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Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38
My day had begun in the usual whirlwind of activity, a chaotic and blurry start that was far from relaxing. The never-ending to-do
list was already looming large, and it seemed like there was always so much to handle.
Axel’s voice broke through, interrupting my thoughts. “You have a meeting with Ryan Corporation today at eleven, he informed
“Can you see if the meeting can be rescheduled for tomorrow? I need to attend the Starlight briefing, I suggested.
There was a moment of hesitation in Axel’s response, but he finally spoke. “Gigi is handling the Starlight briefing. It’s not
something you have to attend.”
I couldn’t help but quizzically raise an eyebrow. Axel, as my assistant and a close friend, often questioned my decisions. “So?” I
countered, curious about his reasoning.
“You don’t usually attend meetings like that, he pointed out, a hint of concern in his voice. “I have a special interest in the JT
‘project, and I want to be present at the briefing, I asserted firmly. I knew it was time to put the matter to rest.
“Case closed. I added, effectively silencing my assistant before he could make further
Moments later, we made our way to the boardroom. As I stepped into the room, a noticeable hush settled over the space, much
like the stillness before a storm. It wasn’t just because of my dominant personality; I suspected that my employees were
genuinely surprised to see me in person. I didn’t usually attend such minimal meetings.
For some reason, I couldn’t resist the urge to witness Hazel in action for myself, to see her at work
Taking my seat. I signaled the meeting to commence. It was Hazel who was heading the presentation, and I couldn’t help but
notice the significant changes in her. She had more confident over the years, radiating a newfound self-assuredness. Her beauty
had only

grown intensified, with long, flowing hair and a healthier appearance that made her look and more vibrant. Yet, her eyes, those
expressive windows to her soul, remained
younger unchanged. Throughout the presentation, she never once glanced in my direction, a sign of her discomfort in the

I could sense her unease, and it was entirely understandable. She must have felt uncomfortable working as a subordinate to her
ex-husband, wondering what my motives were for employing her. Knowing Hazel, she probably thought I had some ulterior
motive. I decided that after the meeting, we needed to have a conversation to break the ice.
In the boardroom, I found myself lost in thought, my focus drawn solely to Hazel. The words of the presentation and the voices in
the room faded into the background.
Sir, Axel’s soft tap on my arm brought me back to reality.
“Hmm I mumbled, momentarily confused by the sudden shift in focus. Everyone’s eyes were now on me, as if they were awaiting
my verdict.
The presentation has just concluded. Is there anything you’d like to say, perhaps some criticisms?” Axel whispered mindful:f the
watchful eyes on me.
I couldn’t make a statement about the presentation. I hadn’t been fully present, and I
couldn’t possibly criticize or commend something I hadn’t paid attention to.
“No, I have no comments for now,” I replied. It was unusual, as I typically found something to critique in every presentation
The board members appeared surprised by my response, as I was known for scrutinizing every detail of any work presented to
me. This is the first briefing, and I’m quite satisfied. for now,” I continued, deciding to conclude the meeting. That will be all,” I
stated, standing
I stood up and left the room, making my way back to my office.
Back in my office, I loosened my tie and cranked up the air conditioning to its highest setting. Axel was quick to recognize that
my mind had been elsewhere during the presentation, and he placed a folder on my desk detailing what had been discussed. .

“Have you made up your mind?” I inquired. “About not staying in the pack estate any longer?”
Axel nodded in response. “Td prefer to live somewhere else. The pack villa is too far from work. I need a place that offers easier
access to the city, where I can access everything.”
I understood his reasoning. Living with the pack wasn’t something he was accustomed to, and he expressed a desire to live
independently among others. “Have you found a place yet?” I asked.
He shook his head. “No, I haven’t decided. I’m still searching.

With a sense of finality, I requested, “Send for Hazel. We need to talk.”
Hazel entered my office, and her familiar scent filled the air, just as I remembered it. The subtle hint of orange and cinn a m o n
lingered, tickling my senses, even as she left the room. Being in the same space as her, I could sense her uncase, the guarded
stance she had. adopted. It was clear that she didn’t trust me, and I couldn’t blame her. Our parting hadn’t been exactly pleasant,
and while we weren’t enemies, our history was far from rosy.
Hazel looked me in the eyes and asked how I was. Her question caught me off guard. “Ethan, how are you?”
It was a question no one had ever posed to me and for a moment, I was unsure of how to respond.
“Empty,” I nearly found myself saying, and it was true. I had felt empty and lost for a long time, carrying around a persistent
hollowness within. The void was big and unrelenting, and despite the common belief that finding one’s mate would fill it, mine
remained unfilled. It was an emptiness that had lingered, a constant presence, and it refused to be vanquished. If I’d be honest
with myself, it worsened after Hazel left.
My gaze drifted to a framed photo of my mate and wife hanging on the wall. Bella. I had to tell her about Hazel working with the
company I had contracted, which meant she worked with me. I wondered how Bella would react, but I couldn’t find it in me to
care or be bothered by it. I had enough on my plate, and Bella was busy being a socialite, entangled in her own world.
Besides, I had a lot to deal with regarding Bella, and it seemed like another tiring evening awaited me at home. Hazel, on the
other hand, got to go home to those adorable round faces, and adorable eyed pups.
Six years had passed, and I couldn’t help but acknowledge her triumph. I chuckled lightly to myself, conceding that Hazel had, in
a way, won. She had it all – a loving family, a fulfilling career, and happiness, I couldn’t help but laugh at the irony. I had amas s e
d great wealth, but
it all seemed meaningless.
My phone buzzed, and I knew without checking that it was Bella calling. Only a handful of people had my phone number. “Hey,
love. I was wondering if we could have dinner together,” she said, her tone filled with excitement.
I’m really busy, Bella. I can’t sparc an hour right now,” I replied with a sigh, feeling suddenly exhausted and drained.
“Are you okay?” she asked, her tone shifting to concern. I couldn’t help but wonder her concern was genuine or just another
statement to getting what she wanted.
“There’s a gala tomorrow night...” She started but I cut her off.

“I’m busy.” I said finally hanging up.
The contrast between Hazel and Bella was stark. Did I have regrets? Perhaps. But I had made my choices, and I had to live with
Besides with what had happened with Bella, I owed her. A whole lot.
With a sigh I picked up my phone dialing her number. She picked at the first ring
“Bella, Let’s have lunch together”