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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 61
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Chapter 61


I last visited Summerfields Acres in Clarke Bay on Dad’s birthday in November.

Everywhere I looked, a thick blanket of snow was all I could see. The grape farm

was nothing but an endless white field. During my entire visit, I was held up

inside Dad’s place.

Since fall was already knocking on our doors, the vineyard was busy. We drove

between endless rolling hills lined with rows of ample grape vines. It was green

here and there. The sunlight bouncing on the vineyard added fall colors to the

already picturesque


the s

Dad’s huge figure looked childlike as he stood on the threshold of his humble

abode. When I say humble, it was a 468 square meter villa with 10 bedrooms, a

gathering hall, and a restaurant. And no, he doesn’t live in the villa. Dad was too

minimalist to live in such a big house. He turned it into a bed–and–breakfast,

hence the lines of cars parked in the parking lot.

This was a busy season for the farm. Mom said there will be a wedding here

tomorrow, that’s why Dad needed her here.

“You made it,” Dad beamed as I slid out of the SUV’s backseat. He enveloped me

in a warm embrace, liftingoff the ground and twirling around like he had

done since I was a little girl.

I would never tire of my parents‘ love, but they don’t know when to tone it

down. My cheeks burned as we gathered attention from the guests mingling in

the garden. His employees beamed at us with interest.

“Dad!” I glared at Dad when he ruffied my hair, swatting his hand away.

Wasn’t it enough that I wanted the ground to swallow me?

He chuckled and turned to Mom, greeting her with a k*ss on the mouth.

I made a face. I guess I would never get used to seeing my parents k*ss in front

of me,


Instead of taking us to the restaurant, Dad prepared breakfast for three in his

cabin a few yards behind the villa. One look at the cabin, and you’ll know Dad

owned it. A chimney jutted out of the roof of the 3–bedroom log cabin. The deck

in front, encompassed by a wooden railing, had three chairs around a makeshift

fire pit. The smaller structure beside the cabin was his garage. He spends more

tthere than inside the house itself.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


Chapter 61

This was the first thing he had built after buying the farm. He knew this was

where he would grow old with Mom.

Dad was your typical rough on the outside, mushy on the inside. Mom was one

lucky girl.

After breakfast, I made myself comfortable in my bedroom here and slept until

late in the afternoon.

‘We’re at the winery,‘ Mom’s note beside the plate of honey–glazed chicken on

the kitchen island said. After eating my late lunch, I went out looking for my

parents. The winery was across the field. It’s easier if I use the motorcycle

parked in Dad’s garage. If only I knew how to drive one.

Halfway through the field, I stopped over to greet the farmers working on Dad’s

vineyard about ten times. They have nothing but good words for my father. It

surprisedhow excited they were to meetas well.

The culture in this place was a big shift from Roslin City. Clarke Bay was a small

town, and Dad, owning the largest vineyard and winery in this area, was kind of

popular with the locals. Dad bought this place when it was on the brink of

bankruptcy. People were surprised at how he made a dying business thrive.

Along with the success of Summerfields Acres was the increase in employment

opportunities for the people of Clarke Bay.

I had just finished talking to Marius, the fifty–seven–year–old farmer who

invitedfor dinner so I could meet his son, when a horse jumped in front of

“Hey, are you alright?” a guy cto my side, his warm hand gently gripping my


“No,” I hissed. There was an ache in my butt. My tailbone landed on a huge rock.

The pain vibrated through my entire spine.

Looking up, I crawled away like a terrified lamb when the horse neighed,

nudgingwith its nose.

“Easy,” the guy chuckled, standing to his full height and rubbing the horse’s

nose. It groaned and nudged the guy’s hand as if asking for more. Mystery Guy

gave it, smiling as he said. “You naughty boy, the horse answered with another

groan. “Behave now. You scared the lady.” As though it understood what he

said, it sighed and stomped its front foot, whipping its tail side to side, but

stayed where it was.

The guy turned tothen, offered his hand, and gently smiled down at me. He

had dark skin, shoulder–length hair, and sharp brown eyes, wearing a

sleeveless gray shirt, jeans, and leather farm boots.


Chapter 61

When I just stared at his hand, he tilted his head to the side. “Can you stand?”

“I think so.” I put my hand in his; it was rough and calloused, and I allowed him

to pullup. When pain shot through my back, I bit the insides of my cheeks

but kept a steady face.

“Are you hurt?” concern laced his tone.

“My butt hit that rock when I fell,” I said, looking down at the golf ball–sized

rock on the dirt path.

His brows knitted together. “I would love to rub the pain away, but that would

be inappropriate.”

I snorted. “You think?”

He laughed uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his n*eck. “It usually works with


“That’s his name?” I asked, looking at the horse.

“Yeah,” the guy nodded. “I’m Xander.”


“I know,” Xander murmured. I frowned at him. “Well, everyone on the farm

knows the boss‘ daughter’s name.”

I nodded. “Ah. So you work here… with Calix?”

“Yeah. I’m the stable guy,” he stated proudly, neared Calix and rubbed its nose.

Calix sighed.

“I didn’t know dad had a stable,” I murmured, not that I would know what he’s

been doing up here. I rarely visit this place. He’s usually the one who travels to

visit me.

I’m such a bad daughter.

“It’s new,” Xander said, lookingup and down. Since I knew I’d be walking

around the vineyard, I brought one dress, a lot of shirts and jeans, and three

pairs of comfy boots. There was no reason forto dress up here, anyway. That

being said, I was wearing a white shirt, fitted jeans, and boots and tied my hair

in a high ponytail. I didn’t bother with makeup. Just loose powder and l*p gloss,

but I put tons of sunscreen on my skin.

“What?” I looked down at my b*dy, wondering if I had dirt on me.

“Nothing,” Xander said, ‘suppressing a smile.


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Chapter 61

I narrowed my eyes at him, folding my arms in my middle. “I don’t appreciate

you making fun of me.”

He stepped back, hands raised in the air. “I’m not making fun of you. I just

didn’t expect… this.” He gestured with his hand over my b*dy.

I’d put him at six foot one. I would need to leap if I wanted to smack that smile

away from his face. Or I could just kick him in the balls, walk away, and never

look back. That would serve him well.

As though he had read my mind, he took another step backward and stood

beside Calix.

“What were you expecting? A princess?” I rolled my eyes and skirted

past him.

He answered with a chuckle, the rumble of his boots against the ground

following mine. I grew agitated as he trailed behind me.

“Will you quit following me?!” I paused. The winery was within reach.

Xander and Calix halted. His brown eyes were wide with feigned innocence.

“We’re not following you, right Calix?” the horse answered with a groan.

Glowering at them, I stomped as fast as I could towards the winery, ignoring the

pain in my a*s. Mom and Dad were having wine on the table under the huge

cedar tree with two other people. Their smiles were bright when they saw me.

“You found her,” Dad greeted Xander.

“It’s Calix who found her,” Xander answered and tied Calix’s line on the lower

branch of the tree.

Anger bubbled within me. He intentionally made fun ofand withheld that

Dad was looking for me.

The two other guests they were having wine with were Natasha and Jonah.

They’re getting married tomorrow, and they extended the invitation to me.

“What’s up, hun,” Mom asked as I sank deeper into the wooden chair beside


“It’s the heat getting on me,” I murmured, glaring at Xander. He winked atas

he spoke to Dad, Natasha, and Jonah.

Mom followed my line of sight, humming meaningfully. “I think you’ll enjoy your

there in Clarke Bay.”

I groaned and snatched Dad’s glass of wine from the table, gobbling it down.