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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 430 The Aftermath
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Ava continued to sob as the car sped toward the hospital.She clutched Atlas’s shirt, afraid

he would disappear if she let go.She gazed at him and could hardly breathe from crying so


I felt my heart shatter as her cries rendered me speechless.

My daughter had always been well-behaved and had never cried so hard before.

She kept shaking her head and repeating, "No!"

no matter how much I tend to comfort her.

Atlas held her and assured her, "I’m here now, so you don't need to be afraid

anymore.Ava, look at me.I won't let you go, okay?"

I was in disbelief at the usually commanding Atlas being so tender and protective toward

my daughter.

Although I was there, he showed no intention of letting her go.

Instead, he continued to soothe and hold her.

His usually indifferent expression now bore a look of fatherly love.

It filled me with gratitude and a sense of security.

My daughter hadn’t felt a dad's love for so long, making me feel guilty.

However, Atlas filled that gap in her heart even though he wasn’t her dad.

I felt moved as I leaned on Atlas’s shoulder.

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I silently shed tears as I looked at Ava’s terrified expression.

She was still in shock when we reached the hospital.

Ava underwent a comprehensive examination soon after.

Fortunately, she had no physical injuries and only suffered extreme fright.

I took her into my arms, and she clung to me.

However, she turned to Atlas a moment later, making me feel guilty again.

The doctor treated Atlas’s wounds and then took Ava into their care.

After much effort, we finally calmed her down.

She held Atlas’s neck and rested on his shoulder inadaze.

Later, the doctor advised us to try and cheer her up and provide some counseling to

prevent psychological trauma.

My parents and the others were waiting when we returned to Amethyst Apartments.

Although I had informed them of our safety on the way to the hospital, they still cheered

when we returned.

Still, Ava remained unresponsive and clung to Atlas like a koala.

She refused to return to her room as she gazed at everyone with vacant and watery eyes.

Ava grasped Atlas even tighter as if he was her only safe place.

I knew she must be afraid someone would take her I knew she must be afraid someone

would take her away again.

Her frightened and lost demeanor broke my heart.

Perhaps it was my neglect that led my precious daughter to endure such a terrifying


She continued to sob and even refused my mom’s hug.

Ava only remained calm and quiet in Atlas’s arms.

Atlas gestured for everyone not to disturb her and continued to stroke her back.

His phone rang incessantly, and I faintly Atlas gestured for everyone not to disturb her and

continued to stroke her back.

His phone rang incessantly, and I faintly overheard that there was no trace of the man

who had jumped into the river.

A chill ran down my spine when! thought about how the man had escaped again.

I knew he was desperate when he jumped from that height.

He had deliberately taken Ava to the bridge, possibly planning to use her as a bargaining


The man showed no regard for my daughter's life and threw her at Atlas.

It was a scene I would never forget.

I felt even more troubled because he had repeatedly targeted me, seemingly unafraid of


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It felt like the man was challenging Atlas’s capabilities and patience.

Although Ryan and my mom had prepared dinner, no one stayed when they saw Ava was


It was already late at night, soI urged my exhausted and terrified parents to rest.

Ryan looked hesitant, but I persuaded him to leave, too.

Although reluctant, he knew he couldn't help anymore.

Moreover, Ava didn't It was already late at night, so I urged my exhausted and terrified

parents to rest.

Ryan looked hesitant, but I persuaded him to leave, too.

Although reluctant, he knew he couldn't help anymore.

Moreover, Ava didn’t want to see anyone except Atlas.

I only managed to take her from him when he went to the bathroom.

However, she started crying again after a while, and it was hard to comfort her.

I stayed with her, but she kept calling for Atlas, putting me at a loss for words.

I felt deeply concerned about her condition.

It was as if Atlas could read my mind.

He comforted me, "Everything will be okay.She won't be afraid as long as we're with her."

He stayed with Ava that night, but she kept waking up and crying.She would only stop

crying when Atlas comforted her.She would cling to his finger and murmur, "You won't

leave me, right, Uncle Atlas? You're here."