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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 31
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31 The Heat Period


I did not know heat could be incredible and tormenting at the same time. The moment Luke buried

himself inside me, I wanted to devour him. Luke pumped hard and fast, and I could not get enough

“Your pussy is hot, Tia, and so freaking wet and slippery,” he said, moaning and growling. I knew my

scent was driving him nuts because his eyes remained beastly. His teeth were elongated. I grabbed onto

him and dug my fingers into his skin. He growled in response, and it made me want more.

“Harder, Luke,” I said, and he pulled out and made me stand on my hands and knees and began to slam

into me uncontrollably. I felt my teeth elongate, and my claws grow out. My claws dug into the pillow I

was resting on, tearing it in the process.

“Luke,” I moaned, wanting more. While he slammed into me, I moved my hips against his motion so he

would go deeper and hit it harder. Soon I came, and he poured into me. I was exhausted and glad, but I

knew it was only beginning.

Luke was out of breath, but he managed to laugh.

“What is funny?” I asked him.

“I wondered how you would have managed at the Leaf Hotel tonight,” he said, and I smacked his hand.

“Silly,” I said. “I would have swallowed my pride and called you,” I confessed, and Luke shook his head

and turned to look at me. You do not want to be in heat outside on your own, Tia. I have heard bad

stories,” he said, trying to make it sound spooky, and I giggled.

It wasn’t long before the heat started rising again. It was alien to me, and I was confused.

“Luke,” I said, confused and spreading my legs wide for air to cool down my pussy. He looked at me,


“It is starting again,” I said, and he frowned.

“That‘s too soon, Tia,” he said.

“I know, do something about it,” I yelled, and he looked down at his cock. It wasn‘t hard.

“Where are your toys?” he said, and I pointed at the dresser.

“I doubt they will work. I need your scent. I need you,” I said.

“Shit Tia. I need to do some research to ensure we are handling this well.

“I fucking need you now; you can do your research later,” I growled at him as the heat burned

31 The Hea: Period

through me and my pussy ached and clenched. His eyes turned yellow again. His wolf wanted to satisfy

me, and I welcomed it.

He leaned over me, kissed my neck and sucked his mark, then spread my legs and placed them on his

shoulder, lifting my but off the bed so he could kneel upright. He rammed into me, and it was the

sweetest fuck i had ever experienced in my life.

“Yes, right there,” I moaned, and he continued, maintaining the pace and hitting the same


“Fuck, Tia. You are amazing,” he said between growls and moans. We were not in our senses, but

whatever we were doing was working. How the fuck did I think those toys were going to help me through

this. It would have been a joke.

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Still pumping. Luke rubbed my clit with his fingers until I came. He let down my legs but did not pull out of


“Hand me my phone,” he said, and I frowned at him, wondering what he wanted to do. Noticing my

reaction, he shook his head immediately.

“It is not what you think. I won‘t take your picture like this, Tia. I have been doing some research on heat,

and some positions are more efficient than others. I just tested one with you, and it worked for both of us.

Leaving myself inside, too, is advised to calm it down longer.

“We can‘t stay like this forever, I said, feeling weird. The whole complications had taken the love and fun

out of it. We were both novices in this department. Hopefully, we get the hang of it soon.

Soon he pulled out of me and stood up to exercise his waist. His eyes were still wolfish.

“Why do you have your wolf eyes up till now?” I asked him, and he smiled.

“So do you. It is your heat. Your scent will stir up a desire in any wolf close by. If I do to you, what my

instincts want me to do, I might hurt you, Tia. I am controlling myself right now. You smell so fucking

good,” he said, and I smiled.

Let‘s have a cold shower together. I will link Bart not to serve us in the morning and tell my father you are

on heat, so no one disturbs us,” he said, and I frowned at him.

“Trust me. Leaving this room will be a bad idea for you,‘ Luke said and kissed me passionately. We went

into the bathroom, and we showered with cold water. I saw him flinch a bit, but he endured it because of

me. I touched his muscles and his smooth tanned skin; I did not know when a moan escaped my lips.

