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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 47
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Nora looked around the place after she entered.The Quinn School of Martial Arts was located in the

heart of New York.

The fact that they could take up such a large building for their martial arts gym in a place like this

went to show just how deep and rock-solid a background the Quinn School of Martial Arts had.

The disciples in the gym were divided into several classes and were currently shouting energetically

as they trained.

Which part of it even looked like the ‘withered and dying out’ state that the old man had claimed it

was? Thus, upon hearing him trying to trick her again, Nora picked at her ears and said, “Tell me

what the secret is and I’ll decide after that.’

Quinn was at a loss for words.

Everyone else was begging to be taken as disciples, so why was it simply so difficult for him to find

a successor? He had finally found that woman’s daughter after so much trouble and on top of that,

she was even a talented girl, yet all she did was sleep! Fortunately, these two children inherited her

good physique.

Quinn’s gaze flicked over to Cherry and he thought of Pete, who was in the martial arts gym, again.

To be honest, it was true that the Quinn School of Martial Arts’ style suited boys better.

After all, there was no one else who would be as crazy talented as little Nora.

After weighing the pros and cons, he suddenly realized that taking Pete as his disciple might

actually seem like a better deal? And a safer one? Thus, Quinn coughed and said, “Forget it, I’m not

telling you anymore”

Nora just knew this would be the case.

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After that, she accompanied Quinn to the inner courtyard where he lived.Quinn was wearing a white

martial arts uniform.

Despite being advanced in years, he was thin and energetic.Although his voice was rough, there

was a sense of careful attentiveness within.

If not, he wouldn’t have become a master of the art, either.

When the two entered the inner courtyard, Quinn looked at her, stretched out his hand, and

gestured at her.

“Come on , let’s see if you’ve made any progress lately?”

As he spoke, Quinn went on the offensive.Nora stepped back quickly and evaded the attack.

Then, she counterattacked and started to spar with Quinn.

Every move and every action carried a subdued but sharp and fierce momentum.

The pair had a good time sparring.

Toward the end, even Nora broke out in a light sweat and she felt refreshed all over.

After they were done with the sparring, Quinn loosened his wrist muscles and remarked, “To think

you can attain a level of skill like this despite slacking off.You’re a crazy one indeed.If you practice

well, you’ll definitely surpass me.’

Nora gave an “Oh”

and replied dispassionately, “I’ll also be able to surpass you when I’m your age”

Quinn was rendered so speechless by her retort that he couldn’t be bothered to be mad anymore.

Nevertheless, he couldn’t help but ask persistently, “You really don’t intend to have Cherry pick up

martial arts?”

Nora shook her head.

“There isn’t any need for her”

She had practiced martial arts back then in order to train and strengthen her body.

However, Cherry was healthy and had always been strong and sturdy since she was a baby.

Besides, Cherry was a little princess.

The way her aunt raised her had turned her into a very delicate little girl who couldn’t take any bit of

discomfort at all.

If Nora made her practice martial arts, she would probably burst into tears and start wailing.

So, why bother? Seeing how stubborn she was, Quinn could only give up.

He complained, “Why do you also have your mom’s temperament?”

Her mom…Nora’s interest was suddenly piqued.

She asked, “Old man, do you know my mother? Can you tell me about her?”

Quinn stroked his white beard and smiled as he replied, “Your mom…She’s a legend in New York!”

Nora was taken aback.

Quinn pointed to the table in the courtyard.

Nora followed him and walked over.

Although she was cheeky whenever she talked to him, after sitting down, she obediently picked up

the teapot and poured him a cup of tea.

Quinn sat on the bench and took a sip from his teacup.

“During your mom’s younger days, she was amazingly talented and brilliant, and she was known as

the most talented woman in New York.At that time, many people proposed to your mom and the

Andersons were totally in the limelight.Even the Hunts thought it would be an honor if they could

have her marry into the family.Unfortunately, she rejected the number one family in the end.Heh

heh, she had backbone, alright.I, for one, don’t think much of the Hunts, especially that disciple of

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Quinn and Irvin would always quarrel whenever they met.

Nora listened with great interest.

When she noticed that Quinn had finished his tea, she poured him another cup and pressed, “And

then?”Quinn let out a “hmph’ and went on.

“At that time, I had just achieved some success in my training and made a name for myself in the

circle.I wanted to take a disciple and took an interest in your mom.However, she didn’t want to and

rejected me…After that, she disappeared”

At this point, Quinn stroked his beard and said, “As for why she suddenly ran away from home? I

don’t know.Some say that she was kidnapped for her beauty and was imprisoned, but that’s all


Given how fierce she was, who would have been able to kidnap her? “She then came to me two

years later.She asked me to take you as my disciple once you’re five or six years old, and train your

body for you.At that time, she said she was dying”

Quinn sighed and said, “By the time I found you with the information she gave me, she was already


“You don’t have to be sad, though.Although your mom only lived for a short period of twenty years,

her life was exciting and fulfilling.She led a life well-lived! But if you were to talk about her life, she

did indeed let someone down.’ A curious Nora sat upright.

“Who was it?”

Quinn put down his teacup.

“Have you heard of the Smiths from New York?”

Nora shook her head.