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Feel the Way You Feel My Love Novel

Chapter 1404
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Chapter 1404 Frozen Grapes

Joyce did not give her word right away. Instead, she lowered her gaze and hesitated for a moment. After several

seconds, she took a deep breath and hummed in response, looking as if she had made a decision. “Okay. I’ll give it

a try. I’ll try to accept him.”

“That’s great.” Natalie smiled with relief. Joyce, too, put on a smile. Before she could say anything else, she

received a call.

She pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at the screen. As soon as she saw who the caller was, a

conflicted look flashed across her eyes.

However, Joyce recalled Natalie’s words and the promise she made. Immediately, determination replaced the look

of conflict in her eyes.

In the next second, she placed the phone back to her ear. “Nat, I’m going to hang up now. Justin… I mean, my

boyfriend is on the line. I’ll go and take his call now. We’ll talk more tomorrow.”

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“Sure, go ahead.” Natalie nodded.

Joyce ended the call and answered Justin’s.

Meanwhile, at the dining room of Thompson villa,

Natalie, too, put down her phone and turned to her own husband. With a smile, she said, “Joyce is regretting

agreeing to date Justin. Maybe he said something that touched her heart at that moment, making her agree in a

hurry. Now that she’s calmed down, she’s feeling a little regretful. That’s why she called me. She wanted to hear

my thoughts on the matter. I told her to give the relationship a try, and she agreed.”

“She should’ve agreed, anyway. Otherwise, she’d be playing with Justin’s feelings,” Shane commented, taking a

spoonful of the soup.

Natalie nodded. “Exactly. Joyce understands this, too, which was why I managed to dispel her negative thoughts so

easily. Otherwise, she would’ve called Justin to break up with him instead of calling me. Basically, she’s calling me to

vent her feelings and let me convince her to be with Justin. Even if she does regret it, she’ll still give the relationship

a go because of what I said.”

“Then again, they’ll break up eventually if Joyce still doesn’t have feelings for Justin in the future,” said Shane.

Natalie replied, “That’s true, but as you said, that’s in the future. Let’s talk about that when the future comes. If

they still find it uncomfortable to be together after dating for some time, then it shows that they’re really not

compatible. I’m sure Joyce and Justin won’t have any hard feelings if they break up during that time. After all, they

have already given it a try. It can’t be forced if they’re not suitable for each other. Justin can only accept his fate if

that happens.”

“All right. Let’s drop the topic. Eat your food. You haven’t eaten anything.” Shane picked up the ladle and placed a

piece of fish onto her plate.

Natalie stared at the piece of fish on her plate. Its meat was white and tender. It was from the stomach, which had

the most tender and delicious meat. On top of that, it had no bones.

He must’ve saved it just for me. If not, the kids would’ve eaten it long ago. It wouldn’t be here anymore.

“Thank you, Darling.” Touched, Natalie flashed Shane a smile. She then picked up her fork and ate the piece of fish.

After dinner, they tucked the children into bed and returned to their room once the children were asleep.

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As soon as the door shut, Shane wrapped his arms around Natalie.

The sudden hug made Natalie stiffen and jump in shock.

However, she quickly recovered from the shock and relaxed. She turned around and stared at the man behind her.

“Why are you suddenly hugging me?”

“I miss you,” Shane uttered with a hoarse voice, burying his head into her shoulder and nuzzling his forehead

against it.

Natalie raised her brow.

He misses me? He just wants to have sex, doesn’t he?

She shook her head in amusement. “I haven’t taken my shower.”

“Just take a shower after.” Shane’s eyes lit up when he realized she understood his intentions. He then nibbled her


It was soft and cool. He felt as if he had a frozen grape in his mouth.

Natalie, on the other hand, could not help but shrink away because of the ticklish feeling. “That’s enough, Shane.

Stop with the nibbling.”