Chapter 49 - part 2 Valen POV I got up to the sounds of Zoe getting the kids ready for school. I went to sit up and slide out from under Everly when Valarian cbounding into the room excitedly. Zoe was hot on his heels as she tried to stop him.
"Valarian, no mommy is sleeping," Zoe whisper yells, but it is too late as the door smacks into the wall with a loud bang. Everly, however, does not wake up. I twist out from under her, and Valarian seeingmoving, races over while Zoe blinked at me.
"You're in bed; I thought you left” "Very observant, and yes, I am still here,” I tell her as Valarian climbs in my lap before I even have a chance to get up.
"Are you takingto school?" I look over at Everly, still passed out as she moves closer in her sleep, burying her face in the pillow I was using. "No, Valarian, your father isn't dressed, and we are running late," Zoe says, coming over and plucking him off my lap. I glance at the clock on the bedside table, and so does Valarian; he would be nearly an hour early.
0.00% x+ 111 O Chapter 49-pen 7 1128 "We don't need to leave until it says eight, three, zero, Zoe, he says, his brows furrowing.
"We will be late to get breakfast on the way from McDonalds if we don't leave now," she says, hauling him out. Zoe winks at me, and I scrub a hand down my face, trying to wake up.
"Zoe!" She stops at the door and looks over at me.
"Don't forget to ring Emily," I tell her, and she glares at me. Her lips press into a line. If a look could kill, Zoe would have murdered me. I chuckle as she leaves, taking Valarian with her.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtI hear the kids making demands for their McDonald's breakfast as they leave before laying back down. Everly instantly slid her way back over toand tosses her leg over my waist before nestling her face back into my neck. Gripping her thigh, I haul her on top of me, and I hear her sigh makinglaugh softly.
She will probably kill me, but she wasn't complaining right now. I manage to go back to sleep before waking up to wandering hands roaming over my stomach and chest. I blink up at the ceiling to see her half on top ofstill. Her head falls back on my arm, and I swallow at the sight of her neck. So tempting, and it would be so easy to mark her while she was like this. I roll on my side and skim my nose across her 12.07% O < Chapter 49 par 2 neck and shoulder.
11 7887/ouchers Everly has a spicy floral scent, my mouth waters as I inhale deeply before running my tongue over her neck before freezing. Recognition smashes intoas I gave in to instinct, and I quickly rip my face away from her neck, feeling my canines pressing into my lips. I suck in a deep breath before untangling myself from her. I need to get away from her while she is in this state before I do something that would make her hate me. My stomach twists as I force myself out of the room.
Needing a distraction, I flick the kettle on and start picking up toys and clothes that must be from this morning. Hours pass when I finally look up, having completely forgotten about the coffee I intended to make. I had managed to clean the entire tiny apartment.
"Shit!" I curse under my breath. Was it weird I cleaned her place? Would she find it insulting, would Zoe? I pull a chair out from under the table, attempting to make a slight mess so it doesn't look so clean, but all I can smell was bleach, taste it in the back of my mouth. The washing machine makes a noise singing loudly as the spin cycle finishes, and I walk away to put it in the dryer before stopping. I need to put the damn chair back straight. Maybe I am slightly compulsive, but I had reason to be. I need the distraction, so I don't walk in there and mark her against her will. I realign the chair, my nervousness making it challenging to stop. Passing Valarian's room, I recheck it, but his room is already spotless. I place the clothes in the dryer, turning it on before chucking another load on, but it was only 26.69% O ||| O ☐ Chapter 49 part 2 288 Vouchers half a load. I quickly look around, trying to find more clothes.
Stopping at Everly's door, I push it open. I need to clean it; I run my fingers over her dresser. When was the last tshe dusted? I flick my hand, ridding it of the dust before scooping up her work clothes and sniffing them to see if they had her scent on them or not. She had so many uniforms, scattered around her room. She moves on the bed, and I glance at her, but she is still asleep.
