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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen by Lopez family's

Chapter 7
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Chapter 7

The live chat was buzzing with comments.

Is there something wrong with Eileen?|

She actually swears on the show, why didn’t the crew intervene?

Does this show not have a replay feature? Did she really ask Hubery to meet at seven thirty? If so, isn’t

she publicly getting back at him? What’s the beef between her and Hubery”]

Our Hubery doesn’t even know that annoying Eileen, okay? I suspect she’s into Hubery, and out of a

failed love, hate is born!]

No matter what. Eileen should quit the entertainment industry, look at her dark past, fights, brawls,

chaotic life, there’s something wrong with her]

came late, didn’t see what happened earlier, but as long as there’s Egbert, I’m following him |

The chat was heating up. But those on the scene couldn’t see these, so they weren’t affected. In the

end, it was Josiah who noticed something was off and took

Huber awaY

Hubery looked temble but in front of his senior Josiah, he dared not be too arogant, and could only say

in an aggrieved tone, “I don’t know why she’s treating me like this, she even splashed water on me this

morning. I heard she’s never done this to anyone else.”

Josiah whispered. The recording has started, all her actions are arranged by the crew”

Hubery was stunned. You mean.”

Josiah, not very familiar with Hubery, could only comfort him, “Let’s see, its a live show, whether

intentional or not, the audience’s eyes are sharp”

Upon hearing this. Hubery finally realized that this was a live show. Eileen was obviously targeting him

for no reason, such behavior was very bad His fans and the audience would definitely dislike her, and

feel more sympathy for him.

Thinking of this Hubery had an epiphany Could it be that Eileen, in her desperate love for him, chose to

tamish herself in this way, to help him win poculanty to increase his fame?

The more he thought about it, the more it seemed to be the case. Hubery suddenly saw the light. He

knew that the Lopez family had never given Eileena shred of warmth Only he, in her darkest hour, had

given her unique warmth. How could she resist that? This silly woman must have fallen head over

heels in love with him. When she splashed water on him and told him the wrong time, she might have

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been very upset for him.

With these thoughts in mind, Hubery immediately returned to his normal state, becoming the

handsome, gentle man in front of the camera again

After a while everyone gathered, and Eileen saw Hubery smiling at her? What’s going on? He’s being

scolded and he’s still so happy? Is he nuts?

Time to board

The first stop was France

On the plane. Hubery wanted to find a chance to talk to Eileen alone, but because of the crowd, he had

to give up. Egbert fell asleep as soon as he got on the plane. because Eileen had put a sleeping pill in

his drink, so he seemed a bit sleepy.

Everyone else also took the opportunity to rest. Twelve hours later, they arrived in France. Before

getting off the plane, a staff member called Eileen over, “Can you

come here?”

Eileen walked over

The main director immediately asked, “You’re a temporary replacement to participate in our show, did

your agent make it clear to you? You’re here as Travel Concierge, not to manage the five guests. In

fact, you’re their server, you need to take care of them first.”

Eileen leaned against the cabin wall, half-closed her eyes, lazily said. “Didn’t take care of them? Didn’t I

buy Egbert’s medicine?”

The main director hesitated, “But you’re too strict with them.”

Eileen replied. “Whether it’s strict or not is your subjective opinion, I think I’ve been very gentle.”

The main director said senously, “I dont have time to argue with you about these, in general, you need

to remember your role, be gentle and polite to them, they’re all very important people, especially

Egbert. If he’s an antique, then you’re a clay jar. You need to listen to them, got it?”

“Oh Eileen answered casually, “Alright”

The plane landed everyone got off.

Outside the airport, the crew officially announced the rules of this trip, in short, they only had one

hundred euros, five guests and one Travel Concierge, the living expenses for the next three days are

all here, accommodation and food are all up to them, and their task is to go to at least five local tourist

spots, the fare to the tourist spots is also included in this hundred euros

Everyone was very surprised when they heard this.

