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A Second Chance at Forever novel (Eleanor and Bernard)

Chapter 1137
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Chapter 1137

Young Liana, hitherto unreflective upon this matter, merely deemed her aunt to be assisting her in

pursuing the young man of her affections, thus, she felt the need to display greater courage and

obedience. She adhered to Karan’s desires, ever attentively caring for Tyler, consistently following in

his wake. She even resorted to employing the pretext of poor academic performance, seeking Tyler’s

aid, despite their relations being acrimonious to the extreme, nonetheless she mustered the fortitude to

approach him

She harbored the belief that through unwavering persistence, Tyler would assuredly be swayed by her

charms, and subsequently, develop a fondness for her, eventually leading to love Alas, reality proved

otherwise Tyler, due to his aversion towards Karan, equally held disdain for her Each time she drew

near, he would irrationally erupt in anger, asserting that she was merely Karan’s niece, skilled solely in

beguiling men. He consistently demanded that she

keep her distance

Yet, oddly enough despite Tyler’s aversion to her, he would appear at her room in the dead of night. On

the occasional moments she awakened, she would find him standing there, his gaze complexly fixed

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upon her. When discovered, he would cast her a fierce glare before turning and departing

Having chanced upon Tyler emerging from Liana’s room on several occasions, Karan abruptly altered

her stance, urging Liana to relinquish her affection for Tyler and instead develop feelings for Jules.

Jules was Liana’s classmate, and on one occasion, as she journeyed home after school, she

encountered a group of ruffians, from whom Jules rescued her and escorted her safely home. Karan

witnessed this incident.

Karan investigated Jules family background, finding it to be quite commendable. Although she did not

directly urge Liana to pursue Jules, she simply remarked that Jules seemed to be a well–mannered

young man, far more cultivated than Tyler, encouraging Liana to befriend him.

Liana, who initially lacked many friends, was further drawn to Jules, particularly due to his refined

manners and his proactive approach in engaging her in


Observing this, Karan invited Jules to their home, warmly welcoming him. As they grew acquainted,

Karan took the initiative to summon Jules frequently

for visits

Jules seemed to have a thing for Liana. She could tell but he didn’t confess and she didn’t want to

reject him without reason. Considering her affection for Tyler was met with cold shoulders, she became

more friendly towards Jules.

It was Karan who eventually nudged Jules to confess his feelings to Liana. When she told Karan that

she didn’t have feelings for Jules, Karan advised her not to reject him. She reasoned that with the

university entrance exam coming up, a rejection might affect Jules’s performance. Liana agreed and

told Jules they could consider dating after they both got into good universities. Jules enthusiastically


Finally, they both got into prestigious schools. Liana sincerely turned down Jules and plucked up her

courage to confess her feelings to the one she loved. However, the person she deeply loved,

responded to her heartfelt confession by raping her.

At that moment, her life trajectory underwent a profound transformation. Learning about Karan’s

unfortunate plight, she wept and resolutely demanded that those criminals face justice. Yet, when

Karan exposed Tyler as the mastermind, she seemed to lose her sanity, lunging forward with the intent

to vanquish Tyler. This vid scene remained imprinted in Liana’s memory.

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She always believed that her aunt loved her deeply. Upon discovering her brutal assault, Karan not

only personally dealt with the perpetrators but also vowed to see Tyler behind bars. However, due to

Tyler’s grandfather’s protection, he escaped legal repercussions and only received a severe lashing.

Tyler remained silent at the time, seemingly realizing the severity of his actions, choosing instead to

silently endure all the punishment.

Soon after, Karan discovered Liana’s pregnancy and confronted the Howell family, resolute in driving

Tyler away. Tyler remained wordless and took her away with him

He escorted her to a private hospital, where he personally performed a procedure to terminate her

pregnancy. Throughout, he inexplicably reprimanded her, deepening the animosity between them.

What truly haunted Liana was that after the surgery, he left her barely alive body abandoned in the

wilderness. He did not even show his face, as if he wanted to end her life.

In that moment, Liana yearned to confront Tyler and question his cruel treatment. She struggled,

enduring the physical pain, crawling desperately through the thorny undergrowth. However, no matter

how hard she tried, she could not escape that patch of foliage.

Having endured such agony, it was only natural for Liana to harbor hatred towards Tyler. Yet, Karan felt

no shame about Tyler; instead, she seemed to revel in triumph, sporting a victorious smile upon seeing

the figurative corpse of her enemy.