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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 38
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Chapter 38


I felt it again. That unsettling sensation surged withinonce more, a

constricting weight scizing my chest, rendering every breath a struggle. Each

step faltered, sickness knotting my stomach as an undeniable sense of

wrongness permeated the air. Something wasn’t right! Did something happen

to… I shook my head to brush these feelings of paranoia away but it did not


By inquiring amongst the pack members, I discovered that Reuben and Oran

hadn’t returned to the pack grounds yet. Their lingering absence since the

previous night and being unreachable by phone when I had called was

worrisome. Having just returned a moment ago after being within the Shine

Moon Pack’s territory overnight, I kept track of the timing of the Alpha meeting.

Reuben and Oran were expected back late last night. So how cthey were

not here yet? Reuben loathed prolonged stays away from the pack unless it was

a dire situation. It seemed improbable that he’d have agreed to the Blue

Heavens Pack’s hospitality, particularly with Willow staying in the Emerald

Bright Pack.

Ella had been unresponsive to my calls since last night. What had occurred

during my absence? As I entered the front yard of the packhouse, I glimpsed Ella

passing across. the clearing.

“Ella!” I called out, hastening toward her. “Why haven’t you been answering my

calls?” I inquired, noting the dark circles under her eyes and their puffiness.

“What’s happened?” I furrowed my brow, lifting her chin to meet my gaze. Her

eyes held a faint redness and a lifelessness that deeply unsettled me. “Have you

been crying? Who caused you pain? I’ll make them regret it…

Tears welled in her eyes as she spoke in a horse voice, “I confessed my feelings

to Reuben,” she sobbed, burying her face in my chest.

Ella’s confession strucklike a spring blizzard, despite being aware of her

feelings for Reuben. The revelation froze my heart, though her distraught state

already hinted at the outcof her admission. Reuben must have brutally

rejected her or worse.

I put my hand on her back, “It’s okay…” I began, but before I could offer further

support, a gust of air surged past me, violently thrusting Ella away from my


It was Oran.

“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!!” Oran’s voice thundered, his intensity hinting at a

primal rage. He loomed over Ella, a threatening presence poised to tear her



The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort Laser Cutting

12:11 Thua FED

Chapter 38



“Oran…” Shock engulfedas I beheld his bloodied form. A moment of

blankness swept over my mind. How had he ended up in such a state? Despite

his towering six- foot figure, he bore evident wounds, scratches and other signs

of a savage attack, yet he stood resolute fixing Ella with a menacing glare.

Ella winced in discomfort, the force of Oran’s grip on her arm pullingback to



“Oran, let her go,” I interjected, quick to intervene and easing his grip on Ella’s

arm. I shielded her as she wept. “Why are you yelling at her?” I demanded

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“BECAUSE SHE KISSED REUBEN!” Oran’s growl pierced the air, his glare directed


fi. mc.

“What… The mention of a k*ss frozein place. I turned to Ella, who stood,

gaze fixed on the ground. “You… k*ssed… Reu…”

“Yes, she k*ssed Reuben, and you know what else?” Oran took a step closer,

locking eyes with me. “Willow witnessed the entire thing,” he revealed, a smug

of dried blood marking his temple. I stood there mute, anticipating the

inevitable misunderstanding that must have plagued Reuben and Willow due to

Ella’s actions. Reuben…I could not begin to predict how insane he must have


“Their bond was already fragile, but she…” Oran clenched his jaw, edging closer

to Ella

once more.

“Oran, no!” I gripped him firmly, preventing any regrettable actions from coming

back. to haunt him later. Oran’s usual demeanor was serene, akin to a tranquil

river, but when provoked, he transformed into a raging beast. Containing his

fury was a daunting task, slikened him to a psychopath, second only to


“Oran, please calm down. First, tellwhat happened to you. Why are you

wounded and where is Reuben?” I attempted to redirect his focus, yet Ella

unexpectedly spoke up.

“It’s not as if you were unaware of my feelings for Reuben,” Ella’s voice trembled

with emotion as her words pierced the tense air.

“What did you just say?” Oran halted his struggles in my grasp, reduced to a low

growl directed at Ella, while I also turned my gaze toward her. Why did she have

to say that in front of him at this moment?

“I’ve loved Reuben for years. What harm did I do by confessing and k*ssing him?

After all, I’m his fiancée,” she spoke, biting her l*p, her gaze meeting Oran’s

intense stare.


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort Laser Cutting

13:11 Thu, 25 FED or

Chapter 38


“What you call love is nothing more than a betrayal,” Oran snapped, wrenching

free of my grasp. “You claim to have loved Reuben for years. How’s that

possible? Wasn’t Willow the first to fall for him? How dare you set your sights on

your best friend’s lover! You’ve not only betrayed Willow but Reuben as well.

Seeing that he has only ever seen you as a friend and nothing more,” Oran’s

words dripped like venom as he confronted Ella head–on. “Letmake one

thing clear, Ella. You’re not the only woman attracted to Reuben. There are many

within this pack alone. Does he need to respond to every admirer? Just because

he hasn’t, did that prompt you to act shamelessly and k*ss him? You k*ssed a

man that has a soulmate and two children! You shouldn’t even begin to think

that Reuben noticed the affection in your eyes all this time, because that selfish

bastard can’t manage to see beyond Willow. He’s blinded by love. So don’t

weave stwisted fantasy that he noticed your love and just didn’t

acknowledge it, giving you false hope. Reuben never saw you as a woman, Ella.