Hubery asked gently. “Can we use our own money?”

“Of course not” A crew member immediately came forward, took their wallets and phones, and gave

them local usable phones.

Six people, in the blink of an eye, had nothing During this process, Egbert was standing in the most

remute location, fazily rubbing his temples. Eileen took a glance at him, seeing his face was normal, he

looked no different from a normal person, so she looked away

Bblythe suggested, “Let’s find a hotel first, does anyone know a cheap hotel nearby?”

Hubery smiled. “I was here last year, I remember theres a relatively cheap hotel near the airport, shall

we go there first?”

No one else objected. Phyllis glanced at Eileen and deliberately asked, “Eileen, you’re our Travel

Concierge, why don’t you talk after getting off the plane, weren’t you very strict back in our country?

Shouldn’t you take control in such an uncertain situation? Could it be…” Phyllis blinked, “Could it be

you’re scared?”

Eileen dragged her suitcase to her and said, “I hope you can remember. Even in front of me, I hope you

won’t be so unreasonable. Secondly, before getting off the plane, the crew reminded me to listen to you

guys. They said you guys are antiques and I’m a clay jar, so I’ve decided, whatever you say, I’ll do.”

Phyllis glared at her, “But…”


Bblythe tned to defuse the situation, “Let’s go, Hubery will lead the way”

Hubery gave Eileen a silent glance, then took the lead

Eileen followed behind, with Egbert quietly beside her. To be honest, Egbert being on this show was

quite a surprise,

After half an hour of walking, Phyllis and Bblythe, in their high heels, were almost dying from foot pain.

They finally arrived at the so-called budget hotel. When they asked the price, a room was 25 Euros.

“We only have 100 Euros in total. Even if we squeeze in, two rooms for guys and girls cost 50 Euros.

That’s 150 Euros for three nights, not even including food and


Hubery looked a bit embarrassed, “This is the cheapest hotel around.”

Bblythe hesitated, “Let’s stay a night and look for cheaper options tomorrow.”

In the end, they had no choice but to book two rooms, draining half of their budget.

The standard room was super cramped. Phyllis was pretty picky, Bblythe didn’t say much, and Eileen

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was expressionless throughout. They felt hungry after settling their luggage, but after looking at the

hotel menu, they decided to look for food outside.

When they met up. Egbert was nowhere to be seen. Bblythe asked, “Where’s Mr. Reed?”

Just as Josiah was about to answer, Hubery chimed in, “The crew said he went to the hospital”

Let’s get him some food then.”

They set out together, with Eileen maintaining her aloof attitude

“Let’s eat here” Having been to Paris before, Hubery naturally became the leader. He chose a popular

restaurant, making others worry about the cost.

Hubery laughed, “This is our first meal, we can start saving after this. With his endorsement, everyone


As Eileen entered, she glanced at the restaurant’s signature dish, scallops cooked in white wine. It was

her favorite.

Just then, a look from afar caught her attention. She looked up to meet Hubery’s gaze. There seemed

to be something hidden in his eyes, and he even gave her a smile

Eileen thought, this guy is really a dumb pig.

Everyone was reluctant to order too much, but as there were too many people, they ended up spending

25 Euros.

This tiny bit of money really isn’t enough” Phyllis complained

When they got back, Egbert was already there. Josiah watched as Hubery eagerly handed his food to

Egbert, frowning in response.

“Forget it” Bblythe gave Josiah a pat on the shoulder and whispered, “Young people are like this.”

They’ll do anything to please someone in a higher position.

Egbert didn’t touch the food Hubery brought, simply saying. Tve already eaten”

Hubery looked disappointed. He muttered to himself, “I really like Egbert.”

Josiah was taken aback. When Egbert was present, Hubery would do anything to please him. But once

he left, Hubery would act pitiful in front of the live camera, implying that Egbert was ungrateful and had

hurt his feelings.


Everyone w35 b.

Do you

Maybe was up

Huben they

to Egbert