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Barren Mother Give Birth to Sextuplets To The Hot CEO

Chapter 79
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“I‘m glad you are happy, miss Cleo,” Broderick smiled. Amy took a glance at the car again. She never

expected this kind of gift. “Since you said you need some time alone, I‘ll leave,” Broderick said and

turned from her slowly.

As he began to walk to his car, Amy opened her mouth in an attempt to call him back but she could not

utter a single word. She, as a matter of fact wanted him to spend some time with her, afterall, her mood

was now bright.

She watched as Broderick got inside the car, Broderick waved at her and she waved back with a bright

smile then he drove off.

Amy Jubilated around the cab and even sat on the bonnet. She took numerous pictures of herself with

the car.

Once she got inside, she connected her children through a video call and told them about the news. She

watched as the Children Jubilated in Joy. The kids were glad that Broderick was now taking interest in

their mother.

When Amy was done listening to different gist from all of my kids, she ended the video call and went to


While she was in shower, she couldn‘t stop herself from thinking about what happened in Irvin‘s office.

When she mentioned the name ‘Broderick Alessandro,‘ Irvin immediately called someone and at once,

she gave her the contract.

Then Irvin reacted ruthlessly to Martha just because she spoke against Broderick Alessandro. Is there a

connection between Ba and Broderick? Amy thought deeply, trying to connect the dot.

And as for Irvin being her brother, that came as a very great shock. She was now more interested in the

gift that her mother wanted him to give her.

Amy sighed and walked out of the bathroom then she heard her phone rang. Seeing that it was Michael,

she intentionally took a while before she answered the call. “Hey, Amy... how are you doing?” “Fine,” she

replied briefly. “Erm... Are you aware that your dad‘s birthday is in three days time? Mrs. Nell will attend,

I‘ll be there too. Numerous other powerful men in the city will be there as well,” Michael said. “Okay.”

“Okay?” Michael was surprised at Amy‘s response. It was obvious that she was not willing to talk to him.

“Please, let us attend it together. I need to go with a woman,” Michael said. “You can find a woman to go

with ...just pay them, and they will go with you,” Amy said harshly.

“That‘s too harsh. Amy, I know you are angry with me cause of the request I made but you have to

understand that it‘s only because I love you. I want to go with you only because we


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would eventually end up together as couple,” Michael said. “Mr. Michael‘s please stop dreaming. We

won‘t end up together and I‘m not coming,” Amy said.

“My friend will be there,” Michael said.

“Your friend?”

“Ba! He will be there. Won‘t you like to see him?” Amy was quiet for a while. Actually, she wants to see

this Ba!

Amy hummed and said,” I‘ll come.” “I‘ll come to pick you up then when it is time,” Michael said and hung

the call up. He immediately hung the call up so that Amy would not have the chance to change her mind.

Amy had been willing to see this Ba!

Three days later, Michael parked his land rover before Amy‘s house. Amy peeped through the window

when she heard the sound of the car. Seeing that it was Michael‘s car. She picked up her handbag and

walked. She had already dressed up.

When Michael was almost getting before Amy‘s door, she saw Amy stepped out.

“That was fast! you are fully dressed already,” Michael said.

“Yes,” Amy‘s response was brief. Since she didn‘t have any feelings for him, she had to let him know

even with her actions to him that her no is no.

Michael lead her inside the car and then began to drive.

“I can see a new car before your apartment, is that for your friend?” Michael asked.

“It‘s mine,” Amy responded and Michael glanced at her thrice in surprise. It was hard to beleive that Amy

could afford such an exorbitant car.

“Sorry to say this but you aren‘t even working at the moment.”

“I don‘t have do the nine to five work before I make money, there are digital works I could do online,” she


“Oh!” Michael said and remained quiet.

“Mì Amì,” Michael suddenly called affectionately.

“Please stop calling me that name.” Amy said bluntly. “Amy! Why are you being this harsh to me?”

Michael asked. “Because you don‘t respect someone‘s choice. If you love me as you claimed then you

should know that my happiness matters. I can‘t be happy being with you,” Amy said. Michael kept quiet

and continued to drive, when it was a few seconds to get to the Owen‘s mansion, he said,” there are

always two sides to everything you see. This goes to human beings also. We can be soft and gentle but

we can be dangerous and harmful.”

Michael then opened the door and got out. Amy was trying to make a meaning of what he said but she

couldn‘t find any sense in it so she opened the door and stepped out.

