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Ex-husband Unmasked He’s a Billionaire?

Chapter 122
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Chapter 122

A white BMW had been trailing them for stime.

Lena’s expression grew slightly solemn as she said, “It seems like we're being followed.”

“Being followed?”

Cameron's expression changed. He hadn’t sensed any hostility.

“Do you see that white BMW behind us? It’s been following us the entire way,” Lena said in a low


At this, Cameron finally paid attention to the rearview mirror and spotted a white BMW behind them.


Cameron's gaze shifted as he recognized the car.

“Isn't that Dakota's BMW 320i?”


Lena was taken aback for a moment before remembering.

“Isn't that your little girlfriend?”

“Uh... she’s not my girlfriend yet.


Cameron hesitated before responding.

“That'll be soon enough,” Lena said with a meaningful smile.

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“I guess she’s been following us because she’s worried about you.

“Colonel Bailey, anyone would be worried with you as their personal escort,” Cameron quipped as he raised an


“You might have a point there,” Lena muttered, finding ssense in Cameron’s words.

“So, Colonel Bailey, you might as well letgo now. I've answered all your questions,” Cameron said.

He did not want Dakota to worry any further.

“Alright, | might need to contact you later, so leaveyour number,” Lena said, attempting to display her


Cameron thought Lena was decent and decided to give her his number.

After saving his number, Lena pulled over to the side of the road. The white BMW also stopped.

Cameron alighted from the car and waved toward Dakota in the driver's seat.


Chapter 122



Dakota quickly stepped out, her face filled with concern.

“Are you okay?”

“I'm fine,” Cameron reassured her with a smile.

Lena exited the driver's seat and greeted Dakota, “Hello, Ms. Jennings.”

“Colonel Bailey. Hi,” Dakota responded politely, then asked, “Can he

go now?“!

“Yes. | just needed Cameron to clear up sdoubts for me. Don’t worry. He hasn't committed any crimes,”

Lena clarified.

She wanted to ease Dakota's anxieties completely.

“That's a relief. Thank you, Colonel Bailey,” Dakota said gratefully.

“No need to thank me. Your boyfriend should be thanked for his cooperation,” Lena said with a smile.

She deliberately used the term “boyfriend” to encourage the two to be closer.

Dakota's cheeks flushed red, while Cameron couldn't help but shake his head at Lena's antics.

“Well, I'll be taking my leave now since there’s nothing more forhere,” Lena said before returning to her


The army green pickup truck slowly drove away.

“I'll drive



Dakota turned to Cameron to make that gentle offer.

“Sure,” Cameron agreed, and they both got into the car.

As they drove toward Azure Residence, Dakota curiously asked, “Cameron, what did Colonel Bailey want with

you? And what was that about the crscene?”

“It’s nothing serious.”

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Using his prepared story, Cameron explained, “I was just helping Laura out with her car when we were attacked

by thugs on our way back from the police station. Afterward, Colonel Bailey had squestions about the scene,

so | helped answer them.”

“What, Ms. Jones was attacked?”

Dakota's eyes widened in shock. She looked at Cameron worriedly.

“You weren't hurt, were you?”

“No, it was just an ordinary thug,” Cameron reassured her with a smile.

“That's good.”

Chapter 122

Dakota sighed in relief, murmuring, “No wonder Ms. Jones was so nice to you. It was because you helped her.”

“Yeah,” Cameron agreed as he resolved the previous question about his relationship with Laura.

He had been worried about explaining the truth, but Lena had inadvertently helped him out.

“By the way, Cameron, is the issue with your private files resolved now?” Dakota continued her inquiries.

“Yes, it's settled. The military’s system was down for maintenance, and they couldn't retrieve my information at

first. But then Colonel Bailey had her colleague check again, and it showed up,” Cameron explained.

“That's great. Everything worked out in the end,” Dakota said happily.

“Lettake you back.”

“Okay,” Cameron replied with a warm smile.

They continued their journey in good spirits.

Meanwhile, Laura stood before the French windows in the hotel's presidential suite. She gazed out at the

cityscape. However, she seemed somewhat troubled.

Just moments ago, she had received a call from her fiancé, who had heard about her trip to Yrando. He

mentioned that he would join her a few days after returning from a warzone overseas.