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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 84
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Jax POV:
“So..” I start as we quietly walk away from my parents suite, “I spoke to your dad and he agrees with what we discussed this
morning. Scout missions are going to be sent out from tomorrow and he has some warriors he is confident in sending with them.”
“Good” Nova says simply as she squeezes the hand of mine she is holding.
“Are you ok with the Luna Ceremony being in 3 days?” I ask quietly.
Turning to me she grins at those words as she nods vigorously, “oh goddess yes! I would have a Luna ceremony just now with
only us if it was acceptable, I just want to be by your side officially.”
“I’m glad” I say with a relieved smile.
“I’m sorry if I seemed quiet when you mentioned it, I thought of the work load it would put on others and I had a little guilty
moment as I felt bad. But seeing the excitement of your mother I know in fact it will bring more joy to everyone and more
excitement for the coming days” she says happily.
“I thought I’d scared you for a moment” I chuckle.
“No..definitely not” her melodic laugh reaching my ears.
“Do you feel better for speaking to your parents?” Nova asks as I open the office door
for her.
“I do” I agree immediately, “I have been so patient with pa but it’s not fair I continue to
bite my tongue. I have tried to give him respect as the past alpha and as my father
but he continues to push me. As much as it will hurt ma..it’s time she knew.”
Do you
think he’ll tell her everything?” Nova wonders as she takes a seat opposite
“I don’t know” I admit as I lean back and close my eyes deep in thought. Nova simply
hums in acknowledgment as we sit in comfortable silence for a few moments.
Hearing her stand I open one eye to see what she is doing and when I hear the lock click both my eyes fly wide open.
She turns to me as she feels my gaze on her. I see her eyes are dark and she smiles
before biting her plump lower lip. Immediately feeling my trousers tighten as my shaft springs to life I ask h oar sely “what are
you doing?”
“Well Alpha..” she purrs as she licks her lips slowly her eyes never leaving mine, “I have to admit watching you back there
sparked something in me.”

“Oh yeah?” I ask watching as she lifts her hand to gently trial along the top of her lush breasts.
“Mmhmm” she murmurs as the scent of her arousal hits me making my nostrils flare. and my shaft become unbearably hard in
the confines of my trousers. Shifting slightly to try and give my shaft more room her eyes follow my movements before she bites
her lip once again.
“Take them off” she whispers.
Motioning to my groin she nods with a smirk as I quickly unbutton them and moan in relief as my shaft bounces free to rest
against my stomach. Seeing her eyes darken. further as they zero in on my c**k I smirk before she meets my gaze once again.
Smiling seductively she reaches her hand up and slips the thin strap of his dress off
of her shoulder and down her arm before repeating the action on the other side as I

watch her mesmerised.
Saying nothing she lets the dress drop letting her full breasts be free of the dresses
hold making me growl in approval. Feeling my c**k twitch I reach my hand down and slowly smear the beads of precum over it
before pumping it slowly enjoying Novas. show. H ooking her thumbs in the side of her dress she seamlessly slides it over her
full hips and drops its so it’s a puddle on the ground.
Seeing her standing there in just her panties has my breath hitch before she bites her
lips and turns giving me a perfect view of her round as s.
“Minx” I breath as I hold off on pumping my c**k faster. Scenting her arousal grow I moan as she slides her panties down her
legs whilst bending over to give me an amazing view of her already glistening core. Gulping as I gape at her she looks
behind to me and winks before standing straight and stepping out of the panties leaving them on the floor before turning to me
completely bare.
“You like what you see?” She purrs as she takes a step forward.
“Very much” I pant as I reach my other hand down to squeeze my balls slightly .

