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Eight Uncles' Beloved Treasure (Lily)

Chapter 413
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hapter 413 It’s Rude of Me to Not Take Action

Blake’s face grew cold as he twisted his wrist and firmly gripped Parker’s head, exerting pressure.

Looking down on Parker from above, his lips curled into a smirk. “With the tension in the air reaching its

peak, it would be rather impolite of me not to take action now.”

Parker chuckled, about to say, “You’re quite the pretentious prick, aren’t you?”

But in the next moment, a sharp crack echoed through the room!

Parker’s head twisted ninety degrees, his body stiffening as he collapsed, crashing onto the floor with

at resounding thud!


eyes widened in shock.

Madam Fowler’s eyes widened as well, her pallid face growing even whiter, overwhelmed by fear.

Trembling at the corner of her mouth, Madam Feliciasuttered, “Y-you… You really…”

Did he really… kill him?

The words choked in Madam Fowler’s throat, unable to escape her lips.

Blake looked down at Parker convulsing on the floor, calmly reaching for a wet tissue from the tabletop.

As he wiped his hands, he casually remarked, “Don’t worry, I merely dismantled his head. I didn’t end

his pathetic existence.”

Madam Fowler’s legs weakened. What… What difference did that make?

Parker writhed on the ground, attempting to rise, but confusion clouded his mind. His limbs tingled with

numbness, rendering him utterly devoid of strength.

Blake’s tone was as cold and heartless as icicles hanging from the eaves on a frigid winter day. “It’s just

a dislocated cervical spine. He won’t die, but I can’t guarantee anything if he keeps writhing and



Parker froze in terror as he writhed on the ground.

A dislocated cervical spine!

Just last month, his friend had been in a car accident, speeding and crashing into a bridge pillar. His

neck twisted at an eerie angle on impact.

Although they managed to save his friend’s life, he suffered a high-level spinal cord injury, forever

paralyzed and unable to care for himself. His speech was reduced to incomprehensible babbling.

Parker felt tears welling up; he didn’t want to end up as a paralyzed invalid!

He glared at Blake with resentment.

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Blake sneered, his eyes devoid of any hint of amusement. His voice dripping with coldness, he said,

“Remember this, if I ever hear a single unpleasant word about my daughter again, next time, it’ll be a

180- degree twist.”

Parker’s body broke out in a cold sweat, and as the air conditioning blew on him, he shivered from the



Lilly, who had just regained her senses, thought, Oh my goodness, Dad is so fierce-

However, she felt no worry or fear at all because Parker’s soul hadn’t left his body. That meant Dad

hadn’t killed him.

It was just like Grandma always said: Dad was an absolute unquestionably good person. Whatever he

did, there was always a reason behind it.

All Lilly had to do was trust Dad!

Sitting on the couch, she even reached into her little backpack and pulled out a carton of milk from the

outer pocket. Swinging her little legs back and forth, she leisurely sipped from it.

Noticing Grace’s expressionless face, she pulled out another carton. “Here, Gracie, it’s milk! Drink up!”

Polly immediately chimed in, “Finish that bottle of milk and forget about that brat!”

Grace remained silent.

The annoying parrot didn’t stop there, continuing to stretch its neck and theatrically exclaim, “Class 3F,

Grace, Grace! Your mommy has two bottles of milk for you! Wow, your mommy loves you so much!

Sweetie, this is your favorite milk! Mommy, I love.

It even mimicked two different tones perfectly.

Still, Grace remained silent.

Madam Fowler doesn’t know what to do, “Uh…”

Parker, lying on the ground, fumed.

Seriously? Shouldn’t the focus be on me now?


Desperate for someone to help him, Parker pleaded for someone to call for emergency assistance, but

his pleas fell on deaf ears.

Blake asked, “Is he your younger brother-in-law?”

Madam Fowler’s expression turned complicated, and she gradually regained her composure. While

signaling a servant to call emergency services, she said. My husband had poor health as a child. When

he was three years old, his birth mother gave him away to another family to raise. Later my mother-in-

law found him and brought him back.”

