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Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 111
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Unfortunately, Tina couldn’t enter the villa anymore.

Neither could she get through to Justin’s phone.

It was the weekend, so he wouldn’t be going to the office, either.

As such, she could only wait for him at the gates! At the same time at the Andersons.

By the time Nora woke up, Cherry was already out playing with Melissa.

She stretched and went to wash up.

After that, she went downstairs leisurely.

After a simple lunch, Melissa and Cherry returned.

Someone else also came back together with them—it was actually Sheena.

She hadn’t seen her in a long time.She had a sullen and hostile look on her face at the moment.

She hadn’t even taken a seat when she immediately asked Melissa, “What’s wrong with you? Why

did you reject the Lowes’ real estate investment opportunity?”

Knowing that Sheena was here, Simon, who was home that day, left the study on the upper floor

and went down.

He was a little taken aback when he heard her question, so he asked, “What investment opportunity

are you talking about?”

Sheena looked at Melissa and said with displeasure, “I’ll let her tell you about it instead!”

Melissa sighed and told Simon what had happened.

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Nora took a seat on the one-seater sofa while she was recounting the events.

She couldn’t help but purse her lips.

Come to think of it, it really was pretty surprising for Aunt Melissa to marry into the Andersons.

Given how she had a sister-in-law like Miranda back home and an aggressive sister-in-law like

Sheena here, Nora really didn’t know how she even survived all these years.

While she was secretly dissing them, Melissa also gave them a simple summary of what had


As soon as she did, Sheena, who was a career woman focused solely on making money, couldn’t

help but say, “News of how the Lowes are short of funds for their real estate investment has already

spread throughout the circle! A lot of people immediately rushed over to invest, but the Lowes

rejected them all.It’s not like they work with just any Tom, Dick, or Harry! Since they’ve chosen the

Woods, why couldn’t you just let your sister-in-law criticize you a little and suffer a little? That way,

you’d have been able to help the Andersons make some money! Simon, a good opportunity has

slipped away just like that.Aren’t you going to say anything about it, Simon?”

Simon had been frowning since just now.

When he heard what she said, he immediately turned to Melissa and looked at her face.

He said, “Miranda actually hit you right in our house? She’s too much! How is your cheek? Does it

still hurt? Let me have a look…”

Sheena: ”?”

Melissa, who seemed like she already knew that he would react like this, smiled and shook her


“I’m fine.It’s already been two days”

Despite that, Simon was still worried.

He insisted that Melissa remove her makeup because he suspected that she was covering it up with

foundation, causing Melissa to be caught between laughter and tears.

The two of them, who were nearly fifty years old, flirted with each other, taking Nora by surprise.

For some reason, even though she had felt just a moment ago that her aunt didn’t deserve to be

treated like that, in this instant, she suddenly understood that as long as there was love, there was

no such thing as whether one deserved to be treated a certain way or not.

She had always felt that Justin’s identity would bring danger to the children.

However, she had never once considered whether Cherry would be happier if she reunited with her

father and gained her father’s love.

She suddenly thought of how Cherry had reacted after Justin blocked her on Facebook the day


Even though she had only complained a little, she was actually still feeling rather down even now.

Was it a bit too much of her to prevent them from acknowledging each other? “That’s enough, the

two of you! Do you really think that love can fill your stomachs? Simon, your heart is aching so

much just because someone gave your wife a slap, but do you know how much insult and

humiliation I had to suffer back then for the sake of Harmonia Pharmacy?”

Sheena suddenly banged the table, causing the other three people’s attention to return to her.

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Simon clenched his jaw.

To be honest, he had already realized that his second sister must have been through a lot all these

years when he saw how Deputy Dean Lucas had pawed her at the conference the other time.

Simon felt even guiltier toward Sheena.

He said, “It’s been tough on you, Sheena.”

Sheena’s expression mellowed a little.

She replied, “I’m willing to do it for the sake of the family.Simon, do you still remember how glorious

the Andersons were when we were young? Even the Hunts and the Smiths had to treat us with

courtesy.But what about now?”

She took a deep breath and went on.

“They even have the guts to not invite us to a medical conference now! Why is that? It’s all because

we don’t have any money! Such a good opportunity has been placed in front of us now, but why

isn’t any of you cherishing it?”

She looked straight at Melissa and said, “I know you’re from a scholarly family.It was indeed unfair

for you to marry Siming under those circumstances back then, but Miranda is your sister-in-

law.What’s the big deal about letting her hit you? If it means that it’ll allow the Andersons to expand

into the real estate industry, I’ll smile and let her hit me a hundred times if that’s what she wants!

You guys are really just so…How could you let go of such a great investment opportunity?!”

Melissa, however, didn’t agree with her.