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Becoming the Richest Man Alive

Chapter 36
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“Are you asking me to help them?” Casper darted a look at the Langstons, then gave them a sly smile.

He leaned towards Elena’s ear and whispered seductively, “How will you reward me, then?”

Elena blushed furiously under the gazes of everyone present. She reeled slightly, saying as she bit her

lip, “I’ll treat you to a few more suppers, OK?”

She dared not meet Casper’s eyes that were watching her intently. With his piercing gaze, it seemed as

if Casper was staring right into Elena’s soul. Her heart was beating so maniacally that Elena thought

she might faint.

“Not bad. All right,” Casper said, smirking at the sight of Elena’s lovely, bashful face. He strode to the

door of the restaurant and bellowed at Stallion’s departing figure, “Stallion! Get back here!”

Stallion had not intended to stay a second longer than he could help it. However, he had injured his leg

during his fall. Even though he was limping away as fast as he could, supported by his lackeys, Stallion

had not managed to vanish from sight quickly enough.

Stallion’s courage entirely failed when he heard Casper howling his name. His knees buckled, and

Stallion would have crumbled to the ground entirely if not for his lackeys supporting him on either side.

Anguished, Stallion had no choice but to turn back and face his worst nightmare once more.

“Yes, did you call me? I’ll do my best to help,” Stallion said, groveling before Casper.

Stallion’s forced smile was almost a grimace. Inwardly, Stallion was terrified that Casper would fault

him for the slightest discourtesy.

Stallion was convinced that Casper’s strength had hellish origins, so devilishly quick and potent it was.

Having experienced Casper’s prowess firsthand and emerged out of it a broken man, Stallion was

unwilling to get a second taste.

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“Hey, when did you become so obedient? Weren’t you bragging to all of us just a little while ago? I

heard that you were planning to get your revenge on me,” Casper said evenly, arching an eyebrow.

In Casper’s eyes, Stallion was a feeble weakling who was not worthy of Casper’s consideration at all.

Casper had thus decided to instill a lasting fear in Stallion to prevent him from stirring up further trouble

in Casper’s absence.

“I wouldn’t dare! I never said anything like that. Someone must be out to slander me!” Stallion denied

hastily, flustered. His knees were already knocking together in terror.

“Forget it, then. Let’s come to an agreement. Stop collecting protection money from this entire row of

shops. What do you say to that?” Casper cocked his head as he questioned Stallion breezily.

Casper knew that the help he could render to Larry was limited. After all, he neither had the capability

or obligation to take the Langstons under his charge. However, Casper was comforted that he had

relieved the Langstons of the burdensome protection money, at least.

“All right, all right!” Stallion nodded frantically. He was still hell-bent on escaping from Casper as soon

as he could. Besides, the putrid stink of the rubbish still hung over Stallion, making him gag.

“Not bad,” Casper observed. He thought for a while, then ordered, “I’d like to meet your father. Bring

me to him.” From what Larry had said earlier, Casper deduced that Steed, Stallion’s father, must have

clashed with the Firewolf Chamber of Commerce before.

With a common enemy, Casper believed that he could make an ally out of Steed. By meeting Steed,

Casper was laying the foundation for his eventual destruction of the Firewolf Chamber of Commerce.

“What? You want to meet my Dad?” Stallion asked incredulously, gaping at Casper.

Casper was a devil indeed in his relentless hunt, Stallion reflected. He was familiar with how badly the

Firewolf Chamber of Commerce had abused his father. If he brought Casper to meet Steed, Stallion

feared that he would only be inviting evil into his home.

If Casper struck up a friendship with his father, Stallion knew that his days of terrorizing the streets

would be numbered.

“Lead the way, please,” Casper said pleasantly. Reading the reluctance on Stallion’s face, Casper

challenged, “What, are you unwilling to let me meet him? Would you like to reconsider in that rubbish

heap outside?”

At this reminder of his earlier predicament, Stallion reflexively gagged a few times. Quivering with

panic, Stallion hastily said, “I’ll bring you to him! Can I shower and change my clothes first, though?”

The mere idea of meeting his father in this shameful manner reduced Stallion to tears. He was now

almost on his knees, begging desperately for Casper to leave him a shred of dignity.

After all, despite all of Stallion’s swaggering and boasting, Steed had always been the one Stallion

most sought to impress.

Stallion’s venture into collecting protection money had been motivated by the desire to prove his

capability to his father.

He had thus never expected that it would be the cause of his ultimate downfall.

“Go on, then,” Casper said. His tone was encouraging, but a sinister smile hovered over his lips. He

strolled over to the garden hose that was lying coiled next to the sink and raised it. “Go and stand next

to the rubbish. I’ll wash you down myself.”

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It was a warm summer’s night, and one could safely bathe outdoors without worrying about catching a


Stallion was torn between the mortifying idea of being hosed down by Casper and his urge to rid

himself of his rank odor. At last, unable to bear the smell any longer, Stallion scampered over to where

Casper was standing and submitted to the shower.

After Casper had finished hosing Stallion down, he turned to Elena, grinning impishly. “I don’t think I did

too bad, do you? Remember to treat me to a good supper in the future.”

“It’s not over yet,” Elena muttered, rolling her eyes.

“That’s true. Why don’t you come along with me to meet this rascal’s father? Or are you too afraid to?”

Casper retorted.

Elena hesitated for a moment, then answered, summoning an air of bravado, “If you’re meeting him, I’ll

come along too. What’s there to be afraid of?”

“Don’t worry. I won’t bring you to walk into a trap with me. We’re just going to discuss some matters

with Steed,” Casper said, chuckling at Elena’s uncertain expression.

He found Elena’s naivete rather endearing.

After Casper and Elena bade farewell to the grateful Langstons, they boarded a taxi and headed

towards the Sands Project.

Casper had heard of the Sands project before. Before the rise of Marine Luxworld, the Firewolf

Chamber of Commerce’s project, the Sands Project had been experiencing red-hot sales. Now,

however, the Sands Project was a mere shadow of its former self.

The moment Casper stepped out of the taxi, Stallion had dashed over to him, barricading his way

forward. “Mr. Simpson, my Dad is the Boss here. I’m begging you, please don’t mention the matter of

you beating me up because of the protection money. I’ll never be able to live it down,” Stallion implored.