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Becoming Strangers Again by Lily

Chapter 32
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Chapter 32 RYAN "Are we really leaving?" Angelo's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and disbelief, his voice laced with bewilderment. Despite his attempts to conceal his emotions, relief and amusement danced on his fac Without acknowledging his questions, I continued to pack my belongings into the bag, determined to complete the task efficiently. The pilot departs in three hours, and I'm not inclined to delay. If you have any la minute items to collect, now's the time," Pausing by the door, Angelo's playful demeanor gradually faded, replaced by a more serious expression. "Seriously, did something happen?" Frustration seeped into my actions as I forcefully shoved a shirt into the box, causing a dull thud. "Taven't we spent enough there!" I countered, my annoyance evident. "We have responsibilities to attend to, He held his gaze onfor a fleeting moment, then delivered a crisp nod before gracefully exiting the room. With each garment I crammed into my suitcase, the memory of the ring adorning Lily's finger loomed Having packed what was necessary, I took a brief shower and changed into attire suitable for traveling, before walking out of my room. to reach my car. A member of the security team adeptly managed my boxe Seated comfortably in the back, I retrieved my phone and dialed Lily's number. Angelo assumed his position in the driver's seat, stealing a glance atthrough the rear-view mirror before setting the vehicle in motion Eventually, Lily answered the call. "Hey, I exhaled softly, mindful not to utter anything that might unsettle her. "How are you?" My words were measured, aimed at maintaining a sense of ease in our conversation. "I'm fine." She replied. "Is everything okay?" I cleared my throat, still trying not dwell on the fact that there is an engagement ring on her finger. "I'm leaving Canada as we speak," I informed her, "and I felt it will only be fair to let you know." Since I practicall She fell silent for a while. "Are you leaving because of what I said the last time?" She asked and I smiled at the fact that even though she is trying to deny it, she still cares. “Look, I was upset and I let it lead eve "I didn't call you for you to apologize Lily, it's fine." I can't eat my cake and have it. I had my twith her and I ruined it, so I should let her have her own share at happiness. "Don't let that dickhead treat you the She sighed. "I know Ryan, I figured it out the day I walked out of our marriage." I heard something beep in the background. "I have to go Ryan, duty calls and I wish you a safe trip back to New York, and please do not return, not unless it is very important." She disconnected the call and I winced at her last statement. She could have avoided saying that, but I guess she just wanted to be brutal. 1 Throughout the journey back to New York, I maintained a solemn demeanor, opting not to engage in conversation with anyone, including Angelo. Instead, I busied myself during the duration of the flight by caref Upon our arrival, I saw to it that my suitcase was promptly dispatched to the manor before making an impromptu stop at the office. The sight of my unexpected return seemed to elicit surprise among the staff. A Immersing myself in the day's workload served as a temporary distraction, allowingto momentarily forget about the troubles of my personal life, particularly the lingering thoughts of Lily and her impending wedding Despite my best efforts to focus solely on work, my mind occasionally drifted back to the things that happened in Canada. Angelo, ever attentive, seemned to sense my sore mood, wisely choosing to maintain his distance and affordthe peace and quiet I evidently sought. 11:39 AM Chapter 32 "Sir," Angelo's voice pierced through my weariness, bringingback to the present moment. "We've arrived, sir." Blinking away the haze of exhaustion, I found myself parked in the familiar confines of my driveway. Rubbing my eyes to shake off the fatigue, I seized my suitcase, swung open the door, and stepped out onto t the living room.

True to my preferences, the house envelopedin silence, with the staff discreetly avoiding my path. I had made it abundantly clear that encountering unfamiliar faces within the confines of my hwas a dis avoid, and they diligently honored my wishes. Ascending the stairs with a near- silent tread, I made my way to my room. Pushing the door open, I was greeted by an unwelcsight that instantly dampened my spirits.

Stephanie lay sprawled across my bed, her attire leaving little to the imagination as she delved into the pages of a book. The creak of the door opening elicited a startled yelp from her, swiftly followed by a relax bed to close the distance between us, enfoldingin a warm embrace. "Nobody mentioned you were coming home." As we parted, she leaned in for a ki*s, but I instinctively turned my head, offering only my cheek in response. Stephanie's expression briefly registered a flicker of disappointment before she brushed it off with a "You should have called," she remarked, a note of mild reproach in her tone. "I would have loved to pick you up from the airport myself." Stepping into the closet, I began the task of unbuttoning my shirt while Stephanie lingered in the doorway, her gaze. "What brings you to my house in my absence?" fixed upon me.

Her brows furrowed in a slight frown. I cbecause I missed you and needed a reminder of you, she admitted. Pausing in my actions, I glanced at her reflection in the full- length mirror. "And what about my parents? Did you stay with them for over two weeks just because you missed me?" I couldn't quite comprehend why she would inconvenience others when she had her own h "I saw the news about you and Lily, and I becconcerned, Ryan," she explained, attempting to justify her unexpected presence. "My parents are disappointed that we aren't married yet, so I couldn't turn to th at your My jaw tensed as I listened to her explanation. "Don't," I growled, my voice edg with frustration. "Don't approach my parents at own convenience, Stephanie. They're not your in- laws, so you have no business with them."

In the mirror's reflection, I caught sight of her fist clenching tightly. "What's that supposed to mean, Ryan?" she retorted, her voice laced with hurt and frustration. "We've been together for over six years. Don't yo Turning to face her fully, I interlocked my fingers and met her gaze, a sense of clarity dawning upon me. Lily's words echoed in my mind, resonating with a truth I couldn't deny. Considering bringing a child into this kind of relationship with Stephanie would be selfish. It would only subject that child to the anguish of a broken home, a pain I knew all too well.

"This is over," I declared, and she froze. I'm breaking up with you, m Stephanie. The content is on e novelenglish.net!