Not even before Willow cinto his life. He’s not responsible for anything

concerning you. You claim to be his fiancée, so does that excuse your actions

towards him?” Oran laughed bitterly before continuing.

“You don’t even want to getstarted on the pathetic fiancée facade. You’re

the one that knew your relationship only existed on paper and accepted it six

years ago without a fuss! Reuben never gave you the slightest bit of hope, he

always kept this situation crystal clear from his end. He was well aware of the

messed–up gyour uncle played five years ago, yet he gave you the benefit

of the doubt all these years. Though as it turned out, you ended up being the

one to clutch at his hand when only a finger was extended. Everything about

your supposed love for Reuben or the act of k*ssing him was wrong of you!”

Oran’s bark cut through the air, causing Ella to fiinch in horror. “Those damned

marriage papers, that binding spell that was forced on him, shackling you

around his n*eck! Everything is…”

“Oran, that’s enough!” I yelled, tightly gripping his arm, feigning a private

conversation to deter his outburst.

“Why? Does it hurt when she cries?” Oran’s glare intensified, drawing closer to

my face.

“Stop it,” I growled at him.

“Why? Are you angry at me?” He chuckled.

“Don’t provoke me, Oran,” I cautioned.

“Why? Do you want to kill me?” He leaned dangerously close. “Why not do it now

and. be done with it, Bix,” he


“Stop it!” I roared, shoving him away and landing a powerful punch to his


He made no effort to evade my blow, instead accepting it. Ella gasped in shock,



The Secret to Making More Money with Less EMort: Laser Cutting


Chapter 38

my hand trembled, the one that had struck Oran, faltering at the sight of his

wolf’s piercing gaze fixed on me. His hair was down, covering his forehead like

always, yet I felt ensnared by the radiant intensity of his wolf’s eyes lurking

beneath the shadows.

The sight of blood at the corner of Oran’s mouth combined with his eyes jolted

Oran, knowing well he’d never retaliate. I shouldn’t have…

“Enough the both of you,” a commanding yet subdued voice that was

unmistakably Reuben’s pierced the tension.

Looking past Oran, I spotted Reuben leaning nonchalantly against the car,

smoking. His condition looked far worse than Oran’s. He’d been observing the

three of us in silence all along.


Love and friendship had been the essence of my life, the sight of Oran and Bix

at odds, a rarity over the past eight years, was unbearable.

“Stop this before I toss the both of you over the pack’s cliff,” I muttered,

crushing the cigarette under the heel of my shoe. They remained fixated on

each other, enveloped in an eerie silence that gripped the surroundings until

another voice shattered the stillness.

“Alpha!” Mia’s entrance into the clearing, her loud shout, grated on my already

frayed nerves. Pissed off and battling a pounding headache, I turned my gaze

toward her, causing her to fiinch and freeze in place.

“What’s the matter?” I inquired in a hushed tone.


At the mention of Willow’s name, my attention sharpened, and Dex’s voice

echoed in my mind, “What about Willow?”

Mia took a deep breath before responding, “I can’t find her anywhere in the

pack!” she exclaimed.

“What the hell does that mean?” My eyes instantly darkened. “What about Wyatt



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“When I went to pick them up for kindergarten this morning, they were missing

too,” she stuttered.


The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting

all Thu, 27 FED

Chapter 38

The news made my mind go blank. The children were missing and Willow too.

Did she…did she…

My sanity snapped like an over extended thread.

“HOW DID SHE DISAPPEAR?!” I roared, any trace of composure I had shattered.

Mia screamed in fear, stepping back, while Ella fiinched, gripping Bix’s hand


“Reuben…” Bix’s voice held a tinge of panic as they watched my wolf taking

over, their fearful eyes fixed on the blood trickling from various injuries on my

b*dy, fiowing more steadily with every passing moment.

“Reuben, stay still! You are losing a lot of blood” They both attempted to

approach me, seeking to stop whatever was happening, but I turned my gaze


“Where’s Willow? Did she run away?” I repeated the question, my mind

grappling with the possibility of her taking advantage of my absence to escape

with the children.

Her words echoed in my mind, ‘I can’t forget Ella and you….

My heart skipped a beat, remembering her tearful confession. She was hurt and

resentful toward me. She didn’t want me; she abandonedonce more.

No…this couldn’t be happening.

“WILLOW!” I roared, my voice echoing through the clearing. She couldn’t leave

me. I couldn’t lose her!

“Search for Willow before Reuben does something insane!” Oran’s urgent yell

pierced. the air, the entire area becoming a frantic gof hide and seek. I

stood alone in the clearing, my eyes desperately searching for her.


If I couldn’t find her, if she escaped, I was going to annihilate every living thing I

possibly could. Then I was going to end myself, until…


She cto stand in front of me…

The Secret to Making More Money with Less Effort: Laser Cutting

13:11 Thu, 29 Feb G.

Chapter 38