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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 41
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13:12 Thu, 29 Feb B.


Chapter 41


I had enough! A donkey was treated way better than I was being treated by my

own. pack!

Guarding the borders like a stupid dog day night, sleeping in an uncomfortable

bed and staring at either the blank wall of the spooky room or out at the woods,

fucked with my brain. I had been cut off from the outside world, I was kind of

grateful for it because if my friends would have seenin this pathetic

condition any reputation that I had would have been left in tatters. There was

no way an Alpha’s son should be treated so poorly.

I was so stressed out that I could not even get the buddy between my legs up, I

honestly couldn’t even remember the last tI jerked off!

This pointless punishment would have no meaning if my S*xual frustration

continued. then dad’s future grandchildren would never cinto the world. So

I returned to the packhouse deciding to have a chat with dad. It did not matter

toif it ended in an ugly argument, a physical confrontation, or him

threatening to take away my Alpha position. At this point, I did not give fuck

about anything.

I believed I had endured enough, the inhuman punishment that I had borne all

this twas more than enough seeing that the pack’s papers were back in our

possession thanks to Willow.

Now that I was here my dad had to listen to me. I just wanted my freedom back

whether it was by hook or crook!

Walking straight ahead taking long strides with a firm expression, I walked down

the hallway towards dad’s office only to encounter Beta Ken on the way.

“Where is dad?” I stopped him.

Ken’s eyes carefully swept over my face, taking stock of the injuries that had

been left by Alpha Reuben a few days ago. Thanks to my healing ability, my face

was healed and had not lost a bit of its handsomeness. However, Ken failed to

see any of that. “The Alpha is in his office but I advise you not to bother him.”

“Why? You can go in but I can’t?” I frowned bitterly, doubting if this was another

one of dad’s punishment for me.

“Actually, that Alpha does not seem to be in a good frof mind Sky. I have

not seen

The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting


Thu, 29 Feb UB.

Chapter 41

at all. I


him myself in days as he has not left his office at all. I don’t know how to

explain this to

if you still want to go in there I won’t stop you,” Ken warned before walking



I continued my journey to dad’s office ignoring his words. The office door was

shut. I had no patience for knocking so I just pushed the door open. As soon as I

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entered the strong

stench of cigarettes and alcohol greetedwith their suffocating darkness.

“Dad?” Coughing, I used my wolf’s eyes to spot dad sitting in his chair behind

the desk. “Why are you sitting in the dark…” Just as I raised my legs to walk

closer, my feet pumped into something. Pausing, I looked down at the fioor to

find numerous empty. wine bottles. F***! Did he finish all of these?! Was he still


“Dad!” stepping over the bottle I walked closer to my father only to find his b*dy

leaning back in the chair, his eyes closed, “DAD!!”

“Why the fuck you are shouting?” he suddenly spoke, startling the shit out of

me. F***! I really thought he died.

“Why the hell are you sleeping here like this? Did you drink all of these wine…”

“You are so loud,” he growled in irritation, pinching the middle of his brows,

probably duc

eyes still

clo a headache. “How dare you return here? Get out,” he grumbled, his

My eyes blazed with anger. Just as I opened my mouth to begin arguing with

him, my eyes landed on the paper on his desk. I picked it up only to realize it

was an invitation. to an Alpha Meeting that the top ranking packs held a few

days ago that the rogues had attacked.

“Dad, how did you get your hands on this invitation when that Alpha Meeting

was top secret among the top ranking packs?” I murmured.

“Why the hell are you touching my stuff?!” Dad suddenly snatched the invitation

from my hand. He appeared downright threatening and displeased for a second.

He quickly started gathering sother papers that looked like reports that he

did not wantto see. Of course, my quick eyes caught a non one of the

reports that sent a chill. down to my bones, ‘Blue Heavens Pack,”

“Dad…did you know that the Alpha Meeting would be attacked?” my voice was

low when I noticed that dad’s hand abruptly stopped straightening things. I

could not see his expression because his face was tilted downward, yet I felt his

aura changing. After a couple seconds of silence he spoke.

The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laver Cutting

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Chapter 41

“How could I know such things?” He spoke without looking atas he resumed

gathering papers and got up from his chair to leave the office without looking



“You…” Letting go of the steering wheel Mia crossed her arms over her ch*st as

she narrowed her eyes dangerously atnot bothering to hide her suspicion,

“You are hiding from the Alpha, aren’t you?”

The cappuccino I had just taken a sip of nearly got stuck in my throat then I

nearly spewed it all over the car in surprise. Coughing hard, I grabbed a tissue

to whip my l*ps and looked at still suspicious Mia. “Why do you think that?”

“Shit! That means I am correct!” She exclaimed.

In the Emerald Bright Pack, one could avoid a monsoon but not Reuben. That

was exactly what I had been doing. “How the hell did I not notice that this was

what you had been doing for the last four days?! You are hiding from the Alpha,

somehow I have becthe thief that has stolen Alpha’s mate! Won’t I be


For the past four days, I had been tagging along with Mia almost everywhere. We

went shopping for my welcparty, chatted a lot about when we were in

school. She had been askingcountless questions about my fashion

designing career and how I had been doing over the last six years. Today I knew

that Reuben was supposed to be in the packhouse all day, so there was no way I

could stay in the packhouse around his aura.

