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Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 435
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Chapter 435 Karma

Boris’ heart skipped a beat, and he stared at the balloon Is the wind blowing it around? He quickly

picked up the wet towel beside him and slammed it down on the Balloon. The balloon floated away and

stopped moving, much to his relief. His good mood soured, Boris quickly got up, wore his robe, and

walked out of the bathroom.

Gonna get myself some wine. He drank a little, and then something struck him. Wait. I don’t have

balloons in my home! He swiveled around and looked at the bathroom fear clutching his heart, and he

saw the balloon coming out again, but this time, it was moving even weirder. It was starting to turn


First it went into the walk-in closet, then the couch, and then… to him. It was already the dead of the

night, and a balloon was slowly closing in on him like some sort of ghost. Of course Boris was scared.

He quickly retreated and crashed into his french window. He specifically asked for this just so he could

have a better vista, and Boris was sticking to the window, staring at the balloon. He roared, “Don’t

come closer!”

The balloon was the shape of a grey cat, and Boris thought the eyes looked familiar. He once extracted

the blood of a grey cat, but he took too much from it, and the cat died. No way…

The balloon was getting closer and closer, and Boris screamed. Then he grabbed it and popped it

open. Silence came back to the room, but only for a moment, then an eerie laughter slithered up his

back. He felt a chill run down his spine, and he turned around.

The thing meeting his eyes was a woman standing outside the window. She stuck her face to the glass

panel, her hair tumbling down her shoulder, and her face dead, though her eyes were fixated on him.

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The woman’s face was so hideous, Boris thought his heart would stop. A strangled scream escaped his

lips, and he quickly retreated only to fall on his butt.

When he looked up again, there was nothing outside the window. Everything felt like an illusion. W-Was

that a ghost? This… this is impossible! Shaken, Boris quickly got up, but then he noticed a pair of feet

standing before him. When he raised his head, he was met with the face of the ghost standing outside

his window


Another scream escaped his lungs, and Boris ran for his life, though he fell again and slammed his

head. against the coffee table, drawing blood. The moment he came downstairs, he knew something

was wrong. What’s that smell? He didn’t even have time to think about that, for what he saw in front of

him was hair- raising.

The lounge was filled with all kinds of cats. Black cats, calicoes, Persian, orange cats… Cats of all

sizes and ages staring at him with their green eyes, and they hissed. The hisses became purrs, and

then meows, and then something akin to a roar. Eventually, a cat screeched, and all the cats pounced

at Boris.

Boris has caught a lot of strays before, but not once had he been this afraid, and he ran away, but he

was no match for cats. They surrounded him before he could even escape, and they clawed away at

him. Still, he wobbled out and screamed for help, but the cats were attacking him. Some tore away at

his cars, some tried to gouge his eyes out, and some bit his neck.

He screamed and screamed, but then he heard a loud ng ringing in the air. The house exploded, and

he finally realized what the smell was, Gas.

A lot of stoves had safeties so the gas wouldn’t leak, but not in his wildest dream did Boris expect his

house to explode. The cats were gone, and Boris was blown away by a great gust of air, slamming him

into a big slab of stone in the garden, and he fell unconscious.


The siren of the firetruck pierced the night, but the cats were nowhere to be seen. It felt like they never

appeared. The fire burned Boris’ house down, and all his cars were ruined. Not even a single cent was


for him.

Morning came, and Boris came home wearing his robe with nothing inside. He had not a single cent to

his name, and the man stared at the charred remains of his house dumbly. He didn’t buy any insurance

for 1 his, and since the accident happened because the gas pipe was wrecked by cats, the insurance

and government would not pay him anything.

Just like that, he lost everything. His house, his cars, everything. Shaken to his core, Boris plopped

down to the ground. What now? What can I do now? I can’t ask the cat to pay me.

That wasn’t the end. When Boris finally accepted the thith and stood up, someone cuffed him.

“Boris Trask, you have violated someone’s right to privacy and made a hundred grand from said action.

The victim has decided to take you to court.”

The crime for that would net him three years of jail at most, and Boris’ heart sank. He complained, “You

have the wrong person! I never violated anyone’s right to privacy! I never have!”

The officer played a video. It was the one where Kelly was in, and Blake showed up for two seconds.

You call that a violation? “I’m complaining! This is slander! That was just an accidental act!” Boris

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The officer sneered. “Sure, tell the judge that. And two years ago, you bought a car from Parker

Ferguson. That car was a stolen vehicle, and yet you still bought that a low price even though you

knew it was a stolen car. This is a high-value crime, and according to Article 312 of the Penal Code,

you’ll be sentenced to at least three years of jail. Seven years at most.”

The sentences would be carried out concurrently, and Boris was taken to jail. He thought he would only

have to suffer for three years, but no. It was seven. I’m ne for. Jay, his assistant, and the staff members

were doxxed by a certain unreasonable viewer. They released all their details, including their

addresses, numbers, hometown, and their families’ numbers.

These people were persona non grata now, and their friends and families cursed them. They couldn’t

even survive anymore. Even when they tried to interview for new jobs, their crimes were still exposed.

In the end, they could only work at construction sites.

Kelly was taken home by her parents. They chose to keep quiet about her crimes when they knew

about it, and they even spent the money she gave him without guilt. Now they wouldn’t even gain a

single cent from their daughter, and they had to take care of her as well.

Her father roared, “I told you not to do that! Now look what happened? This is going to be

embarrassing for me! That’s it. You’re not my daughter anymore!”

Kelly couldn’t say a word. All she could do was groan. u guys didn’t say no to my money. She started

crying. Her life was done for, and when she was reminded of the handsome Blake, she felt her heart

getting torn

to shreds.

We could’ve been together! Fate brought us together, and we could’ve been a couple. Why did you

take him away from me, God? I won’t stand for this!