“Like what you see, Tia?” he asked me, and I looked at him with so much lust and nodded.

“It‘s yours,‘ he said, and I crashed my lips against his. Drinking him in. Tasting him and loving every bit of

it. My senses were amplified. I felt more and tasted more than before. His cinnamon scent filled my

senses, and I could not help myself.

31 The Heat Period

“Fuck me, Luke, Fuck me right here,” I said, jumping on him and wrapping my legs around his


He held me against the wall and then sucked his mark on my neck.

‘I won‘t fuck you, Tia. I will make love to you,” he said, but at that moment, they were one and the same

in my head. All I could think about was mating.

He fucked me slow and steady under the cold, relieving the heat that burned inside me.

“Go deeper, Luke. I want you to go deeper.” I said, grinding my pussy against his cock and digging my

fingers into his flesh.

The sensation was sweet. It was amazing. It was as if I was experiencing sexual pleasure for the first

time. I threw my head back, eyes closed, and the water fell on my face, humping him. His strong legs

carried me, and his strong hands supported me while his cock eased the ache between my legs.

We fucked under the shower for a while, and I came several times before Luke finally released into me.

He carried me to bed after that. Spread my legs wide and buried his cock inside. Soon both of us fell

asleep, and I hoped that would count as day one.

I woke up and looked at the clock. It was afternoon the next day; we must have slept all through the

morning because of our activities. I watched Luke lying next to me stark naked with a hard–on. I saw my

claw marks on his skin. They were healing, and I looked at my fingers. I must have bruised him badly.

His cinnamon scent filled my senses, and I knew the heat was coming back. I did not bother to wake

him, and I went on top of him to ride my fill. Luke woke up moaning. He was confused at first and then

surprised, and then he grabbed my waist to guide my rhythm.

“Good Morning, Tia,” he moaned while I wildly rode my fill of him. The feeling was so good. I arced my

back, looking up at the ceiling, squeezed my breasts and rode him. All that mattered was the pleasure

and the need to ease the ache, and he let me.

My heat lasted for five days as predicted. Five days of intense lovemaking in our bedroom. Locked away

from the rest of the world. Five days of affirming our feelings and expressing our love. Five days of

intertwining our souls and joining our bodies endlessly. Five days of passion.

I did not eat much, but Luke ate a lot of food to keep up. For his first time, he held his ground. At a point,

I thought he would run, but it seemed the passion burned evenly between us. He wanted me just as

much as I needed him, and leaving the way I did because of Elisabeth, felt stupid. I hoped he would just

forget about it and never bring it up.

“Five days, aye?” Luke asked me, sitting next to me on the couch in the sitting room. It was nighttime,

and my heat had ended, so we decided to cuddle on the sofa and watch a movie on the television. My

body was sore from all the humping, bumping and grinding.

31 The Heat Period

“I enjoyed every bit of it, Tia,” he said and kissed my shoulder, “Don’t ever doubt my love for you, Tia.

Don’t ever think you share my heart with another,” he said earnestly, and I nodded because he did not

need to tell me. He had shown me. Luke placed his hands on my belly and smiled.

“I can’t wait for us to get pregnant, Tia,” he said, and I was nervous. I wasn’t ready to be a mother at


“Not now, of course, but you know we did not use protection during your heat,” he pointed out, and my

stomach churned. Then he placed his hands on mine.

“Don‘t worry, Tia. I will take you to the clinic tomorrow after breakfast. I am sure the doctor will know what

to do and maybe give us contraceptives to help,” he said, and I looked at him a bit glad.

“Are you sure, Luke?” I asked him, and he nodded.

“I do not want you to feel as if you are under pressure,” he said and kissed me gently.

“I am sorry I never really asked how it went with Elisabeth. Did you find out from the doctor the poison

she took?” I asked him, and he looked at me as if something had skipped his mind and shook his head,


“Matter of fact, I didn‘t. I was too mad and tired to do so,” he said, and I smiled.

