed to the engagement for the

sake of Smith family’s money.

Emily saw through his nature at a glance. . “William, others don’t know you, I do. Do you think you are

worthy of being a father?” No matter now or in the past, he had never treated her well. She had long

since stopped thinking of him as a father.

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