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Guardian Wolf

Chapter 43
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Nova POV:
“So..are you ready for this?” I hear Luca ask me as he joins Jax and i outside the pack
house. We are waiting for Caroline to arrive with the Gam ma from the White
Mountain Pack.
“As ready as I’ll ever be” I sigh when I hear the noise of vehicles in the distance.”
They’re almost here” I let them know. We wait as we see an ambulance and 2 cars
one at the front and one following coming up the drive to the packhouse causing me
to burrow my brows in confusion.
“Everything alright?” Jax checks sensing my confusion through the bond.
“I thought it was more than 3 vehicles” I shrug, “I’m still getting used to being able to
hear so well. Maybe I was wrong.” Seeing his eyes narrow slightly as his lips purse I
can tell he has more faith in my assumptions than I do.
“I’ll go down and meet them with Luca, we will double check the vehicles they
brought” Jax informs me as he squeezes my hand reassuringly. “Laurence stay with
your Luna” he instructs as the Beta appears beside me. Happy to be staying back so I
can avoid seeing Caroline for now I nod in acceptance and watch as my brother and
my mate walk down to the waiting vehicles with a strong air of authority surrounding
“How are you feeling Luna?” Laurence asks quietly.
“Nova Laurence honestly, it’s only us two” i mutter.
“I know but I also like acknowledging we have a Luna” he smiles at me slightly
embarrassed. Hearing that my face softens at his admission.
“Oh..that’s actually really sweet. Thank you” I say softly before adding on “Beta”
which a smirk.
“Touché” he whistles making me snigger.
“To answer your question I’m ok. I have to admit everyone has been great at allowing me to keep myself busy and distracted, I
just feel uncomfortable not knowing what’s going to come of the next few days you know” I shrug.
As we wait for Jax to come back I tap my foot slightly impatiently as I begin to feel

more anxious. Suddenly I feel Kia’s ears pri ck up as something comes to my attention, lifting my head up to the sky I take a
deep breath and freeze once I understand what I’m smelling.
“s**t” | exclaim.
“Jax is Caroline bleeding?” I link him quickly seeing him spin to face me with
confusion on his face. As he runs to look in the back of the ambulance I link him
again, “quick I need to know.”
“No..no she’s not. It just looks like she’s asleep with a lot of wires” he links me back.
“s**t s**t s**t, Laurence with me” I order before sprinting down to Jax and Lucas. confused faces. “I smell blood, I need you with
me” I order before shifting and allowing Kia to scent the air. “NOW” I link them shocking them.
“Theo and Flo I need you to come and stay with the Gam ma from the White Mountain Pack outside the front of the packhouse
and protect the ambulance. I will explain
later” I hear Jax link them as he keeps the link open to me.

“Luca on second thoughts stay with Theo and Flo, you can be the link between them and your warriors if necessary” Kia links
him allowing Jax to hear as we bound away with Zeus close behind. “Sorry Jax I wont make a habit of correcting yours or Novas
orders I just found it to be more suitable and as I could link I thought it would save
time” she links Jax as we run.
“Don’t apologise it was a smart decision” Jax instantly responds showing his trust in
her. Following the scent of blood as it grows stronger I hear Zeus growl menacingly, ”
where are the patrol teams?” I ask Jax.
“They’re all currently out doing their rounds, everyone is where they are supposed to
be” he assures me.
“I heard the vehicles arrive and thought they were the escort for Catherine but now I
think it could have been a combination. Im sure what I heard wasn’t the sound of 3
vehicles alone” I worry to Jax. As we draw closer Kia speaks, “I scent humans” she informs us all causing snarls to be heard