Scooping up another handful of clothes that were on my side of the bed, I sniff them when she clears her throat. I glance at her mid sniff to find her staring at me. She blinks atand rubs her eyes, sitting up.
"What are you doing?" she asks.
"Ah, washing," I tell her holding up the pieces I just grabbed off the floor that fell under the bed. My eyes dart to what was in my hand. I blink.
"Does that require you to sniff my panties and cami?” she asks before reaching over and snatching them from my grip. My eyes widen.
"I wasn't, I was seeing if they were clean." "Well, were they Mr. Sniffer?" I clear my throat. Standing upright. Well, this got awkward 45.19% O < Chapter 49 - part 2 fast.
1288 ¡Vouchers "I swear, I was not sniffing them in a sordid way, see, I have an armful. I just cin here to see if any needed washing," God, that sounded leven to my own ears, not sniffing her panties in a sordid way. Who says that? "Did you sniff Zoe's panties too?" she says, pointing to the clothes under my arm.
"What? No, I just grabbed these out of the hamper in the bathroom." "I'm playing Valen," she chuckles, tossing her panties and cami to me. I let out a breath.
"But if you are looking for a job, I am seeking a nanny," she laughs.
"Ha, very funny." "Wait, really?" I could be a nanny, maybe pappy, nanny sounds a little feminine, but I would if it meant spending more there.
"No, but hey, you want to clean. One less thing forto do," she says, swinging her legs over the side of the bed.
"Coffee?" she asks, and I nod, scooping up a dress from the 5835% O < Chapter 49 part 2 19 Ye back of her chair. Everly moves to the kitchen while I go to the tiny laundry and put another load of washing on. "Did you sort out my pantry?" she asks as I walk back into the living room slash kitchen dining room. I say nothing, feeling awkward suddenly.
"Where is the coffee?" she asks, rummaging around. I walk over to her, reaching past her, and she jumps when I press against her back.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmI grab the coffee jar and sugar. "Right here," I retrieve the two canisters.
"Ah, we have been meaning to use those,” she says. I found the decorative canisters still in the box, a whole heap of Tupperware still in the wrappers like they brought them and forgot about them. Everly turns around.
"Excuse me," she says, squeezing past me. She grabs two mugs, and I lean on the counter, watching her. "I got rid of your pills in the sultana box," I tell her, and her hand stops mid-air.
"You what?" "You don't need them." 68.67% O +4 x+ O ||| O Chapter 49-part 2 "Valen, you can't just throw things out." 19 jee crochord
"Valarian said Zoe banned them from the house, so you could either accept it and ringwhen you needor you can tell Zoe they are in the house and I will give them back," I tell her, folding my arms across my chest. She growls, and I raise an eyebrow at her. "Is that a purr or a growl, a little hard to tell.” She glares at me.
"So, what will it be?" She turns back to make the coffee.
"Or I could just stay here, or we can alternate between both places. I was going to ask if I could take Valarian for the weekend anyway," "Valen, you don't even have a room for him set up or anything for a child at your place." "I will go get sstuff or send Marcus too. I can look after our son, Everly." "I will think about it; we have the Alpha meeting on Friday, maybe the weekend after," she says, sliding a coffee over to me.
"Why not this weekend?" 79.48% O +4 x+ $ㄨ≡。 < Chapter 40 part 2
"Valen, we are about to publicly announce we are mates, and that will change things for Valarian. I don't wan't too much to change too quickly." "Then stay with him." "I am not staying at your place. Besides, I have to work"
"Then he will be fine with me, or I stay here. Either way, I am seeing my son on the weekend, so choose," Pargue. She ignores me, walking back to her room to get ready for work. I follow, sitting on her bed. "Ah, what are you doing?" "Finishing our conversation." "It can wait, I need to get ready." "Then get ready. I thought women could multitask, or can't you talk and get dressed at the stime?" She growls at me, but I refuse to leave even when she glares atas I get comfortable on the bed and watch her.
"Valen, Out!" "So, the weekend?" she snarls while snatching clothes off the 90.09% ||| O < Chapter 49-part 2 hanger.