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A Love Reawakened The Alpha’s Regret by Alphabetical B

Chapter 46
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Chapter 46 Angela Never have I been so embarrassed in my entire life. The disgrace and the embarrassment all balled up together was enough to swallowwhole. Darius walkedout of his mansion because of Daisy.

I get it! He hates me! He doesn't want to see my guts but got f*ck sake, I couldn't believe he actually believed whatever shenanigans Daisy was pulling. She was probably mad at the fact that I was released when she had thought she would makebeg.

She madesuffer and at the end of the day, I got walked out of his hbecause of her. I really couldn't wrap my head around it. As I walked towards my mom's place, that was the only thing I could think of. I also didn't want to think about it anymore. The more I did, the more I'd give her room in my brain and I had more important things to think about. On top of that list was Reina.

It was almost ten in the morning, and taking Reina to school was impossible. It'll be better to let her study from htoday. 1 feel so bad for making her miss school today.

"Angela," at the call of my name, I looked up to see Halle. She was standing right there in front of my mom's house as if she had been waiting for me.

My footsteps receded, I wanted to turn and get out of that place. I believed her and Charles had good intentions forknow better now it was a lie, they didn't.

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"Halle. I called out.

She began walking towards me. She looked burdened. Her shoulders slumped and her eyes were sunken.

"Can we please talk?" She asked.

"About what?" I asked as well.

Charles," "What about him?" "Can we go somewhere private?" I shook my head so quickly it could snap off my neck. The last tI agreed to that, I was thrown into jail a few ho "No! We should talk here," She studied me, scrutinizingwith those pretty eyes of hers. My response had probably shocked her. She didn't expec "One of his subordinates toldhe was banished from the pack yesterday night without the knowledge of anyone." I stared at her. I begged at my face to act surprised but my brain wouldn't process the instruction. I wanted to act as if I didn't know a thing About what she was saying but I conceded defeat when I couldn't even do that.

"I heard about it," "The guy toldit had something to do with you. Was it about the escape plan you guys had?" She asked The only reason why I hadn't walked away from her was because of the sincere and worried look on her face but the moment she mentioned the escape plan, I knew she was a part of it.

but 1 *Escape plan? There was no escape plan, Halle. Stop making it stund as if we planned to escape from this pack for weeks. He 1/3 13:03 Tue, May 28 MM Chapter 46 68% toldsomething about Darius that day and I decided to leave that sday and he agreed to helpleave that SDAY. There was no plan. I didn't ask him to leave withlike he told Darius. I didn't tell him about any safe or any ?! document like he told Darius, I didn't try to sell Darius and this pack out like he did. My only crwas st*pidly believing him." "I'm sure he had his reasons," she argued with tears rolling down her eyes.

"His reasons?" I asked in disgust. "He draggedinto whatever he had going on by lying againstand you wantto believe that he had his reasons." I screamed.

Angela I stopped her.

"Did you guys becmy friend again because of a moment of weakness like that?" "It's not what you think," My eyes went wide at her words. "You had to reply with just a yes or a no, Halle," "The resistance wouldn't..." she looked behindand suddenly stopped.

"The what?" I asked.

What the f*ck did I just hear? A resistance? Isn't that like a rebel group or something? "The matter is too complicated for you to understand. Just know that whatever Charles did, he had his reasons and I'm so sorry he lied about things like that. I still believe you have it easier than him. He was banished and you can walk around freely Although her statement annoyed the life out of me, I laughed in her face. I swear I did and I enjoyed every bit of it "I have it easier. Do you wantto open my shirt for you so you can see how easily I have it? And no, I don't want to walk around freely in this place. I want to get out. I want to leave. Everything I've found out since yesterday was against my will, 1 want out, I screamed out frustration.

I want to protect my daughter from all of these. The secret, the resistance. The whatnots.

"What happened? Did he hit you?" She asked worriedly.

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"I almost believed that you were worried aboutagain. I almost fell for that st*pid shit," "Angela..." "Stop. I don't w want to see you aroundagain. If there's a resistance like you just said..." She interrupted me. "there's no resistance anywhere. That was a mistake,"

I smirked and I nodded all together at once. "Sure but if there is. I wish "You all luck because you'll be needing it when Darius Darkwood gets a hold of you all. I pray I don't get to see the bloodbath," "You're supporting him," she said.

1 shrugged. I was too angry to say anything sensible, so I am, ble, so I said "Maybe I a, maybe I'm not. Who knows, only tcan tell,"

"You were the only one who went closer to him when we doingwe were younger and you're still doing it now. Are you blind, Angela?" She yelled. "I'm not blind. I just still trust the devil I knew than the angels I know," I said referring to her and Charles.

2/3 13:04 Tue, May 28 i MM.

Chapter 46 "Y'all betrayals stings more." I spat before walking away.