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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44

Bella’s POV:

When we got home, Herbert suddenly took out a red velvet box from his pocket and handed it to my

mother, “Mom, I’m very sorry. I planned to pay a formal visit to you in a few days, but I came in such a

hurry. The gift is not ready. Only this necklace I chose before is a decent gift. I hope you don’t mind.”

Herbert’s tone was very respectful.

This surprised me again.

What’s going on? Must he act so perfect?

Susan refused Herbert’s gift. “This… this won’t do. Herbert, I know you’re a good kid. But this gift…”

For a moment, the two of them refused each other. Seeing this, I simply took the gift box and put it into

my mother’s hand. Then, I said, “Mom, this is a gift from your son-in-law. If you don’t want it, it means

that you don’t recognize this son-in-law.”

Hearing this, Susan reluctantly accepted the red box. “I see.”

After she finished speaking, she opened the red silk box.

The next second, I heard my mother’s surprised voice. This is a diamond necklace. It’s very expensive.”

Susan refused to accept the necklace and kept refusing. | simply took the necklace and said, “Mom, you

can take it. Big boss is not short of money.” “Bella, it’s not right for you to say that!” Susan criticized me.

At this time, Herbert actually said, “Mom, it doesn’t matter. I just like Bella.” Hearing this, I couldn’t stand

it anymore.

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It’s just an act. Must he be so serious? After a while, the waiter said, “Herbert, it’s your first time here.

Stay for dinner tonight. The food I cooked tastes good.” Before Herbert could say anything, I immediately

said, “Mom, he said that he had an appointment tonight. He had already agreed, didn’t he?

In fact, I don’t know if he has a date tonight. I just want him to go now. Don’t stay here and make my

heart beat wildly. Herbert said very cooperatively. “Mom, I’ll try your cooking next time. The appointment

is a little important. I can’t refuse it.”

“I see. Well, next time, promise me. You will come.’ Susan felt very sorry. At first, I was going to send

Herbert away, but he said at this time, ‘Mom, Bella and I are married, and the house over there has been

cleaned up. Can i take her back today?”

I looked at Herbert in shock. “What is the talking about? Go back with him? Where?

Did he ask about my opinion?

I glared at him, but the man completely ignored my gaze. He continued to tell my mother, “Mom!

know that you will not be willing to leave Bella. She will come back often to see you in the future of

course, my house is also big, so you can stay there for a period of time.”

Mother’s eyes were full of reluctance to part with me.

Her two hands held the hands of Herbert and me and put them together. “Daughters will grow up one

day. I only hope that you two can be happy.”

These words touched me a little. I leaned in the arms of the woman and said coquettishly. “Mom, I’m not

leaving. I’ll stay with you and Betty for the rest of my life.” “Silly child, hurry up and pack up your things.

I’m very happy to see you find such a good husband. “Susan couldn’t help but shed tears. She quickly

got up and turned into the bedroom.

Half an hour later, I carried a simple luggage bag and went out with Herbert.

As soon as we stepped out of the corridor, I grumbled, “Ah, why didn’t you ask me if I’m willing to come

out of my house?”

Herbert was extremely calm. He said, “You are my wife now, so you naturally have to live with me!”

Herbert’s tone was very overbearing, and there was no room for negotiation at all.

I followed behind him and said, “I can tell you in advance that I have a lot of bad habits. Don’t regret.

“When I was in school, my roommates ground teeth and burped in my dormitory. I can get used to it I

don’t think you are more intolerable than those men, are you?” After that, he suddenly turned around.

His movements were very sudden, and I was not prepared at all. Because of the inertia, my whole

person hit his chest, and I couldn’t help but let out a low cry. “Ouch!”

“Honey, we haven’t reached home yet! Can’t you wait to be intimate with me?” Herbert said with a smile

His words made my cheeks burn. I was about to pat him with my hand. We’re out of our house now

There was no need to continue acting

Unexpectedly, he reached out and grabbed the handbag in my hand, then reached out to hold my waist

and walked out of the community

His big hand was warm and powerful When it touched my waist, I couldn’t say a word.

At this moment. I saw that the neighbors in the old community were secretly looking at us. especially at

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Herbert. This time, I let him hold me and move forward

Because those neighbors should have known that I was pregnant. They were all privately discussing why

I was pregnant before I got married Those terrible words made Mom uncomfortable for a long time

This time, my husband and I openly left this community where we have lived for many years It can also

be regarded as a proof of my family and myself. I can also live a good life and marry a very handsome

man who treats me very well!

I quietly raised my head and looked at the man who was hugging my waist with one hand and Carrying

my luggage with the other Suddenly. I had countless emotions in my heart He admitted that I was his

wife in front of everyone today, warned Bridens and helped me regain face, respected my mother, and

personally took me home Could it be that he really wanted to live with me in the future? Just like a

normal couple?

Thinking of this, my heart beat last quickly lowered my head to hide the excitement in my heart in


the past, I was afraid that I had never thought of falling in love with this man. Did he really have feelings

for me? Just when we walked out of the community and my emotions had not yet completely calmed

down, Herbert withdrew his hand.

I frowned and looked at him.

The calmness on Herbert’s face returned, and the smile on his face disappeared. He suddenly explained

to me, “Just now I saw your mother secretly looking at us through the window.”

“What?” I immediately turned to look at the community behind me, but it was too far away from the

window of my house, so I couldn’t see anything at all.