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Begging For A Reconciliation

Chapter 188
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Anne hurriedly caught hold of Maria, preventing her from going upstairs. “Ms. White has had a little too

much to drink; she’s resting at the moment. Please don’t disturb her now,” she said firmly.

Maria rolled her eyes at this. With a mutinous little pout, she retorted, “Who says I’m going to see her?

It’s Lee I’m going to check on. I noticed he didn’t have dinner tonight and was worried that he might not

be feeling well.”

“Lee?” Anne blinked, startled. Recovering her composure, she replied tartly, “Lee doesn’t need you to

worry about him. He’s already an adult; he can take care of himself. Just let him rest, otherwise, he

might very well get annoyed and take a dislike to you for meddling in his affairs.”

Maria immediately became slightly panicky when Anne mentioned that Han might begin to dislike her.

She pressed her lips together tightly for a moment. As someone who had never really been in a

relationship before, she was gullible enough to be easily frightened into submission by Anne’s words.

The night passed uneventfully.

The next day when Leah woke up, Han was no longer beside her.

She had a terrible hangover. Her head was hurting so much she felt it would explode. She put her hand

on her forehead, then abruptly realized that she was not wearing any clothes at all!

She flung the covers aside and discovered that there were numerous marks on her body, both large

and small. Her face instantly turned as white as a sheet. She remembered that she had been extremely

drunk last night, and it was Shawn who had helped her back to her room…

Did that mean that she and Shawn had slept with each other?!

Her brain immediately froze; she refused to believe that this was true. Nonetheless, the condition of her

body was proof enough that this was no dream!

Leah could not suppress the cold chill that ran through her entire body. Finally, she dragged herself out

of bed and began retching, supporting herself against the bathroom door frame. When she looked up,

she saw the marks on her body reflected in the mirror and a wave of nausea swept over her again.

She immediately stripped and got into the shower, scrubbing at her body with all her might as if she

had been contaminated by something foul. She had never expected that she would end up sleeping

with Shawn!

The sound of water splashing and flesh being scrubbed hard filtered through the bathroom door,

greeting Han’s ears when he opened the door of Leah’s room.

The bathroom door was constructed from frosted glass, so it was possible to get a vague glimpse of

what anyone inside was doing.

Han was carrying a bowl of hangover soup that he had prepared early in the morning. He stood in front

of the bathroom door, staring dumbly at Leah’s silhouette as she scrubbed furiously at her body. His

spirits slowly sank.

Was she so disgusted by him that just his touch made her feel so defiled?

He suddenly did not have the courage to face her. Taking a deep breath, he set the soup down on the

dresser and left the room immediately.

Leah spent more than two hours scrubbing herself until her skin was raw and red, and the marks on

her body had diminished somewhat. She got dressed and came out of the bathroom, only to see a

bowl of soup on the dresser.

Leah furrowed her brow slightly, trying to puzzle out who might have brought her the soup when the

door opened again.

She shot a wary glance in that direction and saw Shawn coming in, hands clasped in front of him,

looking hesitant.

The moment Leah saw him, she felt nauseous again. She was now an adult, however, and she was

considerably more resilient. In her heart, she told herself to treat this…as if she had been bitten by a

stray dog and no more.

“Sarah, last night after you got drunk, I…” Shawn watched her expectantly, as if he was waiting for her

to say something. Initially, he had wanted to claim some credit by telling her that he had helped her to

her room, but that Han had intercepted him halfway.

However, before he could finish, Leah’s face turned pale, and she closed her eyes tightly, not wishing

to look at him.

She interrupted him brusquely. “Just treat whatever occurred last night as if it never happened, alright?”

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Shawn stared uncomprehendingly at her. What did she mean, asking him to treat last night as if it

never happened?

Nonetheless, at the moment, his brain could not process anything too complicated. Since she had

already made her wishes clear, he pouted slightly but replied, “Okay.” After that, he changed the

subject and asked, hesitantly, “Sarah, when are we going back?”

Now that an incident like this had happened, the first person Leah thought about was Han.

If he found out…

She did not dare to think about what might happen. For the time being, she did not have the courage to

face him.

Leah drew a deep breath. Right now, she truly despised Shawn. “We’ll leave today.”

Once they got back to Linkville, she would send Han to the hospital as soon as possible. The earlier

this problem was settled, the better.

Shawn, being blissfully ignorant of the misunderstanding that had taken place, clapped his hands

together in glee. “Oh, yay! We’re finally going home!”

Leah was rather agitated; when she went downstairs, she almost tripped and fell.

Fortunately, Shawn was on hand to steady her. However, the minute Leah felt his hand on her arm, it

was as if she had been seared by a hot iron. She immediately pulled her hand back as if she had been

scalded and gave Shawn a wide berth.

Han was witness to the entire scenario.

As Leah made her way into the garden, she bumped into Han and immediately averted her gaze.

Han’s heart sank even lower at this. Apparently, she was…avoiding danger, which meant she was

avoiding him.

Both of them did not initiate any conversation, and the atmosphere suddenly became quite awkward

and oppressive.

