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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 204
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Chapter 204 Happiness Is Simple

During dinner, Ava chatted away, expertly buttering up Atlas. “Uncle Atlas is the best!”

Atlas was delighted and indulgent. “Why is that?”

“You brought Barbie dolls. Now I have a family! There’s a Barbie mommy and two Barbie

sisters!” She looked at Atlas. “They’re a family, and I don’t want Barbie Daddy. He’s mean!

I want you, not Daddy!”

Atlas was charmed, showing no signs of minding her words. He even fed her.

After the meal, I cleaned up as he and Ava played in the living room. I had never imagined

he would get along so well with her, speaking to her in a patient and child–friendly


While playing, Ava suddenly remembered something. She hurried over to Atlas, pulling a

piece of candy from her pocket. With great solemnity, she unwrapped it and offered it to

Atlas. In her sweet voice, she said, “This is my repayment! Mommy says we should repay

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That night, she played until very late. I bathed her and put her to bed. Reluctantly, she

asked, “Uncle Atlas, will you come again tomorrow?”

Atlas turned the question back on her. “Do you want me to?”

“Yes! I want you to visit every day. Uncle, will you protect Mommy?” She blinked her big

eyes earnestly, looking at Atlas, waiting for his answer.

I hadn’t expected her to ask such a question. I couldn’t fathom what was going on in her

little head.

“I will! I’ll protect you, too, my little princess!” Atlas’s reply was endearing.

Ava cheered. After her bath, she clung to him for a long time before finally falling asleep.

As I nestled into Atlas’s embrace, he said, “You’ve raised Ava so well.”

“Next time, don’t buy her such expensive toys.” I reminded him. I knew that the set of

dolls was quite


“A daughter should be raised in comfort!” He pinched my nose. “You don’t understand!”

I was speechless, and finally asked, “Do you like kids?”

He didn’t answer immediately, and it was a while before he responded, “I don’t know. I

just like being here.

It feels like home.”

His words stirred something in me. They touched on the hopes deep within me. Suddenly,

I thought of his parents and how they had both passed away, but I didn’t dare to ask.

Stella had mentioned that it was a sensitive topic for him.


That night, we went to bed early. Softly, I said, “It would be wonderful if things could stay

like this forever. Worry–free, just peacefully living our days.”

His handsome face beamed. Suddenly, he hugged me tightly. Everything happened

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naturally, as if it were meant to be this way from the start. He caressed me tenderly,

leading me to the peak of pleasure.

Afterward, I gradually regained my senses. I found myself reluctant to leave his embrace.

Whenever I was with him, my emotions surged like an unstoppable force. But once I

returned to reality, I felt somewhat dizzy. A sense of loss and melancholy washed over me.

I didn’t know what we were.

However, I wasn’t alone with him in my life, and I felt more fulfilled. This contentment was

my only refuge from my worries these days. I even thought I didn’t care about whoever he

might belong to in the future.

For now, he was mine. With that in mind, I snuggled deeper into his arms, listening to his

heartbeat and feeling his breath. He stayed with me through the long night, consoling my

lonely soul.

I wished for days like this to continue. I didn’t want to wake up, even if it were a dream.

Alas, things never

quite went as planned. Eventually, someone else appeared before me.