from the two wolves behind me. “They’ve gone I cannot hear their heartbeats and we are too close to the source of the blood
for me not be able to if they were still there” she growls in frustration.
Bursting through the trees we reach a small clearing where I see a large b*dy draped over a log with blood pooling on the ground
below. “No” I gasp as I realise who it is.
“It’s Andrew” I cry to Jax. Shifting I don’t care about my nudity as Jax and Laurence
do the same. Seeing his leg is bleeding heavily from a deep wound and he has a gun
wound to his shoulder i hiss in annoyance.
“I need something long that I can use to tie round his leg, we then need to keep it elevated until we are at the pack hospital
otherwise he could lose that leg. Reaching
over his shoulder I look at the bullet wound, “f*****g silver” I growl.
“Andrew I’m not sure you can hear me but I need to get this bullet out of you asap, it’s silver and the longer we leave it in the
more damage it will do. It will hurt like hell for a moment but I’ll be as quick as I can ok” I say before I extend a claw out and
make a
quick incision making it easier for me to reach the bullet.
“Luna no you’ll burn” I hear Laurence gasp as he kneels beside me.
“Silver doesn’t harm me remember, we need to get this out fast and this is the best
way” I say calmly as I grasp the bullet between two fingers and give it a sharp tug to
pull it out. “It’s going to take a while to heal and there will be a scar because it was
silver but he is incredibly lucky it hit his shoulder. I assume they were aiming for his
Seeing Jax sprint out from the trees holding a top I stand to meet him, without saying
a word I tear the bottom off creating a long strip and make quick work of tying it
tightly above the wound.

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Twirling to face the men who are looking at me in admiration I take a deep breath to calm myself and freeze once again. “No..no
no NOOO!” I scream twirling around my eyes darting around the clearing.
“Theo has Flo met you?” I link him asking in a panic.
“No she hasn’t got here yet” he says immediately his nerves evident in his voice.
“Laurence you need to shift and we are going to have to drape Andrew over you for
you to take to the pack hospital immediately. Be careful not to drop him and try to
keep his leg elevated or as level as you can. I know it’s a lot to ask but please” I ask him desperately as he immediately nods in
acknowledgment of my instruction.
111 –

“Hang on a second Nova..I can scent” Jax starts.
“Flo” I finish for him, “I know..I think she’s been taken” I cry as Laurence immediately
shifts and Jax and I lift Andrew up laying him carefully on his back.
“Go” Jax orders his face etched in concern, “be careful.”
“Nova we are going to follow Flo’s scent, I’ve got 15 warriors running behind who will
track us” Jax informs me motioning for me to lead.
Without having to say anything I hand control over to Kia and she immediately bounds through the trees tracking Flos scent. We
run for another 10 minutes before reaching a beat down track which leaves out the eastern side of the territory. Seeing
the deep tyre tracks Kia huffs in annoyance, “they’ve gone..and quickly.”
Shifting back I let out a scream of annoyance before I feel Jaxs strong arms wrap around me bringing me in close, holding a
hand against the back of my head he
k*sses my temple as tears stream down my face.
“This is all my fault” I whisper.
“No” he says sternly, “none of this is your fault. They must be hunters, I can’t think of
why any other humans would do this. Also there were no traces of her blood that I could see, I think she must have been
sedated. That lady can fight there would have
been more signs of a struggle any other way. So..” he says pulling back and grasping
my chin to look at me clearly, “we are going to go home. Check Andrew is recovering. and contact your father. Then we are
going to make a plan. I’m going to contact Axel
as soon as we are back and get him to hack into all the road camera in this area and
we will find them...ok.” .

Taking a deep breath I steady my breathing and try to stop the tears from falling, “ok..”
I whisper.
Hearing the others approach we quickly shift back to our wolves as they reach us.
Gam ma Flo has been taken, I want a group of 5 to follow the tyre tracks as far as you can. Follow emergency plans to update
and contact and if nothing is found in the neutral territory we will notify surrounding packs. I will send a notice out to them all to
notify them of what has happened and to keep an eye out anyway as soon as we are back at the office” Jax commands through
the pack link to the warriors.
“Yes Alpha” the all chorus back before 5 split away and dart off between the trees.
running parallel with the road.
“The rest of you I want you on extra border patrol. I will be increasing patrol sizes and frequencies” Jax informs them.
“Yes Alpha” they immediately respond..
“Nova with me, let’s go back and quickly” he says knowing the longer we wait the
harder it will be.
“She will be ok Nova, she is strong willed and an incredibly intelligent fighter. She took
after her big sister” he links me as we set off for the pack house. “By the way..when did you learn to be so calm in a medical
“Part of it was the elite warrior training, that and I am a qualified doctor” I admit.
“Seriously?” He asks clearly impressed.
“Yeah. There is still a lot you don’t know about me really” I admit.
“Well as soon as this is all over with, I intend to learn every little thing” he promises
me as we shift and quickly throw some spare clothes on.
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