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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 862
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Violet couldn’t away the temptations, besides, she thought that she’ll just give some information that she already knew but was actually useless because Gulli and the others didn’t contact her.

That way, not only she would receive the reward but she wouldn’t be betraying her friends, her thoughts were nice but reality was often disappointing.

The demom god captured her soul and have learned about the existence of the five girls, after obtaining this information, the subordinates of the demon god immediately went to capture the girls.

She felt despair, the demon god granted her wish and publicized that she was the person that gave the information about this, this had only further broke her will.

Gulli and the others came out of hiding, they went all out to rescue the girls, unfortunately, they only managed to salvage their soul but ultimately failed to save them intact.

For this reason, Gulli risked it and all and tries to kill her, she still hadn’t obtain her vengeance, nor was she able to show to her family that she wasn’t just a defective product.

She and Gulli fought and she nearly died, she cast away her guilt and tried hard to survive the hunt of her former friends, the demon god took this opportunity to recruit, she quickly accepted his help.


This was her story and how her greed have cause her only true friends in this world into her mortal enemy, Shadowslash sighed after reading her memories but he still didn’t hold back.

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He use his soul chains to pull her soul out of her body, he then take one of the girls soul and transfered it into her body, the process might look easy in the eyes of others but it was actually a great burden for him.

Fortunately, his soul is much stronger compared to others and he has Grim that have thousand of years of experience towards soul, because of this, the process was a success without any problem.

Just as Gulli was about to approach, he was stopped by Crunch, he had received a command earlier, stops anyone from interfering, realising his mistake, Gulli guiltily walks away.

Shadowslash heaved a sigh of relief and use his power vital essence to repair all the broken bones, his healing treatment seems to have awoken the sleeping soul, because of her lack of Nascent Soul, her strength started dwindling down and finally stops at the first gate of Xiantian Emperor Realm.

Gulli started tearing up, even though the appearance is still Violet, the soul inside is one of his lovers, he couldn’t but want to fly towards her and give her a warm hug.

Shadowslash spoke, “The soul is still getting used to her new body, because of her state on her soul, she might have some problem towards her memories and intelligence, do not worry, other than the problem regarding her memories, her intelligence would recover.”

“Also, give the girls a new name, it seems that this was the only way they’ll be able to finally cast away their former selves making the possession much safer and smoother.”

If they continue to hold their grudges in the past in their adaptation and acception state, their soul would transform into vengeful spirits and this would lead rejection on their current body.

Gulli nodded, he nervously walk to his lover, the girls looks at him with confusion, she doesn’t know why but she felt a sense of intimacy towards him, she stood up unsteadily.

Her current cultivation realm is Xiantian Emperor, since she couldn’t control her strength, the ground trembles lightly, Gulli flashes right besides her and held her before she falls.

She smiles innocently, upon seeing her like this, Gulli’s heart became warm, Shadowslash then approaches her which made her vigilant and she instinctively felt a sense of disgust towards him.

He knew that this was the work of Violet’s instinct, she has a strong sense of dislike towards strangers, especially men, he flashes besides her and knock her unconscious, he then started transforming her body into a new appearance.

She still has her devilish hot body but her pupils have become gold, not only that, her hair became light purple, her wings have also changed into smaller wings and her horns become smaller and much curved.

Gulli watches as her lover changes appearance, after a couple of minutes, she had finally awoken from her slumber, she felt different but she can’t explain her feeling, she could only hope that it wasn’t a bad thing.

“Gulli, go teach her some simple cultivation technique and the knowledge of this world, she will be your responsibility at this moment, me and rest would look for the other suitable bodies for the remaining girls.” Seeing them like this, he decided to give them some alone time.

Red approached him and commented, “Master, there are countless suitable vessels at the Lust Kingdom, besides, the Asmodeus Family is one of the subordinates of the demon god.”

Shadowslash took note, he then left, his next destination is Lusk Kingdom, if he arrive there, he’ll be a fish in water, the lust Kingdom advocates sex but no one dares to openly follow this because the succubus or the demons there primally feast on their partners.

His illusion and his two bloodlines are both extremely powerful at attracting the opposite sex, it even works to the same gender, this is how powerful his bloodlines are, other than finally obtaining a stable power to this world.

He also has some idea of devouring some main members of the Asmodeus Royal Family, if he could absorb the bloodline of all seven royal demon family, his strength would increase, also his demon bloodline would definitely increase to a whole new level, it might be even comparable to divine bloodline.

The place where his Dantian World entrance is situated in, is in the outskirt of the Lust Kingdom, so he quickly managed to arrive at the main capital of the kingdom.

“Get lost w*nch!” Screams a tall and burly minotaur looking demon, Shadowslash looks at the little girl that was smacked away, his expression changes, he help the little girl and heals her, at the same time, he release his spiritual sense and stunned the minotaur.

The little girl looks at him and actually touch his private part, this startled him and immediately stops her, the little girl sweet voice rang on ear, “Mister, I can pleasure you, just please give me something to eat.”

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He took a deep breath to calm his raging heart, he knew that this was the demon realm, it is a place full of evil, orphans would either became slaves, experiments or food.

It is unlike Thousand Forest Continent, the orphans were given a place to call home, they would also given purpose for their lives, it is heaven compared to this world.

He lifted the little girl, he put her on one of the table and release his aura slightly making those that were spying on them to quickly turn pale, he went inside the kitchen.

His presence doesn’t alarmed anyone because no one could see or sense him, he walk to the backdoor and there, the minotaur demon could be seen standing dumbly.

He grabs it and kills it without any hesitation, he then brought it back to the kitchen and cook the minotaur, turning the brawny demon into both a soup and a meal.

He stored it inside Amethyst and gave it to the little girl, the large meal was extremely sumptuous looking, her little tummy couldn’t help but grumble, she looks at the man that gave her the meal and started to tear up a little.

She ate the meal, without her knowledge, the food that she was eating was made up of the minotaur that hurt her earlier, after being filled, she looks at Shadowslash and hesitated.

She gritted her teeth and grabs his clothes and whisper something on his ears, he nodded causing the little girl to beam in happiness, she then brought him in a dark, dirty and smelly alleyway.

There is a house but before the little girl could go inside, she could hear the bed creaking and her expression immediately become cold, Shadowslash scans the inside of the house and saw a demon going about it with a thin succubus.

He started laughing as he had his way to the sick female demon, besides them was a baby crying, Shadowslash expression turns cold, he then looks at the little girl and asks, “Is it okay to kill the guy inside?”

The little girl nodded, she then said with hatred in her voice, “Please give him the greatest pain that you could give, he is the reason why our lives are so miserable.”

Listening to her request, he nodded and the demon that was having his way started floating, he was then slammed into the walls, breaking it, he was greeted by the little girl and Shadowslash looking at him coldly.

*Crack* Sounds of bones getting broken could be heard, the expression of the demon became ugly and he started screaming in pain.