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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 3268
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Chapter: 3268

However, now, the oasis standing in front of us is more like a forest, with endless branches

and luxuriant leaves as far as the eye can see.

It is truly a spectacle.

“Captain, when we entered the Death Desert last year, there shouldn’t be this oasis, right?

I didn’t expect that such a big change would happen in just one year?” The short-haired

woman from the Black Scorpion Team sighed.

Look at those lush flowers, plants and trees. Normally, it would be impossible for them to

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grow so tall in just ten or eight years.

“It may be that the movement of the earth’s crust caused the underground river to

overflow, resulting in such a scene.” Xue Feng gave his own explanation.

But this explanation is obviously not convincing enough.

Putting aside the harsh environment of the Death Desert, even if there is sufficient rain

and sunshine, it is impossible to have such lush vegetation.

In the middle of the desert, a forest appeared out of thin air, which obviously went against

common sense.

“What a treasure land of Feng Shui!” Shi Hao said brightly, “There must be many

treasures hidden in it!”

He had always been doubtful about Feng Yao’s words before.

Now after seeing this wonderful scene, he has already believed most of it.

“There may be many treasures, but there are definitely many dangers. You must be

careful after entering.” Li Qingcheng reminded.

“We have a large number of people and many experts. Even if we encounter danger, I

believe we can survive it safely.” Shi Hao was very optimistic.

With Qiao Yi, the desert dragon, in charge, there will definitely be no problem in terms of


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If it doesn’t work, just stay away from the edge for a few days.

He has already notified the Golden Knife Sect, and the elders and guardians within the

sect will arrive soon.

By then, no matter how powerful the monster is, it will be easily defeated.

“Everyone, let’s go explore the road before dawn.”

Qiao Yi couldn’t wait. After saying a few words, he took the lead and walked into the oasis


“Let’s go.”

Li Qingcheng didn’t say much, and led a large army closely behind Qiao Yi.

Soon, a team of nearly a hundred people burst into the oasis in a mighty manner.