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Chasing The Rejected

Chapter 76
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Chapter 76 -DAMON- 63% "She must have been really tired" I murmured as I caressed her hair while staring down at her beautiful face.

After that, Clara fell asleep again and no matter w wasn't dead.

what noise we m made, she didn't wake un wake up. I even had to check several times to make sure she ted to marry h her "Yes, she didn't sleep well last night. Your father isn't going to be happy to see you, Damon Luca uttered and I sighed.

"My wife wantedand as of now, she's my main priority and I'd like to make her my Luna as soon as possible. I also wanted to again” I murmured and he glanced atbriefly.

"Marry her again?" He questioned, probably making sure he heardright.

"Yes. Our first marriage was based on selfishness, this taround it will be based on emotions. I want a big wedding and I'd like to see Clara in a gown. She'll be the most beautiful bride ever" I murmured then smiled as I caressed her small face.

"You love her, don't you?" Luca uttered and my fingers paused mid air before I turned to him.

"I do, don't I?” I questioned and he scoffed.

"Are you asking me?" Luca questioned and I sighed before staring down at Clara.

"I've never been in love so I don't know how that feels but I feel very strongly about her if that's what love implies" I murmured and he smiled.

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"Who knew you could ever be in love with someone? I always thought you were going to die alone but here you are" He uttered and I rolled my eyes despite knowing he wasn't wrong in the slightest.

"I can't pinpoint the day I started feeling this about her," I murmured.

"I can and if you ask me, I'd say you were smitten with her the day you first met. No one was able to push your buttons like she did and you couldn't stop talking about her. I know you tried so hard to fight the attraction you have for her but you're mates and the moon goddess knows why she made both of you mates. Clara is your other half" He murmured and I smiled while staring down at her knowing Luca was probably right. He was always right, "And I never want to lose her and that's why I want to make things right with her" I mugmured and he hummed. "I'm proud of you and happy for you. At least now you're Clara's problem and not mine" He murmured and I rolled my eyes.

"What about you? I'm starting to think you're hiding the girl you like from me. You have never spoken about a woman nor have you ever been in a relationship. Are you gay?" questioned jokingly and he chuckled.

t my attention" H "You and I both know I'm not gay but I'm not ready for a relationship right now and no one has really caught my a and I decided not to push any further knowing fully well that if he did have anyone he liked, he would tell me. murmured We got hand right it on cue, my father cout of my house together with the rest of them as soon as we pulled up in the driveway.

"How many times do I have to tell them pot to fucking be in my house when I'm not around?" I muttered through clenched teeth as the car cto a halt.

*They all cto see how Clara was doing" Luca informed and I sighed at the stClara opened up her eyes.

11:56 Tue, 2 Jul M Chapter 76 "Are we home?" He questioned and I nodded.

"ves baby, we just got home. Let's go into the house" I murmured and got out of the car.

The guards opened up the door for Clara and she climbed before hurriedly rounding the car to stand beside me.

| I smiled down at her as she interlocked our arms like she was afraid I was going to leave or something. "Let's go?" She questioned and I nodded as she ledtowards everyone.

"You are not supposed to be here. Damon" My father uttered just like I had predicted and Clara's hold ontightened.

Nob "No but my wife neededso I'm here" I replied and I could see Aunt Amelia smiling proudly from the corner of my eye.

"Damon..." 63% "Father please, I've reminisced on what I did and I know it's wrong and I did want to stay in the abyss to finish my punishment sentence but my wife needs me. You know you would do the sif roles were reversed" I murmured and he sighed. "Just because I'll do the sdoesn't make it right, Damon" He uttered and I opened my mouth to counter him when my mother spoke.

"That's enough from both of you. His wife needs him now, my love. Just make an exception this taround, hmm?" My mother murmured as she glanced up at my father and he sighed.

"We can't keep bending our rules for him, my Queen. That's why he doesn't change," My father murmured.

"Sorry to say but that's incorrect Alpha King. You and I both know Damon has changed ever since Clara cinto his life and he's more well behaved when she's near him. When they are apart, bad things happen” Luca spoke up and my hold on Clara tightened. He was right again, anytI was away from Clara, bad things happen.

"Please Alpha King, letbe with my husband right now. If you're still hell bent on sending him to the abyss then I'll go with him because I'd prefer to be there with him then to be without him here" Clara, who hadn't said a word since, spoke and everyone went silent.

I knew damn well that if my father were to orderto return back to the abyss, I wasn't going to let Clara go in withbecause it was too dangerous but I didn't counter her words publicly.

now, you can "I'm not going to win in this anyway so why keep pushing it? You will still complete your punishment later on, Damon but for now, be with your wife My father uttered and I smiled before staring down at Clara who has a wide grin on her face.

"Shall we go in?" I questioned and she nodded happily as I led her inside.

"Cto my office later, I have something to discuss with you" My father uttered and I nodded without stopping.

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lled Clara up to our room and her maid was inside, probably waiting for her.

"You are back, Alpha" Gwen uttered as she bowed her head.

"Why are you here?" I questioned and Clara jabbedwith her elbow.

"Be nice, Damon" She muttered through clenched teeth and I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you here, Gwen?" I questioned sarcastically sweet and I could have sworn I heard Gwen scoff.

"I didn't know ma'am Clara was going to cback with you so I was er waiting here for her i also arranged the room while you were gone and now I'll take my leave" She murmured then bowed her head and walked out of the room. 2/3 11:56 Tue, 2 Jul M Chapter 76 63% "I'll see you later," Clara yelled after her.

"It seems you have gotten close to the help now, hmm?" I murmured as I turned to Clara and placed a kiss on her lips.

"She's not she's an Alpha's daughter and my friend so treat her like my friend, not a maid" She uttered and I rolled my eyes. the help

"I treat everyone like a maid besides you, Clara. Now hurry your sexy ass to the bathroom so you can helpget cleaned up" I murmured and she took a sniff before playfully gagging. "Yeah you're right, you stink" She murmured and I scoffed, "It seems someone wants to be tickled again...

"No!" She shrieked and was able to dodge my hold as she ran towards the bat hroom while I laughed.

This felt right, this felt like love...

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