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Chasing His Runaway Wife by Jamie Stones

Chapter 42
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Chapter 42

Meanwhile, Sylvie spent three days recuperating in the hospital.

Naomi, for one, cto keep Sylvie company almost every single day, bringing her soup and various tonics,

showering her with nothing but


Sylvie was moved. After all, a person who was sick would more likely becdependent. “Thank you for being

by my side every day, Naomi.”

“What are friends for?” Naomi lifted the kettle and continued, “Ah, we ran out of water. Letgo fill this up.”

As she wheeled around, something fell out of her pocket and landed lightly on the edge of the bed. However, she

did not seem to notice as she walked out quickly.

Out of curiosity, Sylvie picked it up and found that it was actually a list of collateral damage in the clinic and the

costs of drugs. ‘Is this Tabitha demanding for compensation?‘ she pondered.

Her face darkened in an instant.

When Naomi cback, she saw Sylvie pulling a long face. She quickly grabbed the list from Sylvie’s hands and

explained nervously, “Don’t get riled up, Sylvie. I've already paid the compensation for you. All you need to do

now is focus on your recovery-"

Yet, that speech seemed to have fallen on deaf ears for Sylvie. She fumed through gritted teeth, “Tabitha made

As she cursed, she got out of bed and was all set to rush out the door.

“Calm down, Sylvie! You're still not in perfect health!” Naomi might be shouting anxiously, but she was leisurely

moving her feet toward the exit.





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Chapter 42

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Sylvie was quick to bolt outside, hailing herself a ride and making a beeline for Tabitha’s clinic.

At that time, there were several patients in the clinic. Tabitha was reading. pulses for one of the patients.

The second Sylvie got there, she barged inside and yelled, “Tabitha! You took my baby’s life, and you still have

the nerve to sit there prescribing drugs for your patients? Are you not afraid of people dying at your hands?”

At that very juncture, Sylvie was dressed in a hospital gown. Her visage was pale and her hair was disheveled.

She looked somewhat weak, but her eyes. were shining with resentment, which stirred up an eerie uneasiness in

one’s heart.

Several patients got frightened and scurried away because of that.

A pucker creased Tabitha’s forehead. She voiced out calmly to Judith, “Call the police.”

Judith got all confused. “Huh? Call the police?”

Sylvie walked to the entrance of the clinic with skind of crazed intention in her eyes, stuck her hands on her

waist, and chided, “Gather up, peeps! Listen, the medicine prescribed by this clinic has poisoned my baby to

death. Yet, Tabitha thinks she has someone to back her up, so not only does she believe she’s not at fault at all,

but she’s even calling the police to arrest me.”

The onlookers began to whisper among themselves.

“Did she just say she’s lost her baby? Why is this clinic still running? Are they trying to put all our lives on the


“I guess we won't be coming here anymore to get medicine.”

“This is scary as hell! | just had my pulse read in there. Luckily, | haven't



Chapter 42

collected my prescription...”



Observing the reactions coming from those passersby, Sylvie felt uplifted. “You guys be the judge. I'm the victim

here and yet she’s reportingto the police, trying to frme. This is plain ridiculous.”

Standing at the door of the clinic was Tabitha, straightening her back and pronouncing, “You're well aware how

you lost your child. Running your mouth and spreading one more rumor and I'll sue you for defamation.”

Judith, for one, was not as well educated as Tabitha. Parting her lips, she scolded, “Shon you to be a

homewrecker. After having been beaten to a pulp by the legal wife, you tried to pin the blfor losing your

own baby on someone else. What you're doing is nothing less than playing the victim!”

The crowd looked at Sylvie strangely when they heard that there was more to that than met the eyes.

Going through the roof, Sylvie went berserk, howling and lunging at Judith, scratching her in the face.

Sylvie’s countenance contorted wildly, and Judith was so taken aback that she forgot to dodge the incoming


In a nick of time, Tabitha grabbed Sylvie’s wrist and blurted out coldly, “Sylvie, what was the reason you cto

my clinic the other day? How did the legal wife know of it and cat you? You might as well think about


Her gaze was grim and icy. Sylvie seemed to be stunned as though she was put under sspell. The details of

that day flashed through her mind. subconsciously. She recalled that it was Naomi who suggested taking her to

the clinic.

Before she could figure everything out, Naomi’s voice suddenly rang out. “Are you okay, Sylvie? Your body's still

weak after having a miscarriage.




Chapter 42



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Don’t get worked up like this. Cwith me. Let's head back to the hospital first.”

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Her voice was full of concern. That made Sylvie waver once more.

From her perspective, Naomi was always on her side, so it would not make sense if Naomi wished to do her


At long last, the police arrived. After a round of reconciliation, Sylvie was warned and taught a verbal lesson

before she was sent back to the hospital.

On the way back, Naomi comforted Sylvie in a soft voice, “Don’t get too angry. It’s only going to take a toll on

your health.”

Sylvie said bitterly, “If you hadn't stoppedjust now, I'd have landed a hit on Tabitha’s stomach and let her

taste her own medicine.”

Naomi’s eyelids twitched. She secretly lamented that she herself had appeared a little too soon.

She then fanned the bleven harder. “Fortunately, you didn’t do such a thing. After all, Tabitha has someone

backing her. Commoners like us can’t afford to mess with her. | know you've lost your baby, but you just got to

think of a way to have another one. If you make Tabitha lose hers, it might spell-"

She paused without finishing her sentence. Even so, the rest of the message was clear.

Sylvie was but a nobody. Never could she seek justice for herself despite losing her baby. Tabitha, though, was

the lady of an affluent, notable family. If something were to happen to Tabitha’s baby, Sylvie would have to pay

the price.

The more Sylvie thought about it, the angrier she became. “I won't let her off the hook even if | have to risk my



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Chapter 12



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Her eyes shone with malice. She made up her mind to carry a sharp knife to the clinic next tand stab Tabitha

in the tummy.

She had lost her baby, so she did not think there was anything else worth worrying about.