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Boss, Your Wife is Asking for A Divorce, Again!

Chapter 319
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Although Toby had intended to say something else, he stopped when he noticed Sonia’s weak and shaky voice. “Are

you okay, Sonia?” he asked instead.

“I’m fine.” Sonia shut her eyes as her voice grew fainter. Toby’s expression darkened. Is she trying to tell me that

she’s okay even when she sounds like that? “Where are you now?” he asked again.

Sonia no longer responded to him this time. Her phone slid out of her hand and fell onto the carpet with a loud

thud. With her head hanging sideways on the couch, she looked as if she had fallen asleep. Toby could hear the

phone falling to the ground from his end of the call, and his heart sank immediately. He shouted Sonia’s name a

few more times, but she didn’t respond at all.

Toby had a feeling that something had happened to Sonia, so he ended the call and strode out of his office with a

grim look on his face. He headed straight for the technical maintenance department. “Please help me check the

location of this signal.” Toby handed his phone to one of the programmers while speaking in a demanding voice.

The programmer had never met Toby before, and he was shocked by his boss’s powerful aura. His hands were

trembling as he took the phone and did what Toby told him to do. A few minutes later, the programmer tapped on

the enter key before he got the answer Toby wanted. “P-President Fuller, this signal was last active at Bayside


Bayside Residence! Toby’s expression lit up a little after he obtained Sonia’s whereabouts. He hastily took his phone

and left the technical maintenance department after thanking them. About 30 minutes later, he arrived at Sonia’s

condominium unit with a locksmith behind him. Since Sonia went silent before she ended the call, it was likely that

she had fainted in her apartment. If that was the case, Toby figured that she wouldn’t be able to open the door for


“Open it.” Toby got the locksmith to hurry. The locksmith nodded and began to pull his tools out to work on the lock.

Soon enough, the locksmith managed to decode the password to the keypad lock. Toby pulled his wallet out and

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took out a wad of cash before shoving it into the locksmith’s hands. He then hurried off into the condominium. The

locksmith didn’t even get the chance to tell Toby that Toby had overpaid him by a lot. In the end, the locksmith

walked off with pockets full of money and a pleased grin on his face. Oh, if only I get more clients who are as

generous as him!

Meanwhile, Toby saw Sonia’s unconscious figure lying on the couch once he stepped foot into the unit. He ran over

and knelt down to shake her gently. “Wake up, Sonia!” She didn’t respond at all. Toby felt her forehead and noticed

that she didn’t have a fever. Judging by her looks, it didn’t look like she was in a deep slumber either. If she wasn’t

sick or sleeping, then there had to be some other reason.

Toby didn’t have the time to think of the possible reasons and simply lifted Sonia into his arms before bringing her

out of the unit.

When they got to the hospital, Toby bumped into Tim at the elevator. Tim had just finished sending another patient

off when he saw Toby carrying Sonia in his arms. “What happened?” Tim froze before he quickly reacted to the


“I don’t know. She just fainted.” Toby couldn’t conceal the fear and worry in his gaze as he looked at the woman in

his arms. “Please save her!”

“Get me a bed!” Tim shouted to one of the nurses at the front desk. Once the bed arrived, Toby lowered Sonia onto

it, and a nurse came up to do some basic check-ups on Sonia. The rest of the staff members pushed the wheeled

bed in the direction of the emergency room. Toby followed closely beside them, fixing his gaze on Sonia until the

emergency room’s doors were shut in front of him.

At the same time, Julia walked into one of the VIP wards with a thermos in her hands. She glanced at Tina, who was

seated on the bed with her head hanging low. “Why don’t I tell you some good news, Tina?” Julia asked the

motionless young girl as she put the thermos onto the table.

Tina still didn’t respond to Julia. It was almost as if she was a rag doll who had lost her soul—her face was devoid of

all emotions. Julia felt both sorry and angry for her daughter. She was sorry that her daughter had ended up in such

a state. Tina hadn’t uttered a single word ever since she left the court, and all she had done was sit around in

silence. It made Julia wonder if her daughter had developed depression or social anxiety after the incident.

