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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 28
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28 Are We Sharing The Same Heart


Luke was worried about the attack; I could understand. I was surprised we survived. The goddess must

be preserving our lives for a purpose because those assholes had us, and they would have killed us.

Luke was angry, and I could understand his annoyance. I knew he opted to use a cab so we could be

safe. When Caleb came to see me, I was a bit worried because I knew Luke did not like me relating with

Caleb. Even though Luke was the one that let him in, I had to be on my guard regardless.

Caleb moved close to me with fear and concern in his eyes.

“Tia,” He managed to say with a crack in his voice. I looked at him, not knowing how to respond.

“I was scared, Tia,” He linked me, and I knew he was sincere. His eyes were also red, and I knew he had

shed some tears. Luke might have not seen it, but I did.

Caleb swallowed and knelt in front of me.

“Are you better,” He said, holding my hands, and I wondered why he never showed this much concem

when I was free; why now? He held me close and asked me verbally how I was feeling, almost like a

whisper, then hugged me tightly.

“Don’t die on me, Tia, please. We might not be

together, but you still hold my life in your hands,” he linked, and I did not know I was holding my breath

until Luke cleared his throat and Caleb broke away.

I watched them communicate, but the realisation that Caleb still wanted me troubled me to my soul. It

wasn’t healthy for him, and I knew talking to him will be useless. I prayed he found peace and moved on.

I listened to Caleb and Luke talk. I was surprised to see that Luke could trust Caleb to investigate the

event. I guess I was the only reason for the bad blood between them. They discussed, and I never

interrupted. Caleb finally left, and Luke came to me so we could sleep.

I woke up to a breakfast tray on the table by the dresser and looked at Luke. He was shirtless, lying by

my side with his laptop on his lap.

“breakfast?” I asked, and he looked at me.


“Good morning, Tia,” he said, and I felt embarrassed about my manners. He bent to kiss me, and I

reluctantly allowed him because I still had issues with morning breath. He laughed because he knew how

uncomfortable I was with early morning kisses before brushing my teeth.

“Father decided to spare us the stress of eating with everyone,” he said, and I beamed at him. I honestly

hated the family breakfast. They were horrible, and rarely did we have peaceful ones.

“Are we not going to work today?” I asked my husband, and he shook his head.

“I have asked Gail to send all the work home.

Henceforth, I will be working from home,” He said, and I frowned at him.

“I am not afraid, Tia, but I want us to make heads way with our investigation before going out again.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Besides, your heat should set in anytime soon. I do not want you out there when it happens. I can’t fight

off every wolf that tries to mate with you. I have never been with a woman in heat before. You will be my

first, and I am excited about it,” he teased, and I smiled, but deep down, I was scared because heats

were not easy to bear, especially the first ones. I was sexually active quite alright but would Luke be able

to handle five days of on and off sexual intercourse? It is amazing when spontaneous and out of love

and emotions, but the fun is out of it when it becomes a duty.

“Don’t worry, Tia,” he said, understanding my silence, “I am sure I will love burying myself in you on and

off for five days. I will make it fun, I promise.”

I got up and went to use the bathroom. Since we will not be going out, I wore a cropped t-shirt and white

lace hipsters. I noticed he liked them, and I wanted to tease him with them. I had so much energy from

recovery and excess sleep that I would like to burn in bed with him

“Tia,” he groaned, “I need to work,” he complained.

“I am not doing anything, Luke,” I said, grabbing a croissant from the breakfast tray. Biting into it, the puff

pastry tasted better than it ever had. I knew it had to do with the fact that I could actually taste and

appreciate the food away from the evil breakfast

lounge. Alpha Aesop should cancel that shit altogether. It has the opposite effect, and if we continue like

this, there will be no Moon family

“Turn around for me,” Luke said with lust in his eyes, and I gently turned around.

“Beautiful,” he breathed, and I picked up the glass of juice and took a sip.

Watching him with my eyes, he put down his laptop and came toward me. My heart began to race in my

chest, wondering what he would do to me, anticipating his touch. He helped me put down the glass and

then kissed his mark on my neck.

“I am glad we are alive, Tia,” He said to me gently, and I shared the same feeling with him. I was grateful.

He backed me up against the wall and dipped his hand into the front of my panties. I moaned in


He nibbled my earlobe gently, and my knees wanted to give out.

“Stand,” he ordered, and I breathed hard.

“Luke,” I manage.

“I want to show you just how grateful I am to be alive and have you here with me, Tia,” he said and

kissed his mark on my neck again, sucking it this time,” Let me,” he said, and I closed my eyes.

Luke rubbed my clit gently, and I felt a shock of pleasure course through me. My knees shook, but I had

to stand

T‘I went cold turkey for two days, Tia. I want my fix,” he said, and the feeling was mutual. I needed my fix

of him, too; I touched his hard tan skin and traced the definition in this muscle outline. The man was

ribbed and perfect. He was a god, and he was mine,

I decided to take the initiative and flip out positions. His body was so good I had to taste it. I kissed my

mark on his neck, and he squeezed my butt. Then I licked all the way down to his chest. Then travelled

with my tongue to one of his nipples and licked it. His skin was a bit salty, and I enjoyed his cinnamon

scent. Cinnamon had become my favourite flavour, and I could not get enough of it I travelled to his next

nipple and licked. He moaned, and I dropped to my knees. Taking down his shorts and exposing his hard

and erect cock. I grabbed it but not too tightly. Licked the tip with my tongue. I tasted him and licked

down his shaft, and he growled. I Sucked as much as I could into my mouth; as it hit the back of my

throat, I gagged a bit but got the hang of it and continued. My eyes watered, and Luke grabbed my hair, I

looked up at him, and he was staring at me with lust while he fucked my mouth. He tried to pull out, but I

did not let him. He had tasted me countless times. It was my turn to taste him.