So in the late morning, I dragged Mia to the nearby city to buy something and

only returned six hours later. However, even though my car was parked in the

parking lot at this moment, I had been working on my designs on my laptop

with no intention of getting out anytsoon. Mia had nothing to do, so she sat

withas we chatted about random things when I got an email from Lola

saying I should expect the model’s arrival today.

However, observing my reluctance over getting out of the car and going to the

packhouse before dinner, Mia finally sensed my unusual behavior over the past

four days and finally linked it with Reuben.

“Shit! I really am dead meat now!!” She started panicking.

I rolled my eyes at her wild imagination, “I am not hiding. You could say that…

umm… I am avoiding him,” I stated as I put my laptop back in my laptop bag

then added, “and don’t worry you will not be killed. If he intended to kill you

then would not have survived until now,” I chuckled.

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Chapter 41


Mia let out a relieved breath, “thank Goddess but why the hell are you avoiding

the Alpha? No wait, the other day I saw him looking in your direction. Now I

realize you were intentionally ignoring him! I swear the look in his eyes would

give anyone nightmares. I advise whatever your reason is for avoiding him, don’t

test his patience, Willow,” she advised in all seriousness and for sreason I

noticed that there was a different level of fear in Mia’s eyes when it cto


Mia had not been my best friend in school like Ella. She had just been my

classmate and neighbor that I talked to when we crossed paths, yet back then

she had not been this scared of Reuben. The look in her eyes was enough to tell


Honestly, I had no idea how Reuben had been doing over the past six years and

prior to this I had intentionally avoided conversations about it. When I

discovered Ella’s uncle’s involvement in the marriage contract and everything

else that Oran wanted to discuss before Bix stopped him had piqued my

curiosity about the past six years of Reuben’s life.

“Umm… Ella during the last six years…” just as I opened my mouth to ask her

about it. the whispers of syoung women interrupted the two of us.

We both look straight ahead to find sunmated she–wolf drooling and

eyeing a passing by Oran.

“I wish that on my next birthday that the Moon Goddess will choose him as my


“You are already twenty!” her friend snapped at her fantasy.

“So what? Maybe he will takeas his chosen mate! When no one else had lost

their hope then why should I?”

The group continued arguing when I heard Mia’s long sigh. “Unfortunately, their

dream will never ctrue,” she unlocked the car.

“Why do you say that?” I asked curiously.

“He already has a soulmate,” she let out another deep sigh and got out.

Surprised by the news I followed her out with my laptop bag in my hand, “Oran

has a soulmate? Who is she? Why is he unmarked?”

“Actually, I don’t know about any of that but years ago a rumor spread around

the pack. about him finding his soulmate. However, no one knows who the

woman was,” she

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Chapter 41

29 FED

revealed as we walked across the parking lot side by side.

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I blinked at the news and started thinking about Oran’s mate as Mia said

goodbye and started making her way towards her house only to stop.

“Hey, I still have your meds,” Mia stated as she tossed a small box at my side.

“Thanks,” I raised my hand to catch that box only to see a large hand grab it in

the mid air before I could. It was Reuben.

“What kind of meds are these?”

Both of our faces turned pale at the sight of Reuben holding the med box. They

were my heat preventing medication that I had run out of, which had been the

reason we had gone to the city nearby. Mia immediately ran away in fear while I

stood in horror realizing the truly fucked up situation I had gotten myself into. If

Reuben had even the slightest suspicion about those pills then…

“Give that to me,” I dashed over to him and tried to snatch the container from

his hand.

“Ohh…” he immediately raised his hand up over his head, “What is the rush?” he

smirked, wrapping his arm around my waist. As our eyes met for the first tin

four days, my heart skipped a bit. My wolf that had been silent in my head

moaned when my n*pples brushed and hardened against Reuben’s hard chest.

It was a clear sign tothat I was going into my heat. But I had rarely gone into

the heat in the last six years so why was I going into the heat because of

Reuben? The heat was supposed to rise between a couple due to love. So how


Scared by my own thoughts, I stared at Reuben with wide eyes. It could not be

happening. What the hell was I thinking just now?!

“Now you are finally looking at me,” he whispered, a handssmile playing on

his l*ps. He rubbed his thumb over my lower l*ps, greedily eyeing them like he

wanted to chew them and suck my blood until I moan mess in his arms


A sudden rush of heat overwhelmed my blood like last time, alarming me,

“You…give that back to me! Give that back, Reuben!!” I demanded, stretching my

arm up to grab He kept smiling at me, keeping his hand up, and the meds out of

my reach until a familiar voice entered my cars.


I paused and glanced to the side to find a familiar face standing in front of me.

“Walter? What are you doing here?” I gasped, pulling slightly away from Reuben.

Reuben looked

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at Walter’s wide smile then back to my wide eyes as I recalled Lola’s email from


Wait! There was no way!!!

“Walter, don’t tellyou are the model…”

Before I could finish my sentence, Walter pulledinto a tight hug. “I finally

found you, Willow.”