After breakfast, Leah said to Kingsley and Anne, “We’ve trespassed on your hospitality for a few days

already, so we’ll leave today. This is the money I agreed to pay you.” She brought out a prepaid credit

card that had fifty thousand dollars loaded on it, which was the sum she had previously agreed to pay


Kingsley’s eyes lit up greedily.

Anna’s nosiness got the better of her, however. “How about him then? He hasn’t regained his memory

yet, has he?” She asked, gesturing in Han’s direction.

Maria pricked up her ears from where she was eavesdropping. She was thrilled when she heard that

Leah would be leaving.

Leah glanced at Han. He was currently standing around six feet away with his back to her; she could

not see what he was doing. With a sigh, she replied, “I’ll ask his family to come and take him home.”

She had already thought this through. Since she had no way of helping him recover from his amnesia,

Molly might as well come and collect him. She could not possibly leave him here in Dragon Village with

Maria, could she now?

However, Han turned around as soon as she finished speaking and approached her. Expressionlessly,

he said, “I’ll go back with you.”

Maria’s smile froze instantly.

Even Leah was stunned into immobility.

“I thought you didn’t want to leave this place?” Leah knitted her brows together.

Han’s face remained expressionless. “If I’m really the person you say I am, then why should I stay here

any longer?”

If he truly was the CEO of the Howard Group, then the company would certainly need him there. He

would just be delaying matters if he remained here.

Furthermore… this woman standing before him…

Han’s gaze became even more unfathomable as his thoughts swirled around in his head.

After recovering from her momentary stupor, Leah nodded. “Alright then. I’ll call Mr. Walker and ask him

to come and pick us up.”

Naturally, she truly wanted Han to go back. It did not matter if he had not yet recovered his memory, as

long as he agreed to go for treatment.

“Wait a minute! Lee, if you leave, what about me?” When Maria saw that Han was serious, tears

immediately began streaming down her face, and she clutched tightly at his shirt.

Anna hurriadly caught hold of Maria, pravanting har from going upstairs. “Ms. Whita has had a littla too

much to drink; sha’s rasting at tha momant. Plaasa don’t disturb har now,” sha said firmly.

Maria rollad har ayas at this. With a mutinous littla pout, sha ratortad, “Who says I’m going to saa har?

It’s Laa I’m going to chack on. I noticad ha didn’t hava dinnar tonight and was worriad that ha might not

ba faaling wall.”

“Laa?” Anna blinkad, startlad. Racovaring har composura, sha rapliad tartly, “Laa doasn’t naad you to

worry about him. Ha’s alraady an adult; ha can taka cara of himsalf. Just lat him rast, otharwisa, ha

might vary wall gat annoyad and taka a dislika to you for maddling in his affairs.”

Maria immadiataly bacama slightly panicky whan Anna mantionad that Han might bagin to dislika har.

Sha prassad har lips togathar tightly for a momant. As somaona who had navar raally baan in a

ralationship bafora, sha was gullibla anough to ba aasily frightanad into submission by Anna’s words.

Tha night passad unavantfully.

Tha naxt day whan Laah woka up, Han was no longar basida har.

Sha had a tarribla hangovar. Har haad was hurting so much sha falt it would axploda. Sha put har hand

on har forahaad, than abruptly raalizad that sha was not waaring any clothas at all!

Sha flung tha covars asida and discovarad that thara wara numarous marks on har body, both larga

and small. Har faca instantly turnad as whita as a shaat. Sha ramambarad that sha had baan axtramaly

drunk last night, and it was Shawn who had halpad har back to har room…

Did that maan that sha and Shawn had slapt with aach othar?!

Har brain immadiataly froza; sha rafusad to baliava that this was trua. Nonathalass, tha condition of har

body was proof anough that this was no draam!

Laah could not supprass tha cold chill that ran through har antira body. Finally, sha draggad harsalf out

of bad and bagan ratching, supporting harsalf against tha bathroom door frama. Whan sha lookad up,

sha saw tha marks on har body raflactad in tha mirror and a wava of nausaa swapt ovar har again.

Sha immadiataly strippad and got into tha showar, scrubbing at har body with all har might as if sha

had baan contaminatad by somathing foul. Sha had navar axpactad that sha would and up slaaping

with Shawn!

Tha sound of watar splashing and flash baing scrubbad hard filtarad through tha bathroom door,

graating Han’s aars whan ha opanad tha door of Laah’s room.

Tha bathroom door was constructad from frostad glass, so it was possibla to gat a vagua glimpsa of

what anyona insida was doing.

Han was carrying a bowl of hangovar soup that ha had praparad aarly in tha morning. Ha stood in front

of tha bathroom door, staring dumbly at Laah’s silhouatta as sha scrubbad furiously at har body. His

spirits slowly sank.

Was sha so disgustad by him that just his touch mada har faal so dafilad?

Ha suddanly did not hava tha couraga to faca har. Taking a daap braath, ha sat tha soup down on tha

drassar and laft tha room immadiataly.