making me moan. Watching my slow movements she moves her hands and pinches
her n*****s slightly making her gasp at the feeling before trailing her right hand down
her front towards her core.
Circling her cl it gently she hums as her eyes flutter closed momentarily before
opening and focusing on me once more. Entranced by her movements I stare as she
runs two fingers through her folds before holding them up for me to see.
“This is how wet I am for you” she whispers making me moan again before she sashays her way towards me, swinging her leg
over me she stands straddling me before running the two fingers along my lips coating them in her sweetness then
slowly pushing them into my eager mouth.
*f**k nova” I breath as she pulls them away before she reaches down and replaces
my hand with her own on my shaft and swiftly sliding herself down taking me whole.
“Ah Jaxxx” she groans as she rolls her hips slightly adjusting, her tight walls hugging my hard c**k. Slamming her lips down on
mine I k*ss her passionately before she begins to bounce on my c**k making me grunt into her mouth.
*f**k that feels good” I whisper against her lips as I grasp her hips making her move faster. Reaching a thumb over I circle her
swollen cli t as I bite down on one of her hardened n*****s making her cry out. Biting my cheek as I hold off wanting her to
release before me, I rub her cl it faster making her shudder above me before her walls tighten and she groans my name loudly,
“y..yes Jaxxx!”
Feeling her juices coat my shaft as she collapses on me I swiftly pick her up and turn her so her chest is wresting on my desk
and her a ss is lifted in the air tempting me.
Slamming back into her warm heat she screams “JAXXX” making me grunt with each thrust. “Oh goddess yesss” she pants
before I spit on my thumb and slide it gently
into her tight as s.
“One day soon, I’m going to claim all of you Nova” I rasp making her push back against me eagerly. Feeling myself get closer to

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my release I lift one of her legs and rest it on the table before reaching my hand down and rubbing furiously once more
on her cl it.
“c*m with me” I order as my movements become more frantic, the both of us lost in this passionate moment. Slamming into her

her legs shudder and her back arches as she hurtles over the edge her juices squirting around me as I jerkily pound into her a
couple more times before releasing deep inside her tight walls with a loud roar.
Coming down from our high she stays slumped on the desk as I lower her leg and pull myself out of her. Watching my c*m drip
from her I smile at the sated look that is on
her flushed face.
“So good” she mumbles making me smirk and smack her as s.
“Let me get a cloth” I chuckle as I quickly pull my briefs and button my trousers before
running to the office en-suite.
Returning I quickly wipe her and then help her stand as she k*sses my chest softly.
“I love you Jax” she smiles.
Pausing I look down at her as I send all my love and affection I feel for her through. the bond, and I love you my Luna” I whisper
k*ssing her lips gently.
“But please get your clothes back on before you seduce me again” I tease making her hit my chest playfully.
She quickly slides her dress back on before reaching for her panties but I stride over and grab them before sliding them in my
“Now you can sit on my c**k easier” I smirk making her blush slightly at my words as
she bites her lips.
“Open the window and get some paperwork out” she smirks pointing her finger at me, “don’t go filling my head with ideas.”
Letting out a huff of laughter I do as I’m told before taking a seat.
Hearing a knock on the door Novas eyes flash to mine with horror as I simply laugh. “Well I’ve opened the windows love, but I
don’t think we can hide it. It’ll probably just
be Laurence.”
She quickly sits down and crosses her legs picking up some paperwork to look busy, swinging the door open I freeze slightly
before chuckling, “busted” Zeus smirks to

Standing in front of me are Axel, Evan and my mother.
“Can we have a word Jax?” My mum asks nervously.
Hearing Novas breath hitch I smirk inwardly, “her face is probably bright red” Zeus
laughs to me.
“Yes of course ma, come in all of you” I say before walking back to my seat, grinning
as Nova sends me a deathly glare.
Seeing Axel and Evan smirk at one another I point my finger at them and growl lightly, “I don’t want to hear one word of what I
know you’re both saying to one another.”
Seeing their grins disappear I look at them as they nod sheepishly.
“Oh hunny, it’s wonderful. I can’t wait for grandpups” my mother chimes in making the
guys snort and Nova turn even more pink.
“When this has all calmed down then we can think about pups ma” I smile as she
holds her hand over her heart and nods excitedly.
“So..what’s up?” I ask leaning back in my chair.
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