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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen by Lopez family's

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53

After hearing this, Eileen remained silent for a while

A moment later, she glanced at Egbert, then at the 2,500 yen in her hands, and finally put the money

back into her bag, saying, ‘Let’s save this for another


Egbert didn’t object.

“Shall we go?” Eileen asked.

“Sure” Egbert replied indifferently.

The bus stop was close by.

There was a small cart selling Japanese pancakes nearby.

As they walked past the cart, Eileen suddenly felt the person next to her stop.

She turned her head and saw Egbert standing next to the cart, watching the vendor make the


“We re about to go back and eat sushi. There’s still a lot left from yesterday Eileen said.

Egbert glanced at her hand holding his, then looked into her eyes and hesitated before asking, “Can

you give me some pocket money?”

Eileen was at a loss for words.

In the end, Eileen bought Egbert a pancake, 150 yen each.

Egbert took the warm pancake, tore off a small piece and put it in his mouth. After chewing it, he

handed the pancake to Eileen.

Eileen shook her head, saying, “No, thanks” And walked onto the platform.

The bus was late.

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Five minutes later, Eileen was eating the pancake and nodded. ‘It tastes pretty good. She then tore off

another piece and put it into her mouth.

Egbert didn’t eat any more. He held the remaining pancake, occasionally offering it to Eileen to make it

easier for her to eat.

After getting on the bus, they found seats next to each other. Eventually, the pancake ended up in

Eileen’s hands.

After she finished eating, she handed the empty bag back to Egbert.

Egbert took the bag and glanced at her.

When they returned to the hotel, they were surprised to find that Aurora and Hubery had arrived before

them. When Aurora saw them, she stood up from the sofa on the first floor and walked towards them

with a smile.

Eileen glanced at Egbert, chuckled mockingly, and then walked straight to the elevator.

Unexpectedly, Aurora wasn’t approaching Egbert, but blocked her, “Since the task is completed. Ms.

Lopez, our small team should also return to the main team, right? I heard that the boys and girls used

to share rooms separately Hubery and I have already checked out of our hotel, we should also follow

this rule, Ms. Lopez, tonight I will share a room with you and Bblythe.”

Eileen was speechless.

When Bblythe came back in the evening and saw Aurora in the room, she was almost furious.

She threw her handbag at the couch and stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her

and glaring at Eileen who was brushing her teeth.

Eileen was forced to stop brushing, innocently saying, “I didn’t want her to move in either.”

Bblythe asked angrily, “So what are we going to do now?”

Eileen spat out the foam in her mouth, III share a bed with you tonight. Actually, even if we don’t live

together now, the next episode should…”

Tm not coming next episode” Bblythe cut her off.

Eileen was stunned and looked at her.

Bblythe coldly said. “I can’t get along with her. If she’s a regular on the show, I can only quit. I can

afford the penalty for breaking the contract.”

Eileen frowned.

Bblythe closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, saying, “I shouldn’t make it hard for you, after all, you

don’t have any conflict with her. Never mind, I have some money left, I go book another room.

Saying this, Bblythe walked out, picked up her handbag from the couch, and left the room without a

glance at Aurora.

After Eileen finished brushing her teeth, she came out with a towel, wiping her mouth while glancing at

Aurora, who was sitting on Bblythe’s bed, reading a magazine

When Aurora saw Eileen come out, she gave her a triumphant smile.

Eileen didn’t understand what she felt so proud of, and she also turned and left the room.

Blythe went to the first floor to book a room.

They still had 1,000 yen left in their travel fund, but it was not enough to book a room. She was

discussing with the staff to get back her personal wallet. Eileen, in her pajamas and with a towel around

her neck, casually appeared behind Bblythe, bumped into her, and handed a room card in front of her


Bblythe was stunned, looked at the room card, then at Eileen, “What…”

Eileen smiled, “I don’t like her either, I’ll move out with you”

Bblythe looked at Eileen in shock, then hugged her tightly, saying, “Eileen, you’re so considerate.”

Five minutes later, Aurora, who was sitting on Bblythe’s bed smugly, saw Bblythe and Eileen return.

She put down the magazine in her hand, smiled politely, and asked softly. “There are only two beds,

how shall we sleep tonight? I don’t like sharing a bed, I want to sleep alone.”

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Bblythe ignored her, pulled her suitcase out from under the bed, dumped all her makeup into the

suitcase, stood up and asked Eileen, “Are you good to go?”

Eileen didn’t have much luggage, she picked up her bag and said, “Yeah.”

Neither of them looked at Aurora directly from beginning to end. They picked up their luggage and

walked out without looking back.

After they had left, Aurora realized that they had moved out to avoid her!

“Humph!” Aurora clenched her fists, feeling wronged. She got up from the bed and decided to go to the

boys’ room next door to complain about her troubles.

She wanted the boys to know that she was isolated.

But as soon as she left the room, she saw a hotel employee approaching her. The employee said a lot

to her with a smile, occasionally pointing to the door of the room she had just left.

Aurora didn’t understand a word.

The employee kept talking.

Aurora gestured to him to wait and quickly said, “Hold on a second”

Then she quickly knocked on the door of the room next door.

The door was quickly opened, and the person who opened it was Hubery. He looked very surprised

when he saw Aurora and said, “Aurora?”

Aurora waved at him, noticing Egbert in the room, she said, “Mr. Reed, this staff here seems to be

trying to tell me something, but I’m not getting it. Could you translate for me?”

Egbert was drying his hair. He gave a frosty glance at the two by the door, then redirected his gaze

onto the staff member.

The guy repeated what he just said, Egbert, after hearing it, paused for a second, then lowered his

head and let out a quiet chuckle.

Aurora asked in confusion, “Mr. Reed?”

Egbert nonchalantly said. “He wants you to leave room ASAP cause it’s been checked out. If you’re still

there in ten minutes, they’re gonna call the police.”