In front of Lilly, Madam Fowler couldn’t be too explicit

After all, the truth was too harsh and cold. Saying that he was given away to another family was

essentially discarding a child on the verge of death.

She didn’t want Lilly to hear such a harsh reality, fearing that Blake might twist her neck 90 degrees


“My parents-in-law never had children of their own. After they found my husband and brought him back,

they treated him as their son. He took on the Fowler family name. My parents-in-law exhausted their

entire fortune, selling their house and car, to cure my husband. And when he grew up, he worked hard

and earned a lot of money to support and honor my parents-in-law.”


Blake nodded, realizing that Madam Fowler’s husband carried the surname Fowler while Parker

Ferguson retained the surname, Ferguson.

Upon hearing this, Lilly was in awe of Uncle Fowler, impressed by his ability to make so much money

without any initial resources. He was almost as amazing as Uncle Anthony.

Madam Fowler continued, “Once my husband became successful, his biological mother came knocking

on our door. She claimed that abandoning him was a last resort since they had no money for treatment,

and he would have died if he stayed at home. She even dared to suggest that throwing him away might

have. led to a wealthy family finding and curing him.”

She could never forget the face of that old woman, who seemed almost proud of her actions, saying,

“Look, he’s cured now, isn’t he? If I hadn’t thrown you away, would the Fowler family have found you

and given you such a good life?”

What made it even more repugnant was the fact that her husband’s birth parents weren’t extremely

impoverished back then. They had their own house and car. They simply heard that the treatment

would cost at least a million dollars, with no guarantee of success, and that’s when they abandoned her


Madam Fowler sneered, “His mother couldn’t bear to provide treatment for her child, while his adoptive

parents sacrificed everything and worked tirelessly for a child they found. It ruined their health when

they were still young…”

Lilly listened intently, hanging on to every word.

She had experienced hardships in the Hatcher family during her childhood, and she had learned early

on about the fickleness of human relationships. She was more mature than most children her age…

Perhaps if another four-year-old child were sitting here, they wouldn’t understand what the adults were

talking about. But Lilly, on the other hand, already felt sympathy for Uncle Fowler, who had been.

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abandoned by his biological mother.

He must have been very sad when he was thrown away…

When she was three years old, her father had also abandoned her-of course, she now knew that

Stephen was not her real father. At that time, she had felt great sadness too…

“And then?” Grace interjected, her voice was cold and clear, an unusual moment of initiative from her.

She wanted to know what decision Uncle Fowler had ultimately made between his biological mother

and his adoptive parents.

If Uncle Fowler had given his biological parents even a penny in support, Grace felt she would look

down upon him.

Madam Fowler continued, “My in-laws were kind-hearted and didn’t want to say much. After all, my

husband was their biological child, and they had to consider his feelings. But my husband had the

security guards kick them out directly. They didn’t give up and kept coming to cause trouble every few

days. My in-laws were already in poor health, and this continued for two years. My mother-in-law

passed away due to illness, and my father-in-law, deeply attached to her, followed soon after.

The Ferguson family even joined in, demanding their share of the estate.

But in the end, it was her in-laws who passed away, and hey had nothing to do with their family. It was

certain that the situation wouldn’t end well.


After another two years, her husband also passed away due to illness. His childhood condition was

never completely cured, and coupled with the immense fortune he had painstakingly built, he couldn’t

hold on

in the end.

Her health wasn’t good either, and she had never been able to conceive, leaving no descendants for

the Fowler family. This was her most bitter regret deep in her heart.

“The Ferguson family presented a paternity test, claiming their relationship as my husband’s biological

parents and demanding half of the inheritance through a lawsuit, Madam Fowler said with a smile. “But

if my husband didn’t give them anything during his lifetime, why would I give them a single penny


She had nothing if not money. Even if it meant spending tens of millions or hundreds of millions in legal

battles, she would never let them inherit a single cent.

Lilly was puzzled. “Then why is this twisted-neck Uncle able to be here and drive such an expensive


Madam Fowler’s eyes revealed a hint of despair…