“Please, let me hold your hand?” Michael requested.


“I have to start showing the word that you are my fiancee,” Michael said.

“I‘m not one.”

Michael faced her and asked,” as regarding my request of you to marry me, you haven‘t given me


“Give me some time. Can we walk inside please?” Amy asked. She was already looking away angrily

from his face.

“If you don‘t hold my hand and act accordingly as though we are in a relationship, I‘ll expose your true

identity now,” Michael said with a serious look. “Are you kidding me right now? Is this how you plan on

winning my heart?” Amy asked. “Winning your heart is primary, that‘s right. But if I can not win your heart

then I will win your body,” Michael said. There was so much desperation glaring on his face. Amy

immediately regretted accepting to follow him to this place. “You are threatening me, Mr. Michael,” Amy


“I know that but I have no choice,” Michael said and held her hand. “Ba won‘t be coming.”


“I‘m sorry. I know that is why you agreed to be here but Ba will not be coming,” Michael said.

Amy was very angry, she felt like she has been deceived. Of course, she has been greatly deceived by

Michael. Nell already told Michael that Ba said he won‘t come when Carlton invited him to his birthday.

Michael just had to say that to deceive Amy into coming.

“I‘m not stepping into this goddamn house,” Amy was angry that she took steps back and tried to remove

her hand from his grip but Michael held it tightly.

There were many powerful men and women walking inside the mansion. The men were glancing at

Michael and going t eir way but some women stood when they saw the loud outburst of Amy.

Eventhough these people are among the first class citizen of the country, they love to gossip alot and so,

get themselves connected to even things that doesn‘t concern them.

“Isn‘t that Mr. Michael and his secretary?” someone asked another woman that was standing a little

closer to her.

“Yes, they are the one. They are actually dressing cute. These people sure have something going on

between them,” the woman said.

Another woman watching from another angle said to another, “Mr. Michael‘s secretary seems very angry,

I wonder what Mr. Michael did to her?“.

“I hope they let it all out here so we can see for ourselves,” another added. Martha came outside to

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check if her friends had arrived but suddenly saw Amy and Michael standing before eachother.

“This bitch!” Martha had started nurturing serious grudges against Amy ever since Amy ‘stole ‘the

contract her family was supposed to get from he at BA‘s company.

Of course, when Amy got home, she informed Mayor and Edith and their anger knew no boundary. They

even beleived that it was because of Cleo that Martha got thrown out of Irvin‘s office.

“If this bitch dare to step inside my father‘s birthday party, I‘ll disgrace her,” Martha said and took few

steps closer to Michael and Amy.

Michael noticed that a crowd of people were already gathering around them so he said to Amy, ” Amy,

people are around us. Please corporate or I will be forced to expose you right here.” “Mr. Michael,”

Martha suddenly called and Michael looked at her.

“Oh! Miss Martha, how are you?” Michael asked.

“I‘m fine. Did you come to attend my father‘s birthday party with your secretary?” Martha asked Michael

Her father? Amy repeated in her mind. ‘See someone who is the daughter of a gigolo calling herself the

daughter of the mayor. No matter how long the truth is buried, it will be revealed someday.‘ Amy thought.

“That‘s right. Actually, Miss. Cleo is not just my secretary but my fiancee, we will be marrying soon,”

Michael said.

Amy was so angry to hear Michael say this that she almost punch him in the face.

‘Who and who is getting married soon?‘ She thought to herself angrily.

‘This Michael is such a pathetic idiot. So he brought her here purposely to announce and prove to the

powerful men and women of NorthHill that she‘s his financee.‘ Amy thought. Her hatred for Michael even

increased the more.

Amy gritted her teeth in anger. If she dared to refute his claim of being his fiancee, he would expose her

true identity to the public and that will not be good for her because her families will eventually start

plotting how to get her killed again moreso, Broderick may change towards her if he finds out she was

Amy. Until she conforms that Broderick has fallen flawlessly for her, she didn‘t plan on revealing her true


“Oh!” Martha exclaimed and shot Amy an angry look. Michael held Amy‘s hand and said to everyone

looking,” please go inside, my fiancee and I are just settling things.” At this moment, Amy‘s anger could

burn down a city. She wanted to yank her hand from his as his touch on her hand make her feel so


“Reverse what you said,” someone appeared from a specially designed car and commanded powerfully..

“Ba!” Someone shouted from the crowd.


