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Heartstrings On Fire

Chapter 123
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Chapter 123

Brayden seemed like he was comforting Jared, but he was enjoying the whole drama.

Jared tumed his head and said, “When I first came in, I saw a girl wearing bunny ears and selling

liquor. If I’m not mistaken, that was Kylie

Brayden’s expression instantly changed, “If you saw her earlier, why are you telling me now!”

He stood up, grabbed his coat, and muttered angrily as he left, “That dumb woman, I’m going to teach

her a lesson! I’ll make her regret ever showing up here!”

Shawn chuckled and said, “What a hypocrite. He says he doesn’t like her, but his actions say

otherwise. I bet they’ve already slept together”

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Mr. K worriedly asked, “Jared, does Mamie know you’re married? If she did, why would she propose in


Shawn added, “If Mamie knew you were married, she’d definitely go after your wife. If she’s asking for

a divorce, maybe you should just agree. It’s not like she cares about you”

Jared shot him a cold glance, “Buzz off!”

Shawn felt wronged. Why was Jared venting his frustrations on him?

Ivan said from the side, “Both of you, go home. I’ll talk to him.”

Shawn felt the tense atmosphere and decided not to stick around.

Soon, only Jared and Ivan were left in the room.

Ivan poured two drinks and handed one to Jared, “I looked at Justin’s credit card records. They booked

two rooms during their trip to Europe, which proves nothing happened between them. I know Justin

pretty well. He might seem like a playboy, but he’s a decent guy. Since he knows Agnes is your wife, he

probably won’t do anything too outrageous.”

“He made Agnes ask me for a divorce, even prepared the paperwork. Isn’t that outrageous? I bet he’s

behind all this. If he dares to touch my wife again, I’ll ensure he can’t survive in this industry.”

Jared only revealed his true thoughts in front of Ivan.

Ivan chuckled, “No need to get personal, Jared. You can’t fully blame Justin. Agnes must have seen

Mamie proposing to you at Dragon Bay, so it’s not surprising she asked for a divorce. To anyone, it

seems like you would choose Mamie over Agnes. She must be heartbroken.”

Jared snorted, “Heartbroken? She looked pretty happy to me, like she didn’t care about me at all. She’s

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Ivan couldn’t help but laugh.

A jealous man is always at his most childish.

Jared had always been successful, but now he experienced a failure in love.

His carefully planned life had taken a sudden turn. So far, Ivan wasn’t sure how much impact Agnes

would have on Jared, but it seemed to be bigger than he expected

As Ivan left the room, he said, “You didn’t mention Mamie all night. You’ve known each other for years,

and you rejected her proposal. That must have hurt her. Although I tried my best to stop the news from

spreading, some small media outlets took things out of context and only showed the first half of the

video to attract viewers. This is undoubtedly a second blow to Mamie.”

Jared’s mind went back to the proposal scene.