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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 3324
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Chapter: 3324

So she deliberately brought up the topic just now, just to arouse the interest of the people

in front of her and find a group of scapegoats to explore the way.

If it can be done, it would be the best. Half of the treasures would be enough for

Yuanyangmen to develop.

If it fails, she won’t lose anything. It can be said that it is a profit-free transaction.

“What? You want half of it to yourself?”

Hearing this, Xue Feng suddenly frowned: “Nvxia Zhang, is your appetite too big? There

are so many of us, and you are just one person. You only need half of it with your mouth.

How should we divide it?”

“That’s right! You are a typical lion with a big mouth!” The short-haired woman looked


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Having done nothing and asking for half of the treasure is really greedy.

“Everyone, you can’t say that. Only I know about this treasure land. Normally, I only need

to wait a day or two for the people from the master’s sect to arrive, and then I can collect

all the treasures inside. For the sake of your rescue, you will tell the truth, our Yuanyang

Sect only needs half of the treasures, which is already very particular.” Zhang Qingqing

said lightly.

Her meaning is very clear. I can obviously keep all the treasures in my pocket, but now I

let half of them out.

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Hearing this, the members of the Black Scorpion team looked at each other.

Although I was a little dissatisfied, I didn’t know how to refute it.

After all, to find a guarantee, Zhang Qingqing has to lead the way.

“Ms. Li, what do you think?”

Xue Feng turned his head and threw the problem to Li Qingcheng.

After all, Li Qingcheng is the leader of this team. Whether it is Qiao Yi or Shi Hao, they

have to sell some face.

“I came here only for one treasure. I am not interested in the rest. As long as Zhang Nuxia

lets me choose first, I can give up the remaining treasures.” Li Qingcheng said lightly.

“No problem!” Zhang Qingqing agreed.

She could see that Li Qingcheng had a strong say in this team, and as long as the other

party compromised, her plan would go smoothly.

“Senior Qiao, what about you?”

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Xue Feng turned his head and looked at Qiao Yi.

Li Qingcheng is the leader of the team, but the strongest person present is the desert

dragon Qiao Yi.

The other party’s decision affects the entire situation.

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