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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 334
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Chapter 334: Report

Curtain close shut, the amber from the interface partially lit the office. Bookcases turned to shadows of never-ending solitude, the atmosphere turned claustrophobic.

“M-majesty,” lost track of the ladies, a single point of focus, Staxius’s emotionless face. Neither was it too dark nor too light, a perfect balance. The latter used for the relaxation of the guest’s mind had an adverse effect. Ryul, elf and used to the bright sky, had a sliver of terror rose from inside. One hailed from the subconscious. Readied to speak, Staxius waited patiently, any feeling of guilt would rise from within. Unless one was versed in the ways of interrogation and trained to handle mental battles disguised as a chat, the body always gave signs.

All-seeing eye active, the emotionless stare changed to one of fury; the hues of fire had the Elf cowering. Pinching his thighs, Ryul managed to regain composure in facing the guild master, “Why did you call for me?”

“Right,” relaxed to stern, “-I’ve matters that have been brought to my attention. It concerns the queen and you.”

‘Queen and me?’ gulped, ‘-does he know?’ eyes narrowed and ears twitched, “-could you elaborate?”

“Yes,” blank, “-rumors have spread around the noble houses. I think it might be wise to, let see,” leaned on the chair, “-face them openly.”

‘He knows... doesn’t he? Why can’t I read his face,’ frustrated and shook, the heart spiked to which sweat filled the forehead? “W-what rumors?”


“Rumors of the mines being shut down,” direct, ‘-you’re hiding something,’ thought Staxius in control of the discussion.

“W-what mines, I thought you were referring to the possible takeover of the univer-” stopped, ‘-what am I saying?’ a nervous shake of the head, “-the mines are being shut down?”

“Yes,” choosing to ignore the obvious blunder, “-that’s why I called you here.”

“What c-can I do?”

“A lot of things, actually,” elbow on the table, “-you could assist the scholars in creating the paths leading to said mine.”

“What about the Queen’s orders,” distraught, “-I thought she stopped the operation,” a sliver of discontent flashed across the face.

“The area is owned by Phantom. The University’s magical weapon’s research is also under my rule as well as the land around Arda. That is why I called you here, to have assistance in creating paths using magic. The Ether element would be convenient for construction.”

“I-I see...”

“Master Ryul,” interjected Serene with a smile.

“W-what is it?” broken out of the would-be dream, she leaned over to hand papers.

“Kindly review the papers,” the allure of a nightwalker, “-I hope for you to help us,” comforting, the hands slowly reached for a stamp inside his robe.

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“I-if it’s what his majesty wants,” stamped, “-then I shall do what is must.”

“Good,” parted sharply, the curtain had the sun beamed into the room. Blinding to the point of disorientation, Ryul left with a nervous expression.

*Click,* the door shut, “-learn anything of value?” asked Serene with the signed papers.

“Yes,” smiled, “-Ryul and the queen have plans on doing something.”

“Is it normal that the paper lit?” asked Intherna with eyes on the supposed papers.

“You noticed,” stood with a nod of acknowledgment, “-those papers aren’t normal.”

“What do you mean?” from one, it separated into multiple blank copies. “What?” baffled, the latter was thrown on the table.

“Alchemy is a very good tool,” examining one of said papers, “-the flash of light was a reaction brought on by Ryul. An original replica of his personal crest. Contracts, agreements, and much more. With this, I can essentially take away his power as representative and professor at the universities. An ace in the hole.”

“How did you?”

“Going into details shan’t do us good. Have those blanks securely locked. Two of them will be drafted into agreements of abdication from the royal council as well as personal wealth.”

“Are you going to blackmail him?” inquired Intherna impressed by what transpired.

“Not exactly blackmail, it’s insurance. Don’t forget, we’re waging war against the monarch of Arda.”

“What about you, aren’t thee the monarch?” perplexed, she tilted her head and watched.

“I’m the monarch, yes. Only because I’m married to Shanna.”

“Majesty, thee forgets that thou art the leader of the nightwalkers. The title of Blood King isn’t for show, thou have the right to start a new kingdom as well as a faction.”

“I know,” turned to Serene, “-that is why I’ve chosen to take out her support first. The castle is in disarray ever since her rather faulty mistakes and stupid orders. Many are soon to wonder if what she’s doing is right. To do so, we need the majority of the representatives, excluding the nobles.”

“Are you planning a coup?”

“That isn’t my intent. What I wish to send across is the message that if she continues down the path of reckless abandon, the wrath of the people will fuel my climb.”

“I see,” smiled Intherna with an innocent expression, ‘-all that he does and says has a deeper meaning. Purposefully ignoring Ryul’s blunder, Serene’s charm at knowing how and where to speak to have a mind turn to confusion. Interesting,’ joyful, “-very interesting.”

*Knock, knock,*

“Who is it?” asked the secretary.

“It’s me,” a relieved face of a demi-human walked straight into the office without care, “-STAXIUS,” overwhelmed, her steps turned into a sprint.

“Calm it,”

“I CAN’T,” Haru leaped with mischievousness brought from within.

“Be careful,” side-stepped out of her path, he reached out to grab her arm and pull. Rocked, she stood with the head-spinning, “-Is that how you treat a lady?” pouted, another entered the room.

“Guild master,” saluted Mieshre.

“What is this about?” suspicious, Staxius stepped back to lean against the table.

“We’ve come to say but one thing,” in line, the guild leaders bowed, “-thank you for saving the life of a fellow comrade.”

