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An Understated Dominance Chinese Novel

Chapter 3258
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Chapter: 3258

“Okay, don’t flatter us. We only have a small half of the Wuling Crystals, and there are still

hundreds of them out there, all of which have been divided up by various forces. It’s

probably impossible for you to let them destroy the Wuling Crystals. “Qiao Yi said angrily.

“I will notify all parties, explain the serious relationship to them, and save as many people

as possible.” Shi Hao said.

“Do you think this is effective?” Qiao Yi sneered.

People’s hearts are greedy. How can a treasure that was finally obtained be destroyed

resolutely just because of a few words from a stranger?

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If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes just now, he wouldn’t have believed that there was

any evil hidden in Wu Lingjing.

“Do your best, obey fate, and just have a clear conscience.” Shi Hao sighed lightly.

He naturally understands that it is not easy to persuade people, but he would not be able

to bear it if he did nothing.

“Brother Shi, you let out the news that I am willing to buy Wu Lingjing at a high price.

Anyone who has Wu Lingjing can sell it to me. This should be more convincing.” Li

Qingcheng suddenly spoke.

“Acquisition?” Shi Hao was stunned and said in surprise: “Miss Li, are you kidding me? All

these Wu Lingjings are worth a fortune. Do you want to buy them all?”

“I am short of everything except money. Besides, saving a life is better than building a

seven-level pagoda.” Li Qingcheng smiled faintly.

“Miss Li is so kind and righteous, Shi admires her!” Shi Hao clasped his fists solemnly.

At this moment, he admired the woman in front of him from the bottom of his heart.

He is actually willing to contribute a large amount of property to some unrelated

strangers. This noble behavior is really admirable.

He was ashamed of himself.

After one hour.

Inside the hotel room.

Shi Hao walked into the door holding a bunch of Wu Lingjing, and then put them all on the

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“Ms. Li, these are all the Wu Lingjings we collected. I did the math and found that there

are about 70% of them. The remaining 30% of the Wulingsjings either can’t be contacted

or they refuse to sell.” Shi Hao simplified the situation. Said it again.

Initially, he didn’t want to waste Li Qingcheng’s money, so he tried to use good words to

persuade those who owned Wu Lingjing to understand the seriousness of the problem.

It’s a pity that no one believed his words.

Even if the name of Jin Dao Sect is used, it will have no effect at all.

Most people even thought that he was a liar. He was jealous and jealous, so he used such

dirty methods to defraud Wu Lingjing.