One way or another, all of it was Sonia’s fault. Julia’s anger was fully directed at Sonia. She was furious because

Sonia hadn’t had to suffer while Tina suffered such a great deal!

However, after seeing what she saw earlier, Julia no longer felt as angry as before. Maybe Tina will feel better after

I tell her what I saw. Julia took Tina into her arms as she spoke in a light-hearted voice. “Tina, while I was on the way

back to the ward, I saw Sonia being sent to the emergency room.”

When Tina heard Julia’s words, she finally responded a little. Her body twitched and she shifted in bed. Julia was so

pleased that she nearly cried. “That’s great, Tina. You’re finally moving. You scared me.”

“W-What happened to Sonia, Mom?” Tina looked up at Julia as she parted her lips to speak. Her voice was especially

hoarse and unpleasant, and she sounded like it was her first time speaking in centuries. Julia was more pleased

than ever. Since Tina can still talk, then I guess she doesn’t have some sort of mental disorder. That’s great.

“I don’t know what happened to her. All I saw was her being pushed into the emergency room. Based on what I

saw, it seems like her condition is pretty serious. Perhaps she ended up that way because she couldn’t accept the

court’s decision for you to be on probation. In my opinion, she totally deserves it. It’s karma! It’s her fault that she

couldn’t be a little more forgiving toward you.” Julia stuck her lips out as she spoke in a bratty tone. She no longer

had the elegance of a rich man’s wife. At that moment, she sounded more like Jean.

Perhaps her elegance had gone down the drain along with Triforce Enterprise’s reputation and business.

“Is that so…” Tina’s expression didn’t seem to change much after she heard Julia. One couldn’t tell if she was happy

or not. Julia stared at her daughter, feeling like her daughter was a completely different person after coming out of

the detention center. Tina seemed more enigmatic after this incident.

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Toby waited outside the emergency room for close to an hour before the doors opened. He shot to his feet and

rushed to Tim. “How’s Sonia?”

Tim pulled his mask down to reveal his rather pale expression. Toby felt his heart sinking as he clenched his fists.

“What is it?”

“She was poisoned!” Tim replied.

“What? Poisoned?” Toby froze for a moment before he reached a hand to grab Tim’s collar. “How could she have

been poisoned? What sort of poison was it?” Toby had assumed that Sonia had a medical condition, but he hadn’t

expected the truth to be worse. I can’t believe she was poisoned!

“The poison is in the form of a chemical toxicant. It seems like she consumed it orally. The poison doesn’t do much

damage to her body, and it only makes her really weak for a period of time. But…” Tim paused for a moment.

“But what?” Toby clenched his jaw. He had heaved a sigh of relief after hearing that the poison didn’t do much

damage to Sonia, but he hadn’t expected Tim to continue speaking. Is there more to this?! Toby could tell that it

wasn’t good news because of the grim look on Tim’s face.

Tim pushed his glasses up his nose and looked into Toby’s eyes. “But… this form of poison is lethal toward the child

in her belly. If she’s lucky, her baby will survive albeit with some deformities. The worst-case scenario would be a

stillborn baby!”

“What?!” Toby’s pupils shrank, the news sending shock waves through him. Deformities… Stillborn…

“Are you saying that this poison was used to target her baby?” Toby glared at Tim with a cold look on his face.

Tim nodded. “That’s right. It doesn’t do much harm to the mother, but it harms the baby. The answer is clear—the

person who administered this poison was trying to kill Sonia’s baby without hurting her. Furthermore, I checked on

the baby just now, and it has already started showing some deformities. In other words, that means that Sonia has

been consuming the poison for at least half a month now!”

Rage burned across Toby’s chest as he cracked his knuckles. The air around him felt eerily cold. Who is it? Who’s

the one who is trying to harm my baby?