“I am cumming, Tia,” he warned, but I continued, and he began to move fast until he shot hot cum down

my throat. I swallowed, and the look on his face indicated he was amazed.

“I want to eat you, Tia.” He said, and I got off my knees

and lay on the bed, facing up and resting on my elbows. He rolled down my panties ģently and kissed my

belly button. He travelled to my pussy with his tongue and stuck it in.

“So wet,” he linked me, and I wasn’t thinking. He clamped his mouth on my clit and sucked gently until I


He placed my legs on his shoulder and rammed into me. Hitting the right spots. He moved hard and fast,

and knowing he had come from the blowjob, I knew I was in for a long ride.

We were at it, and the entire wing, at least the areas close to our bedroom, must have heard us. I came

so many times I lost count, he was really taking his fill of me, and I liked it because I was getting my fill of


We finished and lay spent on the bed.

“We might get pregnant soon at this rate,” Luke said, and I rested my chin on his chest to look at him. He

was smiling.

“Can’t wait,” I said, and he smiled and caressed my bareback with his hands.

“Thank you, Tia, for adding colour to my dull life,” he said, and I giggled.

It was amazing how quickly things had changed between us. When I moved in, I had my walls up, and I

thought it would remain that way. I was grateful I let my guard down because Luke’s love wasn’t inferior.


was pure and true, and so was mine. I was thankful we survived the attack and still had each other. The

–– goddess must be rooting for us up there.

We were resting comfortably in bed when there was a sudden urgent knock on our door. The was a

commotion at the door. I got up and wore my robe. Luke wore his shorts and a t-shirt, and we went to the

door. A female servant was there looking frantic,

“Alpha, Luna!” She said. She was finding it hard to coordinate her speech.

“Breathe and tell me what the matter is,” I told her, and she looked at Luke.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Miss Barnes, sir, she drank poison,” she said, and Luke quickly ran towards Elisabeth’s room. Seeing

the speed with which he moved broke my heart a bit. He should have asked me to handle it if he really

didn’t care anymore. I knew I shouldn‘t feel bad, but I did. At that moment, she got what she wanted, his

attention but at what cost. I watched him carry her out of her room in his arms. He was afraid, and he did

not seem like he was thinking. All the smiles he had

that how he held me too? Did he secretly still care for her?

“Bart, I need help! Get the car ready!” he said and ran down the hallway without saying a word to mę. At

that moment, I began to doubt his feeling for me. At that moment, I felt like a fool. I could not ignore the

look in his eyes while he carried her in his arms. I just couldn’t. I tried to, but my mind kept telling me to

observe. I went back into my room and sat on the couch. I switched on the television and tried to

convince myself it didn’t bother me, but it did. We had just made love, and then this. He did not even ask

me to come along or glance my way and tell me he would be right back. It was as if I wasn’t there. At that

moment, she was all that mattered to him. If he felt that way about her, why did he claim me? I touched

his mark on my neck, and tears streamed down my eyes. A few minutes ago, it represented bliss, but

why did it

suddenly feel like shackles for us? Had I jumped too fast? Was he hiding his feeling from me?

I got my phone and sat on the couch, hoping he would somehow call me to apologise for how he reacted

and carry me along with what was happening, but no call came. Two hours passed, and no call came. I

felt like an intruder in my own home. After all, she was carrying his child, and he broke up with her

because his father had purchased me for him. Deep down, he still felt something for her. His eyes said it

all, and so did his actions. I will be a fool to think otherwise.

I waited for him to call me, but he never did. Night came, and I heard nothing from him. I wanted to call

him but decided not to. There was no point if he did not think he needed to check up on me while he

stayed with his ex-girlfriend in the hospital. Luke had embarrassed me with his actions. What happened

to our agreement that anything that had to do with her would have to go through me to get to him? I

guess that no longer stood. I was too mad to cry, but it hurt

so much that it was hard for me to breathe. I stayed up most of the night and finally fell asleep when I

was sure he wasn’t going to call, and he wasn’t coming home

I woke up early in the morning, showered and quietly packed some of my stuff. I did not bother to speak

to anyone. I walked out of the room and headed toward the exit

“Luna Tia,” I heard Bart say, and I flinched.

“Bart,” I said with a stern look. He had my breakfast on a tray

“Where are you going, Luna?” He asked me, and I swallowed

“I can’t be in the room by myself, so I will spend some time with my parents,” I said, and he nodded with

respect, but his eyes said it all. He knew.

“Madam, please, give him the benefit of the doubt,” he said, and I turned away and headed out. I wasn’t

going to my parents, I would check into a hotel under an alias to gather myself, shed my bottled up tears,

and return because I couldn’t leave even if I wanted to. Alpha Aesop could cut us off from the key mark. I

did not know how to survive it, but I knew I needed time away from the Moon mansion to gather my

thoughts. I had actually fallen entirely in love with him. Although he was the only man in my heart, I was

mad that I shared his with another.