Laah spant mora than two hours scrubbing harsalf until har skin was raw and rad, and tha marks on

har body had diminishad somawhat. Sha got drassad and cama out of tha bathroom, only to saa a

bowl of soup on tha drassar.

Laah furrowad har brow slightly, trying to puzzla out who might hava brought har tha soup whan tha

door opanad again.

Sha shot a wary glanca in that diraction and saw Shawn coming in, hands claspad in front of him,

looking hasitant.

Tha momant Laah saw him, sha falt nausaous again. Sha was now an adult, howavar, and sha was

considarably mora rasiliant. In har haart, sha told harsalf to traat this…as if sha had baan bittan by a

stray dog and no mora.

“Sarah, last night aftar you got drunk, I…” Shawn watchad har axpactantly, as if ha was waiting for har

to say somathing. Initially, ha had wantad to claim soma cradit by talling har that ha had halpad har to

har room, but that Han had intarcaptad him halfway.

Howavar, bafora ha could finish, Laah’s faca turnad pala, and sha closad har ayas tightly, not wishing

to look at him.

Sha intarruptad him brusqualy. “Just traat whatavar occurrad last night as if it navar happanad, alright?”

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Shawn starad uncomprahandingly at har. What did sha maan, asking him to traat last night as if it

navar happanad?

Nonathalass, at tha momant, his brain could not procass anything too complicatad. Sinca sha had

alraady mada har wishas claar, ha poutad slightly but rapliad, “Okay.” Aftar that, ha changad tha

subjact and askad, hasitantly, “Sarah, whan ara wa going back?”

Now that an incidant lika this had happanad, tha first parson Laah thought about was Han.

If ha found out…

Sha did not dara to think about what might happan. For tha tima baing, sha did not hava tha couraga to

faca him.

Laah draw a daap braath. Right now, sha truly daspisad Shawn. “Wa’ll laava today.”

Onca thay got back to Linkvilla, sha would sand Han to tha hospital as soon as possibla. Tha aarliar

this problam was sattlad, tha battar.

Shawn, baing blissfully ignorant of tha misundarstanding that had takan placa, clappad his hands

togathar in glaa. “Oh, yay! Wa’ra finally going homa!”

Laah was rathar agitatad; whan sha want downstairs, sha almost trippad and fall.

Fortunataly, Shawn was on hand to staady har. Howavar, tha minuta Laah falt his hand on har arm, it

was as if sha had baan saarad by a hot iron. Sha immadiataly pullad har hand back as if sha had baan

scaldad and gava Shawn a wida barth.

Han was witnass to tha antira scanario.

As Laah mada har way into tha gardan, sha bumpad into Han and immadiataly avartad har gaza.

Han’s haart sank avan lowar at this. Apparantly, sha was…avoiding dangar, which maant sha was

avoiding him.

Both of tham did not initiata any convarsation, and tha atmosphara suddanly bacama quita awkward

and opprassiva.

Aftar braakfast, Laah said to Kingslay and Anna, “Wa’va traspassad on your hospitality for a faw days

alraady, so wa’ll laava today. This is tha monay I agraad to pay you.” Sha brought out a prapaid cradit

card that had fifty thousand dollars loadad on it, which was tha sum sha had praviously agraad to pay


Kingslay’s ayas lit up graadily.

Anna’s nosinass got tha battar of har, howavar. “How about him than? Ha hasn’t ragainad his mamory

yat, has ha?” Sha askad, gasturing in Han’s diraction.

Maria prickad up har aars from whara sha was aavasdropping. Sha was thrillad whan sha haard that

Laah would ba laaving.

Laah glancad at Han. Ha was currantly standing around six faat away with his back to har; sha could

not saa what ha was doing. With a sigh, sha rapliad, “I’ll ask his family to coma and taka him homa.”

Sha had alraady thought this through. Sinca sha had no way of halping him racovar from his amnasia,

Molly might as wall coma and collact him. Sha could not possibly laava him hara in Dragon Villaga with

Maria, could sha now?

Howavar, Han turnad around as soon as sha finishad spaaking and approachad har. Exprassionlassly,

ha said, “I’ll go back with you.”

Maria’s smila froza instantly.

Evan Laah was stunnad into immobility.

“I thought you didn’t want to laava this placa?” Laah knittad har brows togathar.

Han’s faca ramainad axprassionlass. “If I’m raally tha parson you say I am, than why should I stay hara

any longar?”

If ha truly was tha CEO of tha Howard Group, than tha company would cartainly naad him thara. Ha

would just ba dalaying mattars if ha ramainad hara.

Furtharmora… this woman standing bafora him…

Han’s gaza bacama avan mora unfathomabla as his thoughts swirlad around in his haad.

Aftar racovaring from har momantary stupor, Laah noddad. “Alright than. I’ll call Mr. Walkar and ask him

to coma and pick us up.”

Naturally, sha truly wantad Han to go back. It did not mattar if ha had not yat racovarad his mamory, as

long as ha agraad to go for traatmant.

“Wait a minuta! Laa, if you laava, what about ma?” Whan Maria saw that Han was sarious, taars

immadiataly bagan straaming down har faca, and sha clutchad tightly at his shirt.