“What is it?” He asked out of curiosity.

“I doubt she took anything, Lethal. That woman is too selfish to do that. Probably heard us going at it and

wanted to disrupt our lovemaking. She is a chronic attention seeker, Luke, and she craves yours,” I said,

and he kissed me gently.

“That is why I have moved her down the hallway. She can‘t hear us again,” Luke said, and I frowned at

him. I put her next to us for a purpose, so she could get the message and move on.

“Why will you do that?” I asked, and he rubbed my hand gently and sighed.

“Tia, cut her some slack, please. She does not need to hear us. She knows. Let us not torture her any

more than we have already. I was angry at her. I do not want to think of her again. She is away from us,

down the hallway, and we are away from her. Please, Tia, let it go. My heart beats just for you; you own

me. You own my love and my heart. You own me down to my soul, Tia. Please let it go,” he pleaded with

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me sincerely, and I nodded, but I wished I could torture her some more.

We set out for breakfast in the right-wing the following morning. I learned Elisabeth was being watched

based on Luke’s orders. If she genuinely drank poison and might have harmed the child, she will have

her work cut out for her when the baby is born. Deep down, I doubted she drank anything harmful.

Maybe she took something to slow down her heart rate a bit. The bitch was too damn selfish to kill

herself for Luke. She just wanted attention, and she got the opposite of it. Luke told me he had promised

to let her die the next time she pulled off

something like that.

I sat at the table, and Kimberly was smiling at me. I figured everyone knew my heat had just passed. I

could not keep eye contact with anyone. Caleb was not at the table, and I envied him at that moment

because he got to dodge an awful breakfast.

“Luke, I must commend your effort, being your first heat and all,” Alpha Aesop said, and I almost choked.

I started coughing and picked up the glass of orange juice to help myself. How could this man be talking

about something so private and intimate at the breakfast table, in the presence of everyone? Alpha

Aesop had no shame. I was glad for my tanned skin. If not, I would have been as red as a tomato.

“Your mother‘s heat was my first, and it was amazing Luke,” He said, and I honestly wanted to excuse


“Aesop, darling. Can‘t you see you are making Tia uncomfortable?” Stacy said, and I doubted if it was

because she cared about me. She did not want her mate reminiscing about Luke‘s mother.

“Tia is a woman now. She can handle the conversation. Besides, heat is part of every couple‘s life. It will

happen the first month after claiming and continue every three months after the first. But it gets bearable

with time once both of you are used to yourselves and understand your body language,” he said, and I

knew he would not stop until he said all he wanted.

“Father, I will be taking Tia on holiday tomorrow. I have told Gail to send all the work to me.” Luke said,

changing the topic, and I was glad. I looked at him and smiled to show my appreciation.

“I know you want to get away from here,” he linked me.

“May I know where you are going?” Aesop asked, and Luke smiled at his father.

“Due to the recent issues and the assailants are at large, I decided to make it spontaneous so no one will

trail me,” Luke said, and Aesop nodded.

“Wise. That is smart,” Aesop said, commending Luke‘s quick thinking, but I doubted if Luke did not know

where he would be taking me. I guess he did not want Stacy to know.

While we were having breakfast, A call came in on Luke‘s phone, and he answered it.

“Caleb, what‘s up?” He asked.

“Ok, thank you. Good job,” he said and hung up.

“What is it?” Aesop asked him.

“Private affair,” He replied, and Aesop did not take offence, but he obviously wanted to know what they

had discussed.

“We should be leaving now,” Luke said, ready to get up.

“Tia should be resting so she can conceive?” Stacy said, and Luke ignored her.

“She should be in bed resting. These hours are crucial for conception,” She argued again.

“Kimberly and Elisabeth did not need to be on heat to conceive. I am sure my Luna can manage,” he

said, and before she could say anything else, we briskly walked out of the lounge. I knew we were going

to the clinic as he had promised.