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Aggressive Wife novel (Madeline and Noah)

Chapter 123
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Chapter 123

Back at the Maple Forest Villa, Madeline came out of the bathroom and saw Thomas's messages

flashing on her phone. She clicked on the chat and scrolled down. Most of the messages were the little

boy's complaints. She had just decided to read through them without answering when one particular

message caught her attention.

Noah had found out Thomas's name?

A disquieting feeling assailed her, and she rapidly typed a line of text to Thomas. "Noah's found out

who you are?"

Thomas replied immediately with, "That's not possible. Daddy thinks that Thomas is my nickname,

that's all. Don't worry, Mommy!"

A moment later, he sent another message. "That's right, Mommy, I've given Daddy your Instagram

account. He wants to add you to his friend list."

Madeline typed back, "What? Alright, what did he bribe you with?"

Thomas replied hastily, "No, no, that's not the case. How could I ever betray you, Mommy? I wouldn’t

do such a thing!"

Madeline responded with, "Are you absolutely sure?"

Thomas immediately replied, "Relax, Mommy, it's just that Daddy insisted on giving me pocket money,

that's all. He said since I'd just found Mommy again, he'd like it if I treated you to a really good meal. He

gave me 3 million, Mommy! So I reluctantly accepted it…"

Madeline's heart stopped for a moment. She typed back, "Noah knows you're my son?"

Thomas answered, "Yep! Daddy's pretty smart. I'm guessing he saw we get along well together and

figured it out himself!"

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Madeline sent back, "So you're saying you used your Golden Child account to collect the money, and

the name on the account just happened to be Thomas Grant?"

This completely threw Thomas for a loop, leaving him at a loss. It took a while before he finally

responded with, "Mommy, do you think I've been found out?"

Madeline responded with, "…"

She rubbed her forehead in frustration. That wretch Noah was far too intelligent for his own good, but to

use his intellect to trick a five-year-old child was too much!

She closed the chat, her mind in turmoil. Noah would not even let her take one son with her; if he

discovered that she had been pregnant with triplets back then, that would be a disaster. He would

certainly try and gain custody of all three children!

Madeline felt panic rising at this. Hurriedly, she asked Thomas where he was so she could bring him

home. However, Thomas did not reply for a while and this made her distinctly uneasy. The brat almost

always answered his messages instantly!

Madeline decided to go and look for him. She had just gotten into the car when she heard her

messenger notification chime. At first, she thought that Thomas had replied to her message, but when

she looked at her phone, she saw that someone had sent a request to add her to their friend list.

Feeling a little disappointed, she opened Instagram and immediately drew a sharp hiss of breath.

Noah was requesting to add her to his friend list. Not only that, he had even requested it under his own


Madeline ignored the request and started the car. However, the messenger notification chimed yet

again. When she looked, she saw that it was still Noah's friend request. This time, though, there was

an attached message that read, "Let me add you to my friend list, then I'll tell you where he is."

The minute she saw this, Madeline immediately turned the engine off. She sat in the car, staring at her

phone. From the looks of things, Thomas had not replied to her message because his father was

"holding him hostage," in a manner of speaking!

She hesitated for a moment but finally approved Noah's friend request.

Not long after that, a message popped up in the chat. It was the GPS coordinates for the Creek

Montessori School.

Madeline stared at the location, startled. She had expected Noah to hunt her down immediately and

demand an explanation after discovering Thomas's identity, but he had sent her the location of a school


What was going on? Had he sent that little rascal, Thomas, to a kindergarten?

Madeline's brain was full of questions, but she set them aside for the time being and drove to the

location she had been given.

Meanwhile, at the Creek Montessori School, Thomas was blissfully drinking a bottle of chocolate milk

and strolling around with Noah. "Daddy, I know everything they teach in kindergarten. Can I not go?"

He pouted, trying his best to persuade his father into agreeing.

He was not sure what was up with his daddy today. Noah's injury still seemed to be giving him trouble,

and he had already fainted this morning, but as soon as he regained consciousness, he had arranged

for Thomas to be enrolled in this kindergarten after only a brief moment of father-son bonding.

If it weren't for Noah's injuries, Thomas would have already escaped to go and see Madeline!

"You should attend kindergarten at your age." Noah interlaced his fingers with Thomas's small ones as

they strolled leisurely around the school's grassy field. Suddenly, he felt that life was good for a


If that ugly incident hadn't happened several years ago, he would be here with Madeline now, strolling

in the field with their son. They would be sending the boy to kindergarten every day and fetching him

home together every night, talking and laughing with the little rascal.

He reached for his phone and unlocked the screen. The chat log only contained the GPS location he

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had sent Madeline; she had not replied to him.

She would be here soon, in other words.

"Daddy, you're hurt. Why don't we go home first? I'll go to school when you're better!" Thomas racked

his brain to come up with a reason to avoid going to kindergarten. Besides, he had almost finished his

chocolate milk, and he still had not been able to coax Noah into allowing him to stay home from school.

"Colt, do you remember when I brought you here a month ago?" Noah found a place to sit on the

bleachers around the field and gently pulled Thomas down beside him. From this vantage point, they

could see several children playing soccer with their coach.

"Huh?" Thomas blinked, somewhat confused.

He had never been here before, but he wasn't sure if Colton had come with Noah previously. His daddy

had really been behaving oddly ever since he fainted earlier.

Daddy couldn't possibly have found out that he was pretending to be Colton, could he? Was he testing

Thomas right now?

"When I brought you here, you really liked the place. In fact, you even pulled me over to sit here with

you, saying you liked to see the children playing soccer on the field," Noah said. He did not bother to

check Thomas's reaction, but he seemed somehow very warm and affectionate.

"Really? I think maybe my brain is too little, so I can't really remember much. But you're fantastic at

remembering things, Daddy!" Thomas hedged rather awkwardly. He honestly did not know anything

about this kindergarten at all. Furthermore, he did not know any details of whatever memories Colt and

Noah had of this place, so he did not dare to fabricate anything.

What Thomas really wanted to do right now was to message Colton and ask what had happened.

Unfortunately, his scumbag daddy had borrowed his phone! Not only that, he did not know when Noah

would return it. Would he sound too petulant if he asked for his phone back?

Right as Thomas was trying his best to look casually at his daddy, Noah received a message from

Wayne on his phone with the results of Wayne's investigation.

Thomas Grant, the youngest competitor in the Youth Computer Networking Grand Championship, had

won first place…