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Facade of Love

Chapter 315
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Chapter 315 Jack’s death

It seemed Idris had had a tough night himself. He responded with a low grunt, revealing

little reaction, as if he was still lost in a daze of sleep.

1 paused, staring at his unreadable face. “Jack’s gone,” I said again, a little louder.

He knitted his brows, a soft, “Hmm…” escaping him. As the sound faded, I could see the

news sinking in. He gave me a sharp look, his dark eyes squinting. “You think I had a hand

in it?”

Man, he jumped to conclusions like a pro. I blinked, shook my head quickly. “No, I’m not

saying it was you, but how can you be so sure he did not just end it himself?”

His frown melted away, his voice as chilly as a winter breeze. “He would not do that to


It seemed we were on the same wavelength.

The car went quiet for a moment before he turned to look at me with a sly grin. “So, you

were going to find me, huh?”

I just nodded. There was no use in trying to hide it.

“Worried about me?” he asked, his voice all playful with a laugh just waiting to burst out.

Seriously? With all the crazy stuff happening, that was what he was hung up


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I shook my head at his silliness. “Emily came to see me last night. She’s worried because

even after Jack was kicked to the curb from his job, it looks like someone has still got it in

for him. She thinks you’re still mad at him and asked me to come and chill you out.”

Idris lifted an eyebrow, all curious. “You actually went for that?”


Suddenly, Idris’s phone buzzed loudly. He glanced down and snatched it up–Officer

Jackson was calling.

He hit the answer button, not bothering to step away. “Yeah, what is it?”

I was close enough to catch the reply.

“Mr. Young, we need you at the station.” Officer Jackson’s voice was stern.

Idris frowned but kept quiet.

The voice on the other end was cautious, as if worried about setting him off. “Jack’s been

murdered. They found some stuff at the scene that ties back to you. This could get

messy… might even drag Ms. Scott into it.”

Idris’s expression darkened. “You’re not saying he killed himself, are you?”

Officer Jackson paused, as if it had just hit him that Idris knew about Jack’s death. “No, but

to keep things simple, the police are calling it a suicide for now.”

Idris was silent for a second, then said, “Alright, I’m on my way.”

Officer Jackson let out a sigh of relief and ended the call.

I set my phone down, and our eyes locked. However, before I could say anything, my

phone. started to buzz. Talk about weird timing it was Officer Jackson.

I tapped the answer button without a second thought, and it was like déjà vu from Idris’s.

earlier call. Officer Jackson was on the other end this time, spilling the beans about

something that went down with Jack and telling me to head over to the station.

“Sure thing,” I said.

The call wrapped up. Without wasting any time, Idris started the engine. The engine

roared to life, and we zoomed off to the police station.

Once we got there, it was weird–they did not split us up to grill us separately or anything.

Actually, it did not even feel like we were being questioned. We were just hanging out in

Officer Jackson’s office, and it seemed like we were putting him in the hot seat.

Officer Jackson passed out glasses of water to us before taking a seat. “Jack plummeted

from the hospital building around two a.m. Some people walking by heard the crash and

dialed 911. The police and the medical examiner were on the scene in a flash. There’s no

doubt he died from that fall.”

“Did someone shove him from one of the upper floors?” I blurted out, unable to contain

my question. Officer Jackson had already clued me in over the phone that Jack’s death was

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not a suicide. If he died from a fall, then it had to be the work of someone else’s hands.

Officer Jackson nodded gravely, paused for a second, and then said, “We found loads of

sleeping pill remnants in his bloodstream. There is no way someone that out of it could

climb up to a window and jump out. We’re pretty sure he was shoved while he was

knocked out.”

Idris’s eyebrows leaped up. “Any idea who might’ve done it?”

Officer Jackson hesitated just a moment before looking straight at me. “The security

cameras caught that same shady character who visited Moore at the station before.”

That caught me off guard. How on earth was Moore mixed up in all this?

“Billy?” The name suddenly clicked.

“Yes,” Officer Jackson confirmed with a nod. “He slipped past the cameras, but he is the

spitting image of the man who was seen with Moore at the station. I am positive it’s the

same guy.”


I found it bizarre. I locked eyes with Officer Jackson. “So, did you catch him?”

He shook his head, his expression clouded with annoyance. “Nope, he disappeared right

after leaving the hospital, just like he did the last time. We have checked every single

camera feed in the neighborhood, but no dice.”