Inches away from a metallic grip under the table, ‘-are they here to say thank you?’ the arms crossed. Glances exchanged with Serene revealed that her nails and teeth were sharpened. Nodded, her face returned to courteous. Facing Intherna, the girl did naught but wait.

“There’s one more thing,” smiled Haru, “-the merchant is awake.”

“Is that so,” they left the room to head downstairs. Plans of revolt, plans of having Shanna feel his presence were yet to be put underway. On alert, Staxius and Serene were seen as a potentially rebellious faction. Nightwalkers, famed and hailed for being strong, were also subject to less than ideal chatter. Views as god yet spoken as if trash, many held resentment for the long years of suffering their kind brought. Sucking blood till death – the night was once a death sentence.

Sat on chairs aligned against the wall, Class 2A waited patiently for instructions. Few discussions on the reality of fighting monsters, questions, and so forth, was answered by Haru and Mieshre during the interrogation upstairs. Glory and praise with the price being their lives. Young and cared for with the utmost diligence, the mindset of being treated as noble didn’t allow the girls to even think of fighting. As for the commoners, they knew all too well of the pain the devils brought. Mixed feelings displayed across the faces, Staxius gave a once over to then meet with the trader.

“Guild Master,” fatigued, “-sorry to have called you.”

Choosing to let the man speak, he waited with a calm expression, one that had the trader breathed a few sighs of relief. “I was part of the supply team put together and sent to Mont Blanc. Two Bronze and three rubies; after god knows how long, we arrived at the village of the winged-wolves. The situation is far worse than is being reported. That village, once a town, is in ruin. The inhabitants have fled farther down the Mont. Despite the warnings, we pushed through the harsh climate to venture up high. The first team, as we speak, is still fighting. From a supply run to life or death, we were ambushed. The adventurers died protecting the carriage, I thought I was next till the first team came in rescue. Next thing, I awoke in the village to be sent back. They are in severe need of help, Guild Master. The Winged-wolves are nearing exhaustion of viable food and drink.”

“No more,” spoke Staxius softly caressing the trader’s forehead, an assistant cast a sleeping spell.

“What now?” asked the guild leaders shaken by the news of death.

“T-they died...” whimpered Haru, “-a-all of them?”

“Yes,” holding a strong front, “-we must honor their memories,” the heart of a true warrior didn’t allow Mieshre to cry for it would be an insult.

“There’s only one thing to do,” turned to Serene, “-come with me,” stepped into the hall. “Class 2A,” they stood, “-it’s been my pleasure to have thee visit the province. As you’ve seen, the situation has taken a turn for the worse.”

“What are you going to do?” asked Tony with a tense stance.

“That isn’t of the issue, priority is thy safe return to Oxshield. I’ll have Courtney bring the plane. Pack up thy stuff, go out into town, purchase some souvenirs.”

“Clo,” gestured to an assistant.

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“Yes, guild master?”

“Have funds readied for the students,” of which she nodded and left.

“Just like that?” asked Simone.

“Mind thy tongue,” glared the secretary.

“Let him speak.”

“N-no,” he pointed to Eira, “-I only repeated what she said.”

“Is there something you wish to add?” asked courteously, Staxius waited to see her resolve.

“What does it matter to you,” she rolled her eyes defiantly.

“That’s it,” strict, “-rest of class 2A, Guild Leader Haru, shall give thee a tour. I’ve a few words to discuss in private with her highness.”

“B-but s-sire,” shyly, Ysmay tried to mediate to then be stopped by Anastasia.

Locked in the office with Intherna and Serene outside, the curtains swayed with the wind.

“Why did you bring me here?” frowned, anger could be sensed oozing.

“To have a tête-à-tête, does the meaning elude thee?” calmly, cigar lit.

“Discussion, let’s get this over with already,” not wanting to partake, her eyes stared the bookshelves.

“Listen,” puffed, “-princess of Hidros, daughter of Gallienne and Piers. There’s something you need to know. The words that you said, and I quote, you’re not my father, opened my eyes. I thought long and hard about this day. The day where we’d eventually part ways. Going forward, I’ll do what is best to suit my purpose. Enough playing house, you created this outcome based on thy actions and words. I’ve tried, believe me, I’ve tried to be a good father. A good place to study, a good home, and plenty of money to spend each month. All you had to do was study and become someone you were proud of. Guess that was my fault, always looking out for you, I wanted to see you one day fighting by my side. Stories have to come to an end. Say the word,” a blank stare, “-tell me what you want. Your claim to Hidros remains true. Gallienne even said so, she said that she wanted to have you back in her life. I was the one who obstinately refused said offer. Thus, here’s what I’m proposing. Follow thy heart, resent me, I care not. Do what makes you happy.”

“There you go again,” watery, her face stood on the verge of sobbing, “-always acting kind, always giving me the choice to go against you. Why, just why, why do you always act like the bad guy. You willingly try to become the center of hate, WHY,” stomped to where he stood, “-ARE YOU GOING TO LET ME LEAVE WITHOUT A FIGHT?” tears flowed, sniffles followed by a wipe from her sleeves.

“Did I say anything about letting you go?” grabbing her head, he gently placed it against his chest. “I never said anything about letting you leave. I might have implied it, though the words never came. Eira, you’ll always be my daughter.”

“W-wait,” calmed, she took a step back, “-did y-you p-plan this?”

“Don’t forget who’s thy father.”


“Honestly, WHY,” she dashed to give a combo of light punches.

“Stop,” he laughed, ??-I had forced you into feeling guilty, else, that supposed rebellious nature would have stayed.”

“You’re the worse,” she mumbled.