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The Unbreakable Bond By Cornelia Darwin

Chapter 278
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Chapter 278

“She felt nausea during pregnancy. I intended to have her stay in the hospital and have a good rest, but

she insisted on attending the banques. I can do nothing but accompany her. Otherwise, I won’t rest


Brett was nearly scared to death when Elanor was sent to the hospital that day.

But it was fortunate in the end that nothing serious happened to Elanor. Otherwise, Brett might have

done something beyond his senses.

Seeing Elanor surrounded by Rosalind, Paulina, and Kyle, Brett harbored the concern that they might

accidentally touch her and impact the baby. He spent much effort to finally suppress his impulse to rush

over and pull Elanor away:

“The young lady seems to prefer not having you around her all the time. You’re gelling more and more

shameless!” The tour of Leonardo was obviously tinged with a hint of ridicule

After all, pursuing a woman shamelessly was not in line with what the dandy Brett used to do. He would

never stoop to pester a woman, especially one whom he had previously abandoned.

Dwelling on an abandoned woman was not something that Brett would do.

“What can I do if I don’t pester her! I’ve fallen in love with her. It’s me who has hurt her before, but now

I’m willing to do whatever i ukes to regain her love, even if I have in kneel on a keyboard. Besides…

Brett wore a face of helplessness but then blushed and failed to conceal the brinkle in his eyes.

“Besides what?”

Leonardo raised his eyebrows and retrieved a glass of wine from the water’s tray. Looking at the

giggling Brett, Leonardo couldn’t help but see him as another Jacob, do Boundered in the face of his

girlfriend’s family. They both looked. muddleheaded.

“Besides, she is laving my child. I must win her heart back as soon as possible. I can’t wait to have a

wedding until the child is born. If not, it will be difficult to explain to the child, and Ebnor will also regret


After saying that, Brett, who had always been known for his pride, even displayed a faint blush and an

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unlidden excitement

on his face.


Leonardo suddenly spat out the wise he had just drunk with an astonis

“She’s really carrying your baby?”

Leonardo and Thomas were speculating that day that child might be Brett’s, but Leonardo didn’t expect

it to bec

Thinking of Brett’s words, Leonardo was lost in his droughts.

Leonards thought, ‘Even Brett knows to give Elanor a wedding ceremony before the baby is born so

that no regret will be


But what have I done!

For the past five years, Rosalind has been abroad alone. She h ore the sufferings of pregnancy,

delivery, and diseases all on her own. Yarına and Kevin have even never experienced paternal love

after birth 1awe them too mich

“Rosalind, I’m so sorry. I was loved up at that time and yelled at you. Thanks for awakening me.

Otherwise, I wouklr’t be

wut I am now.”

The women were talking enthusiastically when Elanar suddenly held Rosalind’s hand with guilt on her


In the past, she was too absorbed in her love for Brett and had given Rosalind a harsh reprimand for

mistaking her for Brett’s lover, But now Elanor only felt she was reckless and foolish at that time when

thinking of this

“What’s the matter? Why haven’t we brand it from you?”

Paulina looked at Rosalind out of curiosity, and an intrigued k ook was on her face.

It seemed that many things had happened during her absence, and Paulina was in a state of confusion

throughout their.


“Nothing important. It has all passed,” Rosaliral said with a faint smile, as it happened a long time ago

and she didn’t take it to


esides, Rosalind also thought that Elanor was the victim while Brett was the unflicter. And Elanor’s

outburst did not result

any significant harm to her. Thus, Rosalind had already dismissed it from her mind.

“Speaking of which, no discord, no concord. Without the misunderstanding we had last time, we

wouldn’t have gotten so close right?



Chapter 278

Seeing that Rosalind really didn’t mind at all. Elanor nodded shyly, and only then did her heart fall into

her stomach.

“Definitely!” responded Elanor.

“You’re having Bret’s baby?”

Although Elanor covered it well. Rosalind sull poved the question tritatively after catching sight of

Elanor’s slightly raised abdomen.

Elanor pursed her lips and then nodded after a moment of hesitation


Elanor gently touched her lower abdemen and a perplexed look appeared on her face.

“Rosalind, do you think that it’s because I’m carrying his baby that Brett has been pestering me these

days and asking me to marry him?”

This was the perplexity that had been preoccupying Elanor these days

Brew had Erinly ended their relationship and explicitly instructed her to not appear in from of him


It had only passed a short time before Brett expressed his desire to marry Elane. No matter how Elanor

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analyzed it, she thought that he was only driven by the baby.

She couldn’t stop thinking. “If if I wasn’t carrying Breit’s baby, or someone else was would be even give

me a second glaneri

Looking at Elanor’s peopleand look, Rosalind extended her hand and patted her on the shoulder.

“Don’t burden you with that. Whether he dues this out of love for you or because of the baby, you will

always sense it after a long time.

“However, I don’t think Brett will bear his grievance to marry someone he doesn’t lie because of the

baby. In the past few months since you broke up, I have never seen lam walk close to any other

wonen. Maybe he’s really attached to you.

“You don’t have to worry about it right now. What you should do first is take care of yourself. As for

whether or not to marry Brett, you can consider it in the future,”

Rosalind wauft putting in a good word for Brett. After all, she had seen how jerky Ben was in the past.

However, at W.IN undeniable that Brent had distanced hanselt from romantic relationships during these

recent months Rosalind said this just because she didn’t want Elanor to make a hasty decision.

“You’re right, Rosalind. You can raise the was children so well alone, and so can t Ill raise the baby

after its birth.

“As for Beet… Humph, it depends on his performance. If he does everything for the sake of the child, I

will let him get out of my life immediately and then marry someone else so that the child can call

another man daddy”

Instead of entering into a marriage with a man who did not reciprocate her feelings. Elanor preferred to

pursue a relationship with someone she didn’t love. By doing that, at least she wouldn’t get hurt.

Rosalind and the other ladies were all amused by Elanor’s childish words.

“You’re right. We women should just keep an open mind and refrain from putting all our eggs in one

basket. Have you heard of another saying

Paulina blinked at them while laughing and posing the question wittily

“What is it” Elanor’s ifiterest was raised by Paulina

“Goodbye is no big deal; the next one will be better still!”

“Haha.. the others burst into laughter.

They were so amused that they couldn’t resist their laughter and the other guests all directed their

attention at them.