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Guardian Wolf

Chatper 129
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Nova POV:

Hearing that my heart drops. “800 more rogues...?” | whisper. “How?!”

“My warriors have a theory” Alex says his voice low. “They seem to be under a different type of control, they said

they move efficiently and are clearly under the sleader. They think these are rogues which have been under

Charles leadership or that of his witch acquaintance for a long time, that’s how they’ve been undetected.”

“I was going to say, surely my father would know about that many rogues gathering from his scouts” | say

quietly as | drop into a chair.

“Exactly” Alex says looking at me, “I called him immediately and he’s stressed. He had no idea and says they

can’t be wanderers. These have been in hiding waiting for their tto be used.”

“Like breeding them?” Laurence gapes as Jax stays still deep in thought.

“I think so” Alex says as he sits down beside me. “1300 rogues” he sighs.

“That's a hell of a lot” | say.

“We have the rest of the pack” Jax says quietly.

“Yes but we don’t want them all to fight if we can avoid it do we” | say. “I should have commanded that fr+<+*g


“No we

don’t” he sighs. “fx****g hell it makes sense why they chose to chere with those numbers. That rogue might

not even have been aware Nova don’t beat yourself up about it.”

“What the f**k are we going to do?” Laurence asks worriedly.

“Speak to Esmerelda to begin, it's just an idea but perhaps if we can kill the witch. using dark magic then it may

release scontrol over the rogues if they are influenced by him. | suspect they won't be trained as well as us

and will be there for numbers only, surely we would be aware of rogue numbers that size training at spoint”

| begin saving. “On average I'd say our skilled warriors could easily take on any




Nova POV:

Hearing that my heart drops. “800 more rogues...?” | whisper. “How?!”

“My warriors have a theory” Alex says his voice low. “They seem to be under a different type of control, they said

they move efficiently and are clearly under the sleader. They think these are rogues which have been under

Charles leadership or that of his witch acquaintance for a long time, that’s how they’ve been undetected.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I was going to say, surely my father would know about that many rogues gathering from his scouts” | say

quietly as | drop into a chair.

“Exactly” Alex says looking at me, “I called him immediately and he’s stressed. He had no idea and says they

can’t be wanderers. These have been in hiding waiting for their tto be used.”

“Like breeding them?” Laurence gapes as Jax stays still deep in thought.

“I think so” Alex “1300 rogues” he sighs.

avs as he sits down beside me

“That's a hell of a lot” | say.

“We have the rest of the pack” Jax says quietly.

“Yes but we don’t want them all to fight if we can avoid it do we” | say. “I should have commanded that fr+#<+*g


“No we don’t” he sighs. “f*****g hell it makes sense why they chose to chere with those numbers. That

rogue might not even have been aware Nova don’t beat yourself up about it.”

“What the f**k are we going to do?” Laurence asks worriedly.

“Speak to Esmerelda to begin, it's just an idea but perhaps if we can kill the witch using dark magic then it may

release scontrol over the rogues if they are influenced by him. | suspect they won't be trained as well as us

and will be there for numbers only, surely we would be aware of rogue numbers that size training at spoint |

begin saying. “On average I'd say our skilled warriors could easily take on any


2 rogues at one time, so we need to be able to break up their numbers if they attack

in one go. Which i believe they would to try and overwhelm us. It's not common

practise but | know the warriors from the white mountain pack are trained in archery as | trained them myself. It

would be good to have them on a line of defence from the back to disrupt the attack. We also need to have the

warriors spread out at different points to be able to fight from different angles.”

“We have swarriors trained in archery, Florence ran the training” Jax adds in.



“That's my girl” | say with pride remembering when | used to teach them both archery when they were younger.

“So on average I'm going to hazard a guess at 3 rogues to one warrior at this point. Although it could be hard |

think if handled right we can manage it.”

“How about we have areas ready to be set alight to break up their attack, if we can get the archers to get the

flames going it will slow them down. That way we might not have to be on the defensive and we can upset their

plan by attacking” Ajax suggests. “Old school | know but it could work.”

“It definitely could, Theo can you please organise that later. Remember what | told you yes?” | say looking at him

as he nods determinedly.

“You told him already?” Alex asks confused.

“No” Theo says. “She trained Flo and | when we were younger. We can do archery, sword fighting, use a gun and

knife fight never mind martial arts and normal sparring.”

“Because of Nova..” Alex says in disbelief.

“Yes” Theo says simply before turning back to me.

“Guns” Jax says. “Not our normal weapon of choice but they could be useful.”

“I'd have people stationed from high with an easy view of the incoming rogues so they can shoot before the

rogues are engaged with our warriors” | put forward.

“I can organise that” Laurence says with determination.

*So we can assthey will be attacking from the eastern border if they have taken the Moonbeam Pack” Jax

says looking at the map in front of him.


“It was the eastern side of the Pack house in the vision” | confirm.

“So we can focus our warriors there” Jax says calmly. “However we can have our reserves stationed around the

pack house and tree line to scout the areas.”

“Definitely” | agree. “The witches are going to be the biggest problem. We need to speak to Esmerelda as soon

as possible. Has anyone heard how many my dad is bringing?”

“I'll call him” Laurence says grabbing the mobile from the table and moving to the window.

“Would there be any way the rogues from your father’s pack could infiltrate the attack on us and attack from

within?” Alex asks me.

Pausing i think through his suggestion, “on paper it may work, but I don’t know until meeting them and speaking

to my father. It’s definitely something to consider though” I tell him.

“Ok, let's remember to mention it. I'm going to wake Esmerelda. Wishluck, she’s a right grumpy b***h in the

morning” he says with a grimace.

“Have fun” Jax says from where he’s sat down.

“I'm going to the training grounds after taking Alice upstairs, tto get ready” Theo says as he lifts a still

sleeping Alice into his arms easily. “I won't say a word till you address them Alpha.”

“Thanks Theo” Jax says as we watch him follow Alex out.

“Do you think we can do this?” | ask him quietly.

“Yes” he says with a comforting smile thrown my way.

“How are you so sure?” | ask him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Because you are one hell of a woman, your father hasn't survived this long with everything he’s had to go

through without being one hell of a man either. We have a pack who adores you and will help their Luna to all

ends. Plus together, we are a team...we’ve got this” he says tosqueezing my arms reassuringly.

“I hope we have no other setbacks | sigh as | take a seat on his lap.


too” he chuckles trying to relaxas | feel a rush of calm through the bond.

“Kingsley has 200 men with him, they are those he trusts the most and will be here by this evening” | hear

Laurence pipe up.

“200? That's brilliant” | hear Jax exclaim as he makes a note on the map in front of us.

“It’s the witches that are causing us issues” | sigh.

“It is” he says calmly as we hear the door open again to see Esmerelda stood there with Alex behind.

“She was on her way already” he says quietly.

“The witches will be dealt with” she says calmly. “I will handle those but be assured they will not be a problem to

you all.

“How?” Jax asks confused.

“From a surprise help” she says before leaving the office as quickly as she arrived.

“As helpful as ever Esmerelda” Alex calls out after her before slamming the door shut and turning to us in

frustration. “She is a great witch for our pack but man | wish she was clearer about what she meant.”

“Can we not just ask?” | say standing up to follow her.

“No” Alex say shaking his head. “She is a firm believer in not interrupting fate, she won’t say anything unless it’s

going to help us.”

“Well what the f**k did she mean?” Jax exclaims.

“She said this is the only way to us before didn’t she Jax?” | ask spinning to face him.

*She did” he confirms.

“And she sees multiple visions and outcomes, so | would take what she says and not push it. | think she meant

this way is the only way we can succeed that she has seen” | say quietly.

*#f+¥k” he swears quietly as his eyes cloud with frustration. “We need to trust in fate.”

“Something we can’t see or understand” Alex says with disbelief.

“Yes” Jax says with a defeated sigh.


“A surprise help..” | muse thinking quietly as | look out the window lost in thought.