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Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 447: Retaliation
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In the space of an hour, one could observe the door of the operating room opening and closing on several occasions.
Carson’s eyelashes drooped while he leaned against the wall.
No one could figure out what was going through his mind at that given instant.
He had maintained that position from the moment the red light in the operating room turned on around sixty minutes ago.
The elevator doors opened.
A man on black suit cout of it and walked towards Carson.
"Mr.Scott," he said respectfully.
"Has it been done?" Carson raised his eyes.He didn’t react to the medical personnel going in and out.
But on hearing the voice of his subordinate, he finally moved.
"Yes, it’s been done."
The man nodded in response to the question.
"But the people from the Roaring Tiger insist that they don’t know who asked Norton to do it.Mr.Scott, do you want us to..."
He was still speaking when Carson’s phone vibrated in his pocket.He stood upright and looked at the global news on his device’s
It had been barely ten minutes since the international criminal police were involved in a furious gun battle with dozens of
They had captured a batch of smuggled arms.
All the mercenaries ended up dead.
Below the news, there was a picture of a particular one who was shot.
He lạy lifeless on the ground.

The photo was not very clear and as a result, the dead man’s face was blurred.
But Carson and his subordinate saw the tattoo with the shape of a tiger’s head on the back of his hand at a glance.
Hence, the dozens of mercenaries were all elite members of the Roaring Tiger.
There was no denying what a great loss it was for the Roaring Tiger.
"No.Even if the headquarters of the Roaring Tiger is blown up, they won’t know who did it!"
When he was done talking, Carson put away his phone.
Carson’s words left his subordinate in a state of confusion.
"Mr.Scott, I don’t understand.Since you know that those people from the Roaring Tiger have no clue as regards who asked
Norton to do that, what’s the point in your still wanting to do something to them? These individuals are exceptionally
ruthless.What if they take revenge on us?"
As a matter of fact, it was Carson who had given the international criminal police a hint about the arms mentioned in the news.
The dozens of mercenaries who got involved in the gun battle were also part of Carson’s well-orchestrated plan.He made sure
his men retreated in time.

"Are you afraid that they might take revenge on you?"
Carson asked his subordinate while staring at him..
"Of course not! You and Mr.Sullivan saved my life.If that wasn’t the case, I would have died long ago.So how could I be afraid of
their revenge?"
Carson turned his head to look at the red light in the operating room.He didn’t say a word.
The subordinate paused for a brief moment before continuing, "I... I’m just worried about your safety."
"There is no need to worry.They wouldn’t dare!"
Carson leaned back again.
His straightened waist bent down slightly.

After that, he said, "This is a debt they owed.".
"I don’t understand.What do you mean by that?"
The subordinate was even more confused by the statement.
But before Carson could give him an answer, the door of the operating room suddenly opened.
A nurse cout and asked, "Is there a member of Joey’s family here?"
"Yes, I am.How is he?"
Carson replied with immediate effect.
Then he walked over.
"His forearm is fractured and he has a concussion.But he isn’t in grave danger.Having said that, he will still be hospitalized for
about half a month.But the plaster will be removed after three months."
The nurse flipped through the document with information pertaining to Joey.
"He hasn’t recovered from the anesthesia yet.The effect will wear out after an hour.When it does, he will eventually awake albeit
with a feeling of dizziness and an urge to vomit.It give him anything to eat for another two hours.After that, he can start with
something very light.Is that clear?"
"Yes." Carson nodded his head.
The nurse then turned back and went into the operating room. It wasn't long before Carson saw a nurse pushing a movable
hospital bed out of the inner room from another door.
She was heading towards the children’s ward.
The light in the operating room was still on.
Carson looked away.He took out his phone and opened the address book.He was hesitant for a brief moment before finally
dialing a number.
In no time, the line connected.He hadn’t eaten or drank any water for the whole day.His voice was a little hoarse because of this.

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"Miss Bennet," he said after clearing his throat.
"This is Roger."
A man’s voice cfrom the other end of the line.
In response to that, Carson moved his phone away from his ear and looked at the word on the screen.
"Roger? Why are you on the line? Where is Rachel?"

"She has gone out," Roger replied.
Before Carson could figure out what Roger meant, the elevator doors slid open again.
When he turned around, Rachel was seen running out barefooted.She was soaked from head to toe.
Carson was shocked by what he just witnessed.
He hadn’t even turned off the cell phone in his hand.
Before he could mention her name, she slapped him in the face! Rachel’s eyes were red when she hit Carson with all her
It was unexpected.
The slap made Carson’s head turn.
His teeth touched the corner of his mouth, and blood flowed out immediately.
"Where is Joey?" she asked, trembling, Her voice was croaky.
However, it was unbeknown to her that she was shaking. Carson took off his coat and was about to put it on Rachel when he
caught a glimpse of her ankle.
As soon as he realized that she was bleeding, his eyes darkened.
"Your ankle is injured.Sit down."

Rachel pushed Carson’s coat away and asked again, "Where is Joey? Answer me!"
Carson looked at her red eyes.He also felt a nasty pain as a result of the slap.
"Just sit down alright? I’ll tell you later."
He pressed his cheek with the tip of his tongue.
From the look of things, Rachel was going to fall down at any time.
Victor was in the operating room.
Nonetheless, if he was her like this, he might blCarson.
On the other hand, Rachel pressed her lips.
The last thing Carson’s subordinate expected was a woman suddenly appearing and giving his boss a slap without saying a
Seeing that Rachel was still not cooperating, he couldn’t keep quiet any longer.
"Miss, you hit Mr.Scott as soon as you cup.But due to his broad mindedness, he still asked you to sit down.I hope you won’t
be ungrateful."
Rachel raised her head and looked at the person who was speaking apathetically.Carson’s subordinate shivered when she fixed
her gaze on him.No one will take you as a mute if you don’t speak"
Carson glanced at his subordinate with a frown.
"He really didn’t mean that, alright? The slap just now was a job well done.I deserve it! What my subordinate said very wrong
have his mouth sewed up later."
Carson coughed to clear his throat.
"The floor is cold.Take a alright? I’ll ask the nurse to get a set of clean clothes for you."
still looked at him coldly while she was focused on Carson, the elevator doors opened again.
This tit was Roger and Andy that arrived.

Carson took a good look at the two of them.
Then, he turned back to Rachel.He touched the tip of his nose and said.
"Don’t worry.Joe is very lucky.He